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Gold - what should I buy?

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Hi Guys 

I've been stacking silver for years, but since Brexit and no VAT free way of legally acquiring I've stopped (apart from a kilo Queens Beast which I couldn't resist).

I now have some money burning a hole, so thinking a few ounces of gold. What gold though? Thinking Krugers (as everybody knows what they are so are easily sellable), I do like the Maple - it looks real pretty, also thinking Queens Beast as coin collectors might drive prices up down the line? Or should I go Sovs?

CGT isn't a consideration as far as I'm concerned, running rings around HMRC is a specialist subject of mine!

So what shiny stuff would you steer a gold newbie to?

Thanks in advance!

Edited by MonkeysUncle
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13 minutes ago, MonkeysUncle said:

Hi Guys 

I've been stacking silver for years, but since Brexit and no VAT free way of legally acquiring I've stopped (apart from a kilo Queens Beast which I couldn't resist).

I now have some money burning a hole, so thinking a few ounces of gold. What gold though? Thinking Krugers (as everybody knows what they are so are easily sellable), I do like the Maple - it looks real pretty, also thinking Queens Beast as coin collectors might drive prices up down the line? Or should I go Sovs?

CGT isn't a consideration as far as I'm concerned, running rings around HMRC is a specialist subject of mine!

So what shiny stuff would you steer a gold newbie to?

Thanks in advance!

Am new to stacking myself only started January I started off with a few 1/4 oz Britannia’s (ended up with 4 so had an oz )  these are nice coins but premiums are a lot

i also bought a few sovereigns which I’ll now likely stack mainly but I will buy 1oz gold coins as I do like them acquired a Britannia and a buffalo up to now lovely coins. 

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18 minutes ago, kimchi said:

Sovs if you don't plan on adding to your stack much in future or are not sure at the moment. if you go on the run internationally they are pretty much as good as Krugs :) If you want a couple of ounces Brits are a nice gold coin imo compared to some, some like ASEs etc, I like Somali Elephants but not sure what the premium is like. Yes you can take a punt on the extra premium for e.g available Beasts (I like the Completer myself and that's out now, but so do many others, not sure what else apart from the Greyhound I've just seen - not the most popular Beast so may actually be one of the better bets in the future).

We have a resident HMRC* Inspector on the forum, @HerefordBullyun I'd like to see you try to run round his ring! :o




* Her Majesty's Rectal Cavity :)

OI @kimchi my dirty balloonknot /1970s tea towel holder nor anyones that I am inspecting is my business! My business and clients is purely confidential. But to promote more business ive adopted this song. It normally play it when I take clients out for business lunch down the star of India. Complimentary tube of pile cream included post meal on payment of 25 oz of Silver or 2 sovs!



Edited by HerefordBullyun

Central bankers are politicians disguised as economists or bankers. They’re either incompetent or liars. So, either way, you’re never going to get a valid answer.” - Peter Schiff

Sound money is not a guarantee of a free society, but a free society is impossible without sound money. We are currently a society enslaved by debt. My favourite chat up line - J'adorerais te mettre dans la pipe.
If you are a new member and want to know why we stack PMs look at this link https://www.thesilverforum.com/topic/56131-videos-of-significance/#comment-381454
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17 minutes ago, HerefordBullyun said:

OI @kimchi my dirty balloonknot /1970s tea towel holder nor anyones that I am inspecting is my business! My business and clients is purely confidential. But to promote more business ive adopted this song. It normally play it when I take clients out for business lunch down the star of India. Complimentary tube of pile cream included post meal on payment of 25 oz of Silver or 2 sovs!

My piles have piles now, my GP has said they now count as a separate patient and appointments have to be made separately :blink:

By the way mate, I've been clearing some very old family stuff out the house and have found a few 'interesting items'. Keep an eye out for my threads if you want to lay your hands on e.g. some vintage peak Floyd era prophylactics etc :)

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Buy the gold that is popular in your country.  So for UK, that would be Sovereigns and Brittanias.   My personal recommendation would be Brittanias, you can’t go wrong with 9999 purity.  

Another coin to consider: 1oz gold maple leaf.  9999 fine and has multiple security features.  


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Sovs are always a favorite but the Perth Mint has some great designs in the lunar I, II, III ranges, kooks and kangaroos. China mint has some great panda coins, Canadian maples and American Buffalo or gold eagles. 

The Perth Mint stuff along with the Pandas are a bit more collectable though the others are for the stackers.

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As everyone said, buy what you can sell where you live, or where you intend to live when selling.

It also depends on why you stack - in an apocalyptic scenario you should have locally known and trusted coins, like trade coins, Sovereigns in your case. If you're stacking as a hedge against inflation or to solidify your portfolio you can never go wrong with the big five: Britannia, Eagle, Maple, Krugerrand, Philharmoniker, which should deliver a consistent buy/sell ratio everywhere.

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15 hours ago, KevinFlynn said:

As everyone said, buy what you can sell where you live, or where you intend to live when selling.

