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2023 Stacking goals? The year ahead

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All different Sovs, including SotD, Proof etc.

Quarter, half and double bullion

More slabbed sovs. Working on completing Jubilee and Veiled Head and Edward VII bullion, preferrably slabbed.


Completing QB series, but not starting any new series.


Dunno. Compared to above, it's peanuts anyway.

Edited by xthomasx
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- Get a Sigma machine preferably from @ChardsCoinandBullionDealer as its UK based.

- Build or get a stronger boat. Trial and error. You learn from past mistakes. I won't give up!

- Carefully select coin series to start collecting. Very few I find entice me the most to start and finish.

- Avoid impulse purchases....................on TSF.

- Post "Yes please" on a new listing before @Charliemouseand @James32


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3 minutes ago, MrStacker said:


- Get a Sigma machine preferably from @ChardsCoinandBullionDealer as its UK based.

- Build or get a stronger boat. Trial and error. You learn from past mistakes. I won't give up!

- Carefully select coin series to start collecting. Very few I find entice me the most to start and finish.

- Avoid impulse purchases....................on TSF.

- Post "Yes please" on a new listing before @Charliemouseand @James32



  • Sigma:  Yep (me too).  
  • Boat:  Good luck.
  • Collection:  EVERYTHING!
  • Impulse:  Never gonna happen.
  • YP:  Never gonna happen.

Like my gym instructor told me, I think you need to set more realistic goals.

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Carl Sagan: One of the great commandments of science is, "Mistrust arguments from authority."

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On 12/12/2022 at 15:53, Paul said:

In the spirit of "2022 stacking goals" threads what's folk plans for the year ahead

  1. 100oz silver bar for a good price
  2. Keep on piling up the Sovs
  3. Try not to get drunk and make silly purchases on a whim.

Keeping it simple.

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Not too much on my wish list for 2023 at this stage, although that may change if the RM release a new bullion coin design that I like.

I have the 2022 Memorial BU five sovereign piece coming in January too.

So definitely a 2023 bullion sovereign and double sovereign, maybe two of each if they actually do release more than one bullion sovereign design dated 2023.

Then maybe a 1oz gold Tudor Beasts Dragon if I like the design.

Maybe some Great Engravers Bullion bars if they release the Gothic Crown design(s) in the bar format and I like the design.  Probably a 1oz silver bar even if I don't like it, but ideally a 10 oz silver and 1 oz gold as well.

That's probably it...

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1 oz type 2 AGE

The 2023 Morgan silver proofs, (possibly the reverse proof set)

and then about 35 oz of quality silver bullion coins to bring my stack to a nice round number...

Anything beyond that will greatly depend on the price action that next year presents. 🎅

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Mine are fairly simple next year.

Buy more sovereigns, 2022 or 23 as low a premium as I can find. Add any fractional gold 1/10’s to kids collections. Nothing else Gold wise planned, unless something catches my eye that I can buy a pair together.

Keep Silver Britannia and Kookaburras date runs going for kids.

Sell off remaining few Silver oddments that Royal Mail prevents me from offering up right now.

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  • 3 weeks later...
22 minutes ago, AuricGoldfinger said:

I would like to get my full stack to 2 KG of gold. All CGT free, either full bullion sovs, brits or MIGHT start collecting the Tudor Beasts but foolishly turned my nose up at the 1st one so guessing there is premiums to be paid on that.

Not sure how realistic the target is as i have a few other non PM related goals - and all depends on what the price of not only gold but everything else does this year.

Have you been stacking very long?🤔🫢

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  • 3 months later...
1 minute ago, Zeuk said:

My goal for 2023 is pretty simple, I want to get this to the point of the first layer being full and start double stacking it. Budget for the year is blown so uphill for the rest of the year…



Excellent start and I'm sure @HerefordBullyun would approve 😁

I like to buy the pre-dip dip

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 Well I achieved my goals, complete my gold 1oz queens beast collection and fill my soverign box the girlfriends mum accidentally bought me for Xmas.

 Going to keep collecting the silver reverse proof tudor beasts and 1oz golds. We'll see what the Coronation soverigns bring but I'm not commuting to that.

 Other than that just whatever I impulse buy here

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On 12/12/2022 at 16:42, CaptCaveMan said:

I hope to be able to keep stacking in 2023 with everything still on the up.

  • Also have a 2022 Memorial proof incoming in the new year
  • Would like to pick up the bullion version
  • Saving for the 2023 KCIII Coronation

To be honest, anything else at this stage will be a bonus...

Blown this well out of the water and still have the KCIII Coronation coming up 🙈

Beans on toast for the rest of the year... and I don't like beans 😬

Looking to complete a date run of Bu Sovs and still require; 2010, 2011, 2018 & 2019

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17 minutes ago, CaptCaveMan said:

Blown this well out of the water and still have the KCIII Coronation coming up 🙈

Beans on toast for the rest of the year... and I don't like beans 😬

Add cheese n chilli flakes, lovely👍

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On 13/12/2022 at 10:37, AaaGee said:


Subject to things being ok....


