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What is happening with the Banking system why are bank transfers being blocked when purchasing gold ?

Why are banks treating there customers like the scammers they are suppose to be protecting them from ?

Blocking transfers and forcing customers to call their fraud team. Followed by a barrage of personal questions 😔

So it seems the banks don't won't us to deal in crypto and NOW they seem to be FLAGGING UP gold deals , is it because they know that the public are taking finance into their own control away from the banking system.

Which bank would you use that are not blocking the transfers you want to make ?

Cross this one off any list for starters HALIFAX

Have many Forum members had similar trouble with their banks and what is the solution ?

@Solachesis @NGMD @Bogart @Midasfrog how many more ?


Does anyone get a problem when using a credit card? I was listening to a podcast lately on a fraudster. He said you should use a credit card for everything as it gives you some level of protection when a bank if anything leaves you open.


This is the reason I don't try and buy from the RM at 9am on a Monday morning.  I've had things in my basket, but then the bank says "no" - "our fraud protection team will be contacting you"!


It’s not the fraud department because I appreciate the intervention because I’ve had some Chinese businesses trying to drain my account, it’s the attitude and power they have. As I have mentioned I answered all their security questions/ finger print/facial recognition,blinking analysis/ check boxes and they told me they don’t believe me and cancelled the transactions. 

Embarassed and rushed to open PPFF as back up.

A little known fact that collecting Spoons was therapeutic for the Special people in society to keep them calm. Dickens 

Just now, Midasfrog said:

I think there is also protection from using a debit card ?

Natwest actively encouraged me to use PP because they didn’t want the risk.

A little known fact that collecting Spoons was therapeutic for the Special people in society to keep them calm. Dickens 


I loved my bank, starling, you could have savings spaces and have direct debits and other payments come out directly from them, meaning you could just put the right amount you needed every month into them, and knew everything else could be spent without worry. The app was great too.

Then, they stated I can do longer send money to businesses that relate to crypto. Whatever I said, I just sent it to revolut and did it that way, I don't spend much on crypto anyway, only some bitcoin.

Then, they not only block a payment for a single sovereign, they block the ability to transfer ANY money to any accounts, I couldn't even transfer to my own account which is not a new payee, until I got them on the phone. 

Then once again last night, they blocked a sale, this time not to a business account, but a personal one.

I am thinking of doing the double switcheroo for bonus monies, NatWest for the £200 quid, then after a few months, first direct as they give you £175 for switching, and apparently they are good.

f**** banks, and f**** the day when CBDCs are implemented and every transaction can be traced the entire way along, and every £ is programmed and seizable 

15 minutes ago, Midasfrog said:

What is happening with the Banking system why are bank transfers being blocked when purchasing gold ?

Why are banks treating there customers like the scammers they are suppose to be protecting them from ?

Blocking transfers and forcing customers to call their fraud team. Followed by a barrage of personal questions 😔

So it seems the banks don't won't us to deal in crypto and NOW they seem to be FLAGGING UP gold deals , is it because they know that the public are taking finance into their own control away from the banking system.

Which bank would you use that are not blocking the transfers you want to make ?

Cross this one off any list for starters HALIFAX

Have many Forum members had similar trouble with their banks and what is the solution ?

@Solachesis @NGMD @Bogart @Midasfrog how many more ?

they are made to by the government. and people sueing the arse of them when one small thing goes wrong and its front page news,,    we get what we ask for..   

1 minute ago, CANV said:

dont use the word coin or coins in the description of your payment.  if you fill that bit out at all.  its massive security trigger for bitcoin etc 

Yes I was wondering if that was a trigger for a red flag and it seems to be the case

2 minutes ago, Midasfrog said:

Thank you @NGMD Paypal might be a good option to use rather than setting up another bank 

You have to be careful with PP to.

If you pay someone on here with Pay Pay friends and family (PPFF) you forfeit buyer protection, but does not incur a fee to the receiver.

Bottom line is you should be able to set up new payees on your bank account, go through security quickly and pay the person. It’s a bit troubling the extremes they go to and power over your money.

