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Paul last won the day on August 29 2023

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About Paul

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    Up T'North

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  1. .......And only +£1,095 dearer than yours with FREE handling marks & scratches
  2. With every dip in price the cheaper it is for more to flow out to the east
  3. Buy the dip, buy the dip, buy the dip
  4. I have it on very good authority Wonger was their CFO
  5. A lot of folk who have been here since the start of the thread have been thinking the same since 2015 😔
  6. Wwwwhhhhhhooooooooooooo carry on stacking everyone 💪 !!
  7. We just need to be voting with our wallets. It's as simple as that We have complete and total new release overload since COVID free money helicopter drop, platinum jubilee, memorials, and all the coronation bits n bobs. Save your dosh buying direct. Just buy your products from the secondary market and enjoy the savings £££ Well at least that's what I'm doing (......But might buy something soon to keep my credit account with mint alive, cos I'm two faced lol )
  8. £2000 very soon, I've no doubt once it hits $400oz first as Wonga said it'll be at £2000oz again before we know it.... then...... to da mooooooooooooon 🚀 🚀 🚀!
  9. It was £1900oz last Octember when I last looked
  10. 🙄seeing how weekend sale went, it has certainly got me thinking what is possible. My stack seems to be favouring gold bigger coins now i'm getting older, freeing up some safe deposit real estate moving along a bunch of some smaller bits could help. Watch this space in the coming months. Everyone will be spent up after this weekend sale just now !
  11. Now that the frenzy of the weekend sale is over, it’s clear how powerful this community is in showcasing great value and the trust we've built here on the forum. I haven't tallied up his exact numbers for @Thomast yet, but he certainly made a substantial five-figure sum over the weekend, meeting his needs and goals whatever they may be Last year, when I needed to raise around £10k for my business at short notice, I ended up with nearly £20k in sales here. This was achieved without using credit cards, applying for loans, undergoing credit checks, waiting for bank approvals, or paying high interest rates. Raising such significant amounts within a day or two is a testament to the dedication of what is possible when you are a "value-driven" seller @Thomasthas done and what Ive have done in the past Whilst we all like to get the very best price, sometimes offering £great value gets to you your goals and dreams much quicker when you help others We should all be very proud of this of this very special community/place we have all helped build in own little way. 🎖️
  12. but is classed as a medal i believe not a coin - as no monarch portrait or monetary value on it
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