Im collecting the 2oz silver Queens Beasts here and there (just a sideline when nothing else is on the radar).

The Tudor Beasts 2023 2oz silver later in the year.

Hand full of 2023 Brits and Royal Arms with Charles III.

Id LOVE a 10oz Silver Brit. Saw one for sale on here and missed it by not making my mind up quick enough.



At least 1 more 2022 Sovereign 

2023 Queens Head 1/10 Brit (fingers crossed, i may be in a position to look at buying later this week but if not....).

A 2023 Charles III 1/4 & 1/10 Brittanias.

2X 2023 Sovereigns

1x 2023 Double Sovereign 

Couple of 1g bars just because...

A 1oz Gold coin just because i havnt got one. 


Not a big list but then, i havnt got a lot to spend 😄


Well ive managed the 1oz gold coin. 2023 Queens head.

10oz silver brit turned into a 10oz Queens Beast completer but maybe later in the year ill get the brit.

Still waiting for the Tudor Beasts in silver.

No silver bars, ive gone off em.

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  • 8 months later...
On 18/12/2022 at 13:47, ZigZag said:

Mine are fairly simple next year.

Buy more sovereigns, 2022 or 23 as low a premium as I can find. Add any fractional gold 1/10’s to kids collections. Nothing else Gold wise planned, unless something catches my eye that I can buy a pair together.

Keep Silver Britannia and Kookaburras date runs going for kids.

Sell off remaining few Silver oddments that Royal Mail prevents me from offering up right now.

Note to self. Tick on date runs. Small tick on 22/23 Sovs and 1/10’s. Fail on Silver sales.

Bit like all my early school reports, could do better 😂

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On 15/12/2022 at 19:31, MrStacker said:


- Get a Sigma machine preferably from @ChardsCoinandBullionDealer as its UK based.

- Build or get a stronger boat. Trial and error. You learn from past mistakes. I won't give up!

- Carefully select coin series to start collecting. Very few I find entice me the most to start and finish.

- Avoid impulse purchases....................on TSF.

- Post "Yes please" on a new listing before @Charliemouseand @James32



Ongoing search for alternative stronger vessels IN PROGRESS

Coin Series I've narrowed down the ones I collect. Currently Myths & Legends, sold all my Tudor Beasts coins (not the same feels as QB series), old sovereigns and going to start the Bond Series.

I've definitely controlled my TSF purchases in the last year. Composure is key as you don't want to end up having something that you won't continue to collect or like. Whether it's stacking or collecting you have to really enjoy and like that particular coin/bar/item.

Last one was a bit of banter and not to take seriously. I would need to hire someone to monitor the sales listings 24/7 to even attempt to match that hoover power. 🤣

Upon reflection from 2022-2023 yes very happy with my progression and to restrict impulse purchases. On to 2024! 😇

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On 15/12/2022 at 21:30, Stuntman said:

Not too much on my wish list for 2023 at this stage, although that may change if the RM release a new bullion coin design that I like.

I have the 2022 Memorial BU five sovereign piece coming in January too.

So definitely a 2023 bullion sovereign and double sovereign, maybe two of each if they actually do release more than one bullion sovereign design dated 2023.

Then maybe a 1oz gold Tudor Beasts Dragon if I like the design.

Maybe some Great Engravers Bullion bars if they release the Gothic Crown design(s) in the bar format and I like the design.  Probably a 1oz silver bar even if I don't like it, but ideally a 10 oz silver and 1 oz gold as well.

That's probably it...

The 2022 Memorial five sovereign piece finally turned up in March, after ordering it in November I think it was... 

Bought bullion versions of the Memorial sov and double sov.

Bought bullion versions of the Coronation sov and double sov.

Bought 1oz gold bullion Coronation Cypher coin, Coronation Britannia coin, and Coronation bar.

That was it for 2023, and I'm happy with those additions 🙂

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On 06/01/2023 at 22:47, AuricGoldfinger said:

I would like to get my full stack to 2 KG of gold. All CGT free, either full bullion sovs, brits or MIGHT start collecting the Tudor Beasts but foolishly turned my nose up at the 1st one so guessing there is premiums to be paid on that.

Not sure how realistic the target is as i have a few other non PM related goals - and all depends on what the price of not only gold but everything else does this year.

Wow. Just looking at this I totally failed 😂 

i did achieve plenty this year but i have about 1.5Kg of gold which i intend to sell a good chunk to pay off my mortgage.

All good though - plans for 2024 is rebuild the stack!

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Well looking back at my goals for 2023, I haven't done great.

1 - £10 in pre-1920 silver, well I managed about £5.

2 - £3 in pre-1816 silver, I managed about a shilling.

3 - A few silver Albert chains - none bought.

Oops 😁


I guess 2023 has been a lean year. Hopefully 2024 will see more progress. Although I've yet to see the 2024 thread.

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