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How is inflation effecting you in 2022?

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On 09/02/2022 at 11:31, modofantasma said:

If you know any local farmers go and ask them about fertiliser prices the past year then stand back 😬

I love how raw materials are going up and up and up. Yet a gangster banker turns round and says "its not, we need to print more". Its actual incredible lol. 

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4 hours ago, GoldDiggerDave said:

Remember economy 7?.......... The new tariff will be called "NAILED 9-5"

I can see it in 2050…

The average house cost is £800,000. Average fulltime wage is £40,000 per year. Food banks assist 25% of the population. Basic needs are scarce, hugely inflated. Owning a new car must be electric and will be mandatory, while using, that you must drive through new "greenzones".

Central banks will offer UBI on the basis that you surrender all social aspects of your life and that your purpose of life will be to serve the new credit-slave-score-system.

The Fed Chairman gives weekly national broadcasts like the above^^

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4 hours ago, Minimalist said:

I can see it in 2050…

The average house cost is £800,000. Average fulltime wage is £40,000 per year. Food banks assist 25% of the population. Basic needs are scarce, hugely inflated. Owning a new car must be electric and will be mandatory, while using, that you must drive through new "greenzones".

Central banks will offer UBI on the basis that you surrender all social aspects of your life and that your purpose of life will be to serve the new credit-slave-score-system.

The Fed Chairman gives weekly national broadcasts like the above^^

"You'll own nothing but you'll be happy" Klaus shwarb (world economic forum)

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Those houses are in Welbeck Avenue, High Brooms, Tunbridge Wells. According to movethemarket.com houses in that street now sell for upwards of £300,000.

I don't know the area, but from the look of the design, they were probably built in the 1930s. That gives a compound rate of gain of about 7% to 8% per annum.

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The food bank near me has been running out of food. The government has said 5-6 million are in fuel poverty so we can safety it's more than double that, we are going to see the same 10 million plus in food poverty this year.   Just how many more will be in fuel and food poverty as we head into winter again at the end of 2022 with 50%+ fuel and  8-10%+ food price hikes.  

The food bank are seeing more  2 parent families who both work who can no longer afford to feed their kids.





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15 minutes ago, GoldDiggerDave said:

 2 parent families who both work who can no longer afford to feed their kids

I have to say I have not noticed anything like this? 
I know things are more expensive, but we shop in Lidl and its actually not bad, especially if you go late and get the sales. 
Fuel is a big one if you commute, but as i have said I was paying 50p a litre during the recession & rented a room. 

It would be interesting to know what else these people spend money on like online subscriptions, alcohol, car loan debt, smoking etc? 
Even the crappest job cleaning toilets pays enough for essentials (and there are two people).

I hate to be insensitive, but walking through an estate near me, many of them have themselves to blame. 
Guess I am just fed up with woke people and in some ways they need a bit of a kick up the arse (rich and poor). 
The positives from all this is the government puppets will get it in the neck.

Thats good from my point of view given the last 3 years. sentiment will turn hard really hard if people cant afford to live. 
Combined with all the other animosity from people that know whats going on. 

Edited by Stacktastic
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5 minutes ago, shawy2510 said:

There is a food bank a couple of miles away from where I work & often driving home after there is hundreds in queues waiting for food. Its a sorry sight.

Bloody hell - yes I bet. i assume you live in a city as city folk are the first to get hit as they have less resources. 
But - anyone can buy an airgun & shoot rabbits, catch some carp or plant some potatoes, so maybe it will create a change. 
They all have running 'clean' water so thats key.  

Non tax payers must have been really screwed with the lockdowns! No funny money & limited ways to earn. 
It certainly woke me up (I pay taxes, but am the only earner) - hence why I am here. ;) 

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Just now, Stacktastic said:

Bloody hell - yes I bet. i assume you live in a city as city folk are the first to get hit as they have less resources. 
But - anyone can buy an airgun & shoot rabbits, catch some carp or plant some potatoes, so maybe it will create a change. 
They akllk have running 'clean' water so thats key. 

Yes I am in Leicester so within the city area. The place I saw them was within the city council. I didn't acrually know it was a food bank in the evenings. I thought people were buying things or there were stalls inside until advised it was not the case.

I agree you could maybe hunt/slurce food but I suspect many wouldn't have a clue where to start. I am 32 but I know how to fish & use an airgun so if poo hit the fan & I needed these skills I would be ok.

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3 minutes ago, shawy2510 said:

I agree you could maybe hunt/slurce food but I suspect many wouldn't have a clue where to start.

Yes, I watch whole trays of butcher bought sausages get thrown out from buffets all the time, just because they have been left out for 3 hours!! 
I think if it was that bad I would do a deal with a local, hotel, pub or restaurant to clean in the mornings, do handy work in exchange for the stuff that gets binned. 

