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Kookaburracollector last won the day on January 28 2020

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About Kookaburracollector

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My Precious Metals

  • What I am collecting / Investing in
    1oz Silver Privy Kookaburras. Peruvian Una Libras
  • Coin series I have completed
    20 French Francs Roosters 1899-1914
    20 French Francs Angels 1848-1898
    Gillick Sovereign date run

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  1. Thanks for the tag. I have one of each (1926 and 1927), and they are my most favourite coins in my collection. Unfortunately, my limited are funds are being diverted towards other things at the moment. GLWS
  2. Just back from the Midland Coin Fair, and nice to see @1stsovereign. Collected my shield backs (which I had ordered the day before). My Christmas treat!
  3. A great condition set of Gillick Sovereigns, all bought from TSF members over the last couple of weeks…..and not from The Royal Mint😉!
  4. I would really like to know what you are drinking tonight… (or a smoking)! 🤪
  5. I have literally, just completed a full Gillick set (10), having bought all of them from TSF members in the last 14 days. Six in hand, and four to be posted after the RM strike is over. Cost? Under £3800…Quality..make your own judgement. Free plug to the sellers here @1stsovereign@brnlx639…and when he eventually limps to the Post Office @augur Mission completed:- A saving of over £2700 compared to The Royal Mint!….but no box😢
  6. Always been a pleasure talking to you Frank.. Best wishes Kook
  7. I actually thought exactly the same😂…but didn’t post it. Didn’t want to appear xenophobic.
  8. I see the army realise how important it is to distinguish between the front and the rear…wouldn’t want to get that wrong with a claymore…or anything else come to think of it!
  9. Atkinsons Bullion can easily take several kilos in one go…not a problem. One TSF member put this to the test a while ago, and all went smoothly. I did half a kilo over the counter…and got paid straight away. Hope this info helps…
  10. I agree with all of the above, with one exception …1kg silver bars….I’m just drawn to Pamp Suisse…just can’t ever resist buying them..got 12 so far, and still looking to add a few more. An old photo, before Yas (old timers will know who he is) sold me two more. Btw…I will be selling the spare F15 kooks very shortly if anyone is interested. I’m just waiting to see if I get a customs bill from FEDEX ..if I don’t..they will be really cheep to a lucky forum member…first to PM me gets them at cost price.👍
  11. Arrived sooner than I anticipated..great service from thecoinshoppe.ca
  12. Hi @PandemicPanda…I suspect the privy issues are a combination of both of the above. Some made in the Perth mint, but some are definitely ‘privied up’ elsewhere…definitely the F15’s. Let me know if you make any progress on that front…
  13. For the record…a list of the privy (1oz) kooks I’m aware of:- That’s up to 2020 anyway…
  14. So was I! Despite this, I have ordered two of the F15’s , 2021 and 2022. Even with postage of $70CAD and Uk VAT, they are half the asking prices of the few that turn up on eBay. Drop me a line in a few weeks is you want one of each…(I will do them for you at cost to me).
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