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Non precious metals


  1. Personal Finance / Other Investments

    (Only Premium Members are able to post in this section) Use this section to discuss personal finance or other investment ideas. For trading/invest in the Stock Market and Forex please use the dedicated General Market Trading Discussions section.

  2. Non Precious Metal Coins / Base Metal Coins

    Discuss non precious metal and base metal coins. Wether you are an avid collector or you just have a few, please share your photos and information here.

  3. All other non PM related discussions

    (Only Premium Members are able to view the content and post in this section) Discuss anything else non PM related in here, economics, politics, non-pm antiques, silver plate, the weather, what you had for breakfast etc... this section should also be used for topics relating to precious metals but that also cover politics or other non PM subjects in the same topic. 


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