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Check your kitchen floors folks


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3 minutes ago, Paul said:

@LawrenceChard have you had any similar stories of gold haul finds ike this one above, in your many years in the business ?? 

Yes, a few examples.

I will relay some of them later.

I may also be able to get a photo of @SemolinaPilchard digging up his kitchen floor, although he might get his dog to dig in the garden instead!



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27 minutes ago, Paul said:

Yorkshire couple find £250k gold hoard under their kitchen floor

https://mol.im/a/11164227 via https://dailym.ai/android

A lucky couple who found an incredible hoard of 264 gold coins buried under their kitchen floor are set to sell it for £250,000.





I can remember me mum and dad finding a shoe box under my grandma’s bed after she died stuffed full of money! Quite literally squashed in and the lid tied around to keep it on. Certainly raised the mood.

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57 minutes ago, Paul said:

Yorkshire couple find £250k gold hoard under their kitchen floor

https://mol.im/a/11164227 via https://dailym.ai/android

A lucky couple who found an incredible hoard of 264 gold coins buried under their kitchen floor are set to sell it for £250,000.


The sub-heading says:

  • An unidentified couple found 265 gold coins buried beneath the floor


Who nicked one?

Is this a fine example of accurate reporting and journalism by The Mail Online?

Typically, they have not attempted to explain "brockage", instead saying:

"A highlight of the sale is a George I guinea from 1720, which has a mint error. The coin has no king's head on it, instead having two 'tail' sides of the coin, and is expected to fetch £4,000."

It's a great bit of free publicity for Spink though.



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Spend a lifetime in accumulation mode and then come across an article lucky find. Always good to read such articles come to the realisation only form of wealth could have survived buried for over 400 years in Gold coins.


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43 minutes ago, Abyss said:

Spend a lifetime in accumulation mode and then come across an article lucky find. Always good to read such articles come to the realisation only form of wealth could have survived buried for over 400 years in Gold coins.


Wow. Imagine finding that lot under your kitchen floor. My kitchen floor hasn't been lifted for years. Well I suppose since about the time the wife disappeared without even a trace.  

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46 minutes ago, Abyss said:

Spend a lifetime in accumulation mode and then come across an article lucky find. Always good to read such articles come to the realisation only form of wealth could have survived buried for over 400 years in Gold coins.


You're late to the party.

By Paul,
Yesterday at 12:42 in Gold



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On 31/08/2022 at 12:58, Paul said:

Be interesting to hear, for sure. Thanks 

We had a lady from the south call us, years go, and asked about us buying some Krugerrands.

I don't remember exactly, but it migh have been 27 pieces. We gave her prices, and I happened to ask, as often, did she buy them from us.

She said no, she had found them. They were having some work done on their house, and they or workmen came across a box of Krugerrands in the loft. She asked us if we could give any legal advice, which we did, although we also checked with a solicitor.

According to the law, when you buy a house, you then own everything left in it, unless agreed to the contrary, so the coins legally belonged to her and her husband.

She posted them to us so well packed, it took us hours to unpack them all.

Quite a nice story.




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On 31/08/2022 at 18:49, Paul said:

Nevet happens on a persimmons house lol 

We also had a builder / property developer who had bought a farmhouse, and farm with plenty of building land.

They found a large quantity of gold sovereigns (from memory more than 2000) up the chimney, which then legally belonged to the new owner.

About 5% of them were fakes, but the new owners were not unhappy about it, and still did rather well on the deal, which must have been a nice bonus, although I seem to remember their investment was a few million pounds.


Edited by LawrenceChard


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