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When we put our money into our bank I am sure the bank thinks it is theirs and not ours. They say they are trying to protect our money from our own foolishness. I am sick of all of their security hoops we have to jump through.

I can't access my money half the time I want to, because I need to borrow my wife's mobile phone for 6 digit pass numbers to get into my own account, before I can do any transaction. The bank has 20 questions every time I try to spend anything. I just ignore them all and always click on moving money to another account of mine.

They recently split my credit card, from my bank account, so that the 2 are no longer linked. I need an app to operate my creditcard. I don't have a mobile phone, I have a landline and the bank can't send a 6 digit number text to a landline. They don't give a terrible about their customers. Only our money. God help us when the digital pound arrives later this year. Up here in the North of Scotland, we don't even have mobile bank vans in lots of our towns.

Cash, silver and gold is needed to keep our freedom.

That's my rant, idiots run the banks and idiots run the country. Thanks Bogart for setting me off on this one.


1 hour ago, silvergaga said:

When we put our money into our bank I am sure the bank thinks it is theirs and not ours. They say they are trying to protect our money from our own foolishness. I am sick of all of their security hoops we have to jump through.

I can't access my money half the time I want to, because I need to borrow my wife's mobile phone for 6 digit pass numbers to get into my own account, before I can do any transaction. The bank has 20 questions every time I try to spend anything. I just ignore them all and always click on moving money to another account of mine.

They recently split my credit card, from my bank account, so that the 2 are no longer linked. I need an app to operate my creditcard. I don't have a mobile phone, I have a landline and the bank can't send a 6 digit number text to a landline. They don't give a terrible about their customers. Only our money. God help us when the digital pound arrives later this year. Up here in the North of Scotland, we don't even have mobile bank vans in lots of our towns.

Cash, silver and gold is needed to keep our freedom.

That's my rant, idiots run the banks and idiots run the country. Thanks Bogart for setting me off on this one.


Really want to go to Scotland to see a mobile bank van. When were these invented? Do you still pay in with a book? 

Life without a mobile phone seems like bliss but I couldn't operate without one now. 


2 minutes ago, Tn21 said:

Well technically the banks do actually own the depository funds, scary I know right @silvergaga

@Bogart did the payment go through in the end ? 

Unfortunately that's right. Our bank accounts are actually only the banks form of a ledger. Once the cash has been deposited. It is legally an unsecured loan to the bank and ownership transfers from us to the bank. This is why there is an FSCS guarantee for deposits of £85,000. However be careful as this guarantee is per banking licence not per bank. Lloyds own Bank of Scotland which in turn own Halifax. So if you had £85,000 in each of them you would only be covered for one lot of £85,000 and technically could loose £170,000 in a banking crash. Food for thought. 

I had a similar problem paying a mortgage off. And again sending a payment to Atkinson's. They even did a companies house search on them. Mind blowing really. We are all sleep walking through the banking system. Use cash at every opportunity. If we don't it will be taken away and we'll end up a cash less society.


As @ZRPMssays most people don’t realise that they no longer “own” their own money once it is deposited.  Spread your cash through as many different bank licensed options as possible, then consider offshore opportunities if you need to (funds allowing),  then do the obvious of diversification as much as possible to mitigate your risk and exposure to any one asset class. 
Which I guess is why a considerable amount of us are on this forum. 
your stated bank experience is indicative of not only where we now are , but a good guide as to where we are headed. 

3 hours ago, silvergaga said:

When we put our money into our bank I am sure the bank thinks it is theirs and not ours. They say they are trying to protect our money from our own foolishness. I am sick of all of their security hoops we have to jump through.

I can't access my money half the time I want to, because I need to borrow my wife's mobile phone for 6 digit pass numbers to get into my own account, before I can do any transaction. The bank has 20 questions every time I try to spend anything. I just ignore them all and always click on moving money to another account of mine.

They recently split my credit card, from my bank account, so that the 2 are no longer linked. I need an app to operate my creditcard. I don't have a mobile phone, I have a landline and the bank can't send a 6 digit number text to a landline. They don't give a terrible about their customers. Only our money. God help us when the digital pound arrives later this year. Up here in the North of Scotland, we don't even have mobile bank vans in lots of our towns.

Cash, silver and gold is needed to keep our freedom.

That's my rant, idiots run the banks and idiots run the country. Thanks Bogart for setting me off on this one.


This is why I hate online banking.

If I want to send a bank transfer I have to log in with user name and password then verify the login with a random generated 8 digit passcode, then after filling the details for the transfer it asks me to answer a security question and after that I have to enter another 6 digit code to finally send the payment.


An old friend of mine who died recently, decided he wanted to take his nest egg out of the bank.  It was £30000. He had to go to the bank 6 days in a row, to get £5000 when we had a bank in this town. How would it have been on a bank run? Like we had in 2008 with the Building Societies.

Because they told him £30k was too much for The Clydesdale Bank to handle at one time.


And that was only 5 years ago here in Aberdeenshire.