It also depends on why you stack - in an apocalyptic scenario you should have locally known and trusted coins, like trade coins, Sovereigns in your case. If you're stacking as a hedge against inflation or to solidify your portfolio you can never go wrong with the big five: Britannia, Eagle, Maple, Krugerrand, Philharmoniker, which should deliver a consistent buy/sell ratio everywhere.

“Apocalyptic scenario” yeah like when your partner finds out how much you have actually been spending on gold! 

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20 hours ago, KevinFlynn said:

As everyone said, buy what you can sell where you live, or where you intend to live when selling.

It also depends on why you stack - in an apocalyptic scenario you should have locally known and trusted coins, like trade coins, Sovereigns in your case. If you're stacking as a hedge against inflation or to solidify your portfolio you can never go wrong with the big five: Britannia, Eagle, Maple, Krugerrand, Philharmoniker, which should deliver a consistent buy/sell ratio everywhere.

Agree except for one minor detail.  Everyone uses the word "apocalypse" too loosely.  In a true apocalypse (pick your version of end of all life on earth scenario), stacking gold and silver will be useless - you, me, and everyone else won't be alive to use it.   The better terminology to use would be "SHTF".   At least that encompasses everything that is not end of the world as we know it.   IMHO, a minor quibble in semantics, but an important distinction nonetheless.  😆

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On 20/07/2021 at 22:11, MonkeysUncle said:

So what shiny stuff would you steer a gold newbie to?

I would say sovereigns or bullion because almost all of humanity, or also known as the "slavery", dont know or want to know the true extent of bankers creating, supporting and covering up the greatest theft of time. The slaves dont know where to go, what to do or understand how to deal with their situation, and the government is continuing to sell them, their homes, their life savings, their future and their childrens future and their hopes to Global Banks.

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On 20/07/2021 at 23:11, MonkeysUncle said:

Hi Guys 

I've been stacking silver for years, but since Brexit and no VAT free way of legally acquiring I've stopped (apart from a kilo Queens Beast which I couldn't resist).

I now have some money burning a hole, so thinking a few ounces of gold. What gold though? Thinking Krugers (as everybody knows what they are so are easily sellable), I do like the Maple - it looks real pretty, also thinking Queens Beast as coin collectors might drive prices up down the line? Or should I go Sovs?

CGT isn't a consideration as far as I'm concerned, running rings around HMRC is a specialist subject of mine!

So what shiny stuff would you steer a gold newbie to?

Thanks in advance!

Def Sovs, there is so much to learn about them. Tons of books and info on them. And best of all, the sovereigns can be bought fairly cheap with low premiums like @dicker already posted. In other words: You can collect and stack them for many many many years to come. And they are easy to sell.

I also collect dutch gold guilders for the reasons @KevinFlynn mentioned. 

And I just like the design of guilders and sovs and their smooth shiny glow. ;) 

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Target low-premium, highly liquid coins. To add to other posters points, there's a helpful tool on this forum that you can access with membership - it allows you to compare premiums of various dealers in UK / USA.

E.g., in USA 1oz Maples and 1oz Phillies seem to have the lowest premiums at the moment. 👍


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The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. - H.L. Mencken

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On 24/07/2021 at 12:23, Hunter87 said:

“Apocalyptic scenario” yeah like when your partner finds out how much you have actually been spending on gold! 

Love this. Reminds me of a somewhat similar remark on a gun forum that I have been known to frequent: 'if I die, I've instructed a friend not to allow my wife to sell all my shotguns for the prices that I told her I paid for them.' 

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for all the advice guys.

You all said coins. I'd been fancying a bar, but then with the price of gold as is I'd have afforded a puny little thing. Just wouldn't cut it for a man with dreams of a car boot full of the stuff ala Michael Caine in the Italian job. That will have to remain a dream unless fast car, shotgun and stockings come into play! :)

So after much sitting on hands I bought some Sovs. Dinky little things aren't they! Appetite whetted they have been joined by one of Her Maj's beasts (and I don't mean Prince Snowflake of Sussex). Well 10 beasts actually, the Completer coin is very nice, even if I do need a magnifying glass to appreciate the detail in it's full splendour. 

A Britannia next I think when the piggy bank is able to oblige...

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On 24/07/2021 at 12:23, Hunter87 said:

“Apocalyptic scenario” yeah like when your partner finds out how much you have actually been spending on gold! 

I never quite understand why blokes feel gold is a guilty hobby the wife shouldn't know about.  Ask yourself how much will your gold be worth in 10/20 years time , compared to all the endless shoes, handbags ,  dresses , cheap jewelry and all the other junk they buy over the years  😆 Pride yourself on a shewed way of preserving your wealth . 

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You in the UK? Looks like it.
Sovereigns, half sovereigns.
Next question.

Always cast your vote - Spoil your ballot slip. Put 'Spoilt Ballot - I do not consent.' These votes are counted. If you do not do this you are consenting to the tyranny. None of them are fit for purpose. 
A tyranny relies on propaganda and force. Once the propaganda fails all that's left is force.

COVID-19 is a cover story for the collapsing economy. Green Energy isn't Green and it isn't Renewable.

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