But the one thing I have learnt recently is most people dont have initiative or ability to look after themselves. By design. 
We wont even mention critical & analytical thinking. ;) 

This is interesting to know though. 

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@Stacktastic I'd genuinely like to sit down with some people who are struggling, not to judge them but to try and see if I could offer some practical advice, (Just throwing money at some people will not solve the problem)  Many are just in the debt gravity-well no sooner they have earned money they have to pay debt with interest and don't have enough until the end of the month a crippling circle.  




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7 minutes ago, GoldDiggerDave said:

Many are just in the debt gravity-well no sooner they have earned money they have to pay debt with interest and don't have enough until the end of the month a crippling circle.  

I think that's it in a nutshell. Spiralling debt.

Who is to blame though, the banks being too loose or the consumer being too greedy? I suspect both but credit really is too easy isn't it?

Edited by Roy

Technically, alcohol is a solution..

'It [socialism] poses a growing threat, however unintentional, to the freedom of this country, for there is no freedom where the State totally controls the economy. Personal freedom and economic freedom are indivisible. You can’t have one without the other. You can’t lose one without losing the other.'

"There is no such thing as public money, there is only taxpayers' money"

Let not England forget her precedence of teaching nations how to live, and It's  Britannia, with one t and two n's.

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@Roy There's no easy answer, everyone the banks, consumers have all been feckless at some point.   I remember Northern Rock throwing 125% mortgage at people, and capital one credit cards offering massive limits higher than customers yearly income.

Also we now have a generation of mortgage payers who have never had to pay more than a few percent interest or had to endure financial hard times.  

I don't have any sympathy for people ordering 3-4 takeaways a week and then crying poverty......I have friends like this.  

The people who I do have every sympathy for is those working their backside off trying to rise a family and no matter what they do they can not get out of debt.  


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Debt is only going to prove a bigger problem for people incumbered by it.

For anyone reading who might be struggling with debt, I suggest people take a long, hard, honest look at their finances.

There is help available. I suggest you talk to a charity about it

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A few times that I bought tonight at Lidl 

can of tomato soup was 33p  now 40p   21% increase

1 litre of UHT milk was 50p now 55p       10% increase

jar of coffee was £1.89 now £1.99            5.2% increase 

Forget stacking PM's I'd be better off flipping tins of soup! 

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3 minutes ago, GoldDiggerDave said:

A few times that I bought tonight at Lidl 

can of tomato soup was 33p  now 40p   21% increase

1 litre of UHT milk was 50p now 55p       10% increase

jar of coffee was £1.89 now £1.99            5.2% increase 

Forget stacking PM's I'd be better off flipping tins of soup! 

I'm not having that, you and @James32 send ya man servants round Ocado and waitrose, with thier minions....whilst your feet are being rubbed by balanese maidens and you can offer them the horn of plenty at any time......😜 

Edited by HerefordBullyun

Central bankers are politicians disguised as economists or bankers. They’re either incompetent or liars. So, either way, you’re never going to get a valid answer.” - Peter Schiff

Sound money is not a guarantee of a free society, but a free society is impossible without sound money. We are currently a society enslaved by debt.
If you are a new member and want to know why we stack PMs look at this link https://www.thesilverforum.com/topic/56131-videos-of-significance/#comment-381454
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1 minute ago, MancunianStacker said:

Inflation doesn’t affect me. I always put £80 of diesel in my ride!! 🚙 

I tried that and but she choked after the 1st gallon. Ive reverted just to punching her in the fartbox now....


Central bankers are politicians disguised as economists or bankers. They’re either incompetent or liars. So, either way, you’re never going to get a valid answer.” - Peter Schiff

Sound money is not a guarantee of a free society, but a free society is impossible without sound money. We are currently a society enslaved by debt.
If you are a new member and want to know why we stack PMs look at this link https://www.thesilverforum.com/topic/56131-videos-of-significance/#comment-381454
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food is cheaper than its ever been ..  if you can afford a Deliveroo pizza then you can afford to hit Aldis and buy loads of food for feck all.  if you won't eat tinned sardines 40p  then you aint hungry ..

now I get thats not ideal,  but as mentioned further up , its hard to have sympathy for someone with an iPhone and 200 pound trainers on at a food bank ..  

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10 minutes ago, CANV said:

food is cheaper than its ever been ..  if you can afford a Deliveroo pizza then you can afford to hit Aldis and buy loads of food for feck all.  if you won't eat tinned sardines 40p  then you aint hungry ..

now I get thats not ideal,  but as mentioned further up , its hard to have sympathy for someone with an iPhone and 200 pound trainers on at a food bank ..  

People look at me funny when I say this after footage of people supposedly in poverty, you see them smoking or using a smartphone and using a food bank 

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