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Afghanistan owns 20.9 tonnes of gold


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I'm glad you mentioned this @EdwardTeach.   Saw this on CNN news, apparently Afghanistan is potentially sitting on a $1 Trillion worth of minerals, which includes gold.  The question is now whether or not the Taliban has the foresight to mine the minerals for the benefit of their country and the world.   Considering the potential economic value from mining, I'm surprised the US didn't try to exploit the situation as a way of recapturing all the money they poured into the country.

Link:  The Taliban are sitting on $1 trillion worth of minerals the world desperately needs - CNN


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9 hours ago, SilverStorm said:

I thought this is was the very reason the USA was in Afghanistan in the first place. I notice they never try to westernize country who's chief exports are broccoli.  CIA black ops slush fund must have made enough harvesting the poppies and heroin trade the time they've been there

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10 hours ago, SilverStorm said:

I'm glad you mentioned this @EdwardTeach.   Saw this on CNN news, apparently Afghanistan is potentially sitting on a $1 Trillion worth of minerals, which includes gold.  The question is now whether or not the Taliban has the foresight to mine the minerals for the benefit of their country and the world.   Considering the potential economic value from mining, I'm surprised the US didn't try to exploit the situation as a way of recapturing all the money they poured into the country.

Link:  The Taliban are sitting on $1 trillion worth of minerals the world desperately needs - CNN


Allways amazes me that if you look up countries gold holdings and those that actually mine the gold, how there are only three countries on both lists in the top ten. So many countries mine it but don't hold it. I was also surprised that America has 8000 tons and the UK only has 310. 

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1 hour ago, Bigmarc said:

Allways amazes me that if you look up countries gold holdings and those that actually mine the gold, how there are only three countries on both lists in the top ten. So many countries mine it but don't hold it. I was also surprised that America has 8000 tons and the UK only has 310. 

Have to ask the main man Gordon about the UKs 😂

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15 hours ago, SilverStorm said:

I'm glad you mentioned this @EdwardTeach.   Saw this on CNN news, apparently Afghanistan is potentially sitting on a $1 Trillion worth of minerals, which includes gold.  The question is now whether or not the Taliban has the foresight to mine the minerals for the benefit of their country and the world.   Considering the potential economic value from mining, I'm surprised the US didn't try to exploit the situation as a way of recapturing all the money they poured into the country.

Link:  The Taliban are sitting on $1 trillion worth of minerals the world desperately needs - CNN


The claims were pitched some time ago (10+ yrs), I reckon to boost the argument to stay in Afghanistan.  I recall looking into it and many companies from many countries were involved in bidding for licences.  If there were exploitable reserves, mining would have started by now.  Seems there is not the legal or security frameworks there to make even exploration viable, so the claims remain as resources on a high level report, rather than as reserves and revenue in company reports. 

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I think what we’re seeing at the moment is just a small part of a much bigger picture.

Afghanistan is positioned at the centre of the axis of power. Whoever controls this part of the world (and the surrounding countries and seas) also control the worlds most important trade routes, some important mineral/metal mines and large oil fields.

Afghanistan’s nickname is the ‘graveyard of empires’ because powerful empires always pull their army out of out of Afghanistan just before they crumble. Historically once an empire leaves Afghanistan, a few years later it’s gone. So far it’s happened to the Roman empire, the Greek empire, the British empire the USSR empire and it seems now the American empire could be heading the same way.

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On 18/08/2021 at 22:22, SilverStorm said:

Saw this on CNN news, apparently Afghanistan is potentially sitting on a $1 Trillion worth of minerals, which includes gold.  The question is now whether or not the Taliban has the foresight to mine the minerals for the benefit of their country and the world. 

I read in "Ghost Wars - The CIA and Afghanistan" that its much more - The American Military were conduting Military Air patrols over the whole of Afghanistan using advanced artificial intelligence screening technology to find minerals. That isnt including Oil and Opium.

China are already in talks with the Islamic Emirate/Taliban. Its cheaper for them to extract minerals from the Middle East than Austrialia for example. I can see China buying up Afghan mineral rights and supplying the Taliban with the technology. Problem is that the West wont accept it due to the PMCs and industrial contractors. The illusion from the West is that Western contentious forces arent in Afghan… When there is. Too many people cannot see beyond whats presented to them.

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5 hours ago, EdwardTeach said:

I think what we’re seeing at the moment is just a small part of a much bigger picture.

Afghanistan is positioned at the centre of the axis of power. Whoever controls this part of the world (and the surrounding countries and seas) also control the worlds most important trade routes, some important mineral/metal mines and large oil fields.

Afghanistan’s nickname is the ‘graveyard of empires’ because powerful empires always pull their army out of out of Afghanistan just before they crumble. Historically once an empire leaves Afghanistan, a few years later it’s gone. So far it’s happened to the Roman empire, the Greek empire, the British empire the USSR empire and it seems now the American empire could be heading the same way.

What empire does the USA run? Asking for a friend 🤔

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1 hour ago, TommyTwoShots said:

What empire does the USA run? Asking for a friend 🤔

The Galactic Empire, declared as the First Galactic Empire, commonly referred to as simply the Empire, and remembered as the Old Empire, was the fascist galactic government that replaced the Galactic Republic in the aftermath of the Clone Wars and ushered galactic civilization into a new age.

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18 minutes ago, Bigmarc said:

The Galactic Empire, declared as the First Galactic Empire, commonly referred to as simply the Empire, and remembered as the Old Empire, was the fascist galactic government that replaced the Galactic Republic in the aftermath of the Clone Wars and ushered galactic civilization into a new age.

Lol genius

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1 hour ago, Bigmarc said:

The Galactic Empire, declared as the First Galactic Empire, commonly referred to as simply the Empire, and remembered as the Old Empire, was the fascist galactic government that replaced the Galactic Republic in the aftermath of the Clone Wars and ushered galactic civilization into a new age.

Is Biden the dying Yoda in return of the Jedi?

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The gold that has just been frozen in the US was "deposited with the Fed by the Afghan central bank in 1939, and are old US Assay Office gold bars that have cracks, fissures, holes and other imperfections".  The Afghan Central Bank:

  • holds 1,731 very old gold bars at the FRB New York vault
  • that this gold was deposited by the Afghan central bank in 1939
  • that the Afghan gold bars at the NY Fed are not Good Delivery gold bars
  • that the dimensions of the bars imply they are old US Assay office gold bars
  • and that these bars have imperfections such as cracks, fissures and holes


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Do we really believe the Taliban (whomever these people called "the Taliban" really are) are going to "ban drugs"? If they have the large majority of opium production in the world since after 2001 (hmmm...), are they gonna say no to all that cash flow?

Who do we think these "Taliban" really are? They run the $600 billion per year US imperial war machine out of town? Just like US-created al Qaeda "brought the US to their knees" in 2001?  Really...?

People need to stop listening to the television.

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