A little known fact that collecting Spoons was therapeutic for the Special people in society to keep them calm. Dickens 


yes revolut is great,, I use them. but expect zero help if something goes wrong. they arnt AMEX who are the best in that regard 

2 minutes ago, Solachesis said:

I just put my forum name on every reference 

me too, had no problems so far

"It might make sense just to get some in case it catches on"  - Satoshi Nakamoto 2009

"Its going to Zero" - Peter Schiff 2013

"$1,000,000,000 by 2050"  - Fidelity 2024


9 minutes ago, CANV said:

yes revolut is great,, I use them. but expect zero help if something goes wrong. they arnt AMEX who are the best in that regard 

Yeah I've used revolut for a few years, but never for big amounts, their support is absolutely useless and it's not an institution you'd want all your eggs in 

3 minutes ago, ZRPMs said:

There is a recent push by the H.M.R.C. and the bank to look in to cash transfers and withdrawals. There's nothing in the kitty and they want yours. This came from an acquaintance that works in the NatWest. Expect increased in-depth investigations. It's not just gold.

Customers to banks are a necessity. They don't want you. but they need your cash. Once it's deposited it's theirs. You only have a claim on it. So they are trying to keep their fund from you making a call on it.

Its done to discourage the loss of the funds. You might think it's too much to be bothered with and decide not to spend it. But if you do insist. Lets find out as much info about you and the seller as we can to pass on the info to the H.M.R.C.

The only crypto they interested in you owning is the one they along with the government fetch out. I recently read that once the digital pound comes out you will only be able to purchase a maximum of £20,000 of the stuff. Gold is for nation states. How dare you want this barbaric worthless relic. No, let the government look after that for you.

They are all up to it. Best to have multiple banks. They will all do it but not at the same time.

As stated above. Not just Halifax.

You can add me to that list. Although crossing fingers and knocking on wood. They've got used to me lately.

The HMRC nail you twice a year and make you pay on account (in advance), what more do they want? 

A little known fact that collecting Spoons was therapeutic for the Special people in society to keep them calm. Dickens 

28 minutes ago, Bigmarc said:

Does anyone get a problem when using a credit card? I was listening to a podcast lately on a fraudster. He said you should use a credit card for everything as it gives you some level of protection when a bank if anything leaves you open.

You should always use a credit card for purchases over £100 whenever possible, as section 75 of the consumer credit act lets you hold the card provider jointly liable for any breach of contract - and if the card provider wrongly doesn't give you your money back, then you can get the financial ombudsman to intervene.

Debits cards have no such protection enshrined in law.

1 minute ago, NGMD said:

The HMRC nail you twice a year and make you pay on account (in advance), what more do they want? 

All of it. Sorry I'm a bit pished at the mo. I just paid off a small mortgage. The bank didn't want me to pay it off and were advising me not too. Even though it was with a subsidiary of theirs. When you under stand that whilst I held the £35,000 in my account that remains on their balance sheet. Then the mortgage is also treated as a positive amount as I have to pay it back with interest. So effectively, whilst I owed the £35,000 to them and held the £35,000 in an other account. For liquidity's sake they had £70,000 on they balance sheets. Once I cleared the Debt with my funds they no longer have the £35,000 in my account or the call on the £35,000 mortgage. Multiply this buy tens or hundreds of thousands and you see the whole banking system is build on smoke and mirrors



53 minutes ago, Solachesis said:

I think if I remember correctly, @Charliemouseheavily uses Wise, I have an account for ₺ but I've not used it much 

I use Wise and only 3 years ago they wouldn't allow me to transfer money from my Wise account into my wife's Wise account. They allow it now fee free. I usually transfer every payday roughly £400 from my HSBC account to my Wise account, which half goes into my Euro funds then Sterling for the remainder. It makes it easy using my Wise card in Croatia instead of HSBC blocking my card whenever over there.

1 hour ago, Solachesis said:

I am thinking of doing the double switcheroo for bonus monies, NatWest for the £200 quid, then after a few months, first direct as they give you £175 for switching, and apparently they are good.

@SolachesisI just completed the switch to NatWest and got the £200 in less than a week after depositing the min amount.  I'm in the process of doing the same with first direct for the £175, basically a free Sovereign 😎

I'm keeping one of the accounts and will switch the other to Lloyds for their free £200 if the offer is still on the table by then.

The Mrs has started to do the same...

Looking to complete a date run of Bu Sovs and still require; 2010, 2011, 2018 & 2019

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