Wait till the bail- ins happen here like Cyprus, and they give us permission to take £100 a day out of an ATM, when we still have £85k "safe" in our A/C eh.

10 hours ago, Bogart said:

Seething having just put the phone down on an obnoxious creature at Lloyds bank. Was trying to pay Fadeinstar on here for one of his Sigma machines.

Went alright told all was hunky dory until I get a message saying ring us. So ring them they are not happy to whom I am trying to pay the money.

Talk about the third degree treating me like a halfwit. What am I buying  am not telling you, no did not like that reply nor a lot of others I gave him.

I would put in a complaint but as our conversation ended with me telling him to f off might not be the best way. I should not have said that to him but

having spent about 30 minutes on the phone to him  I had had enough.

Rant over going for a drink.

Very interesting Bogart. I had the exact same problem yesterday, trying to pay for exactly the same item. Payment failed 4 times in a row so ended up switching to payment via PayPal which went straight through (I know, PP has its own myriad of problems etc). I don’t like where the banking system finds itself presently. Goodness only knows what it’ll like like in 10 years time

10 hours ago, Bogart said:

Seething having just put the phone down on an obnoxious creature at Lloyds bank. Was trying to pay Fadeinstar on here for one of his Sigma machines.

Went alright told all was hunky dory until I get a message saying ring us. So ring them they are not happy to whom I am trying to pay the money.

Talk about the third degree treating me like a halfwit. What am I buying  am not telling you, no did not like that reply nor a lot of others I gave him.

I would put in a complaint but as our conversation ended with me telling him to f off might not be the best way. I should not have said that to him but

having spent about 30 minutes on the phone to him  I had had enough.

Rant over going for a drink.

Sympathise totally. I had the third degree from some thick Irish paddy Lloyd's twit when trying to move the sale proceeds of a property. 

So a significant amount of money, granted.

However I WAS trying to move it into an account in my name based at the same branch. Now surely even those pratts should know it's bloody me not a Nigerian Royal. 

That particular episode lost them my personal accounts and my business account. Not that the bank I moved to are much better. My granny was right. Mattress!


It is because of problems with my bank that I do not buy from the Royal Mint when coins are released.  Inevitably, after queuing, managing to stumble across the item on the website, putting it in my basket, checking out, the bank then stops the payment!  Or they say their security team will phone me - but which time I will have lost the item! 



When CBDC is introduced this year in the UK, all of the high street banks that we know don't have a job any more. They don't deserve to have jobs the way they are treating their customers.

TSF has the formula for customer service down to a fine art. We have a real community spirit here which our authorities won't like.


My never thought my 'rant' would caise such an outpouring of anger at bankjs, fully deserved though.  My wife tried to pay it again this morning with same end result.  Oh yes we accept you are who you say you are but no

we are not going to pay it. Was then suggested she use Paypal, that is assuming she has a PP account. Oh so PP is safer than a bank transfer well that sums up todays banking system. Final suggestion was go to our local branch

with some photo ID, never mind they had agreed she was who she was and that our branch closed a few months ago. I could sign off here with a few more words beginning with f relating to them but no let us have some decorum.

I have sent Fadeingstar a cart of salt and a couple of pigs in full payment.


The trick to keeping control of your money is to keep drawing it out as it comes in, drip, drip. Don't let the balance build up. Get it invested in other things, get PMs, keep some in cash.

Always make sure obviously that bills/expenses are all covered and keep a batch of cash on hand to settle anything unexpected. It can always be deposited into accounts. They're *almost* always happy to take your money. They just don't like giving it you back. Probably because they've gambled with it.


Just hijacking your rantage thread a moment Monsieur Bogart if that's OK..

Bank of England is the cause of my rant.

Remember how they promised us the new plastic notes with their umpteen security measures were unfakeable?

Turns out, unsurprisingly, that this is bollards. Have had a schooling by a young man in the Post Office.

Where did my fake 20 come from? Nationwide Building Society's ATM earlier this week.

Be careful chaps and chapesses!

1 hour ago, Fishface220 said:

Some banks are offering up to £200 to switch at the moment.... could be worth sticking 2 fingers up to them and get a half sovereign for your troubles

In the process of swapping some accounts. £200 for free get it then move on.

49 minutes ago, MonkeysUncle said:

Just hijacking your rantage thread a moment Monsieur Bogart if that's OK..

Bank of England is the cause of my rant.

Remember how they promised us the new plastic notes with their umpteen security measures were unfakeable?

Turns out, unsurprisingly, that this is bollards. Have had a schooling by a young man in the Post Office.

Where did my fake 20 come from? Nationwide Building Society's ATM earlier this week.

Be careful chaps and chapesses!

Should we be surprised not at all. I had a devil of a job the other week to shift a £50 note.

8 minutes ago, Bogart said:

Should we be surprised not at all. I had a devil of a job the other week to shift a £50 note.

I have a customer who thinks he’s being clever paying me with a £50, separated out and into the bank! Not worth the hassle of people not wanting it.🤔

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