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Gold stacking end goals

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Hi all

I wonder what peoples different goals are when it comes to their stack ?

Do you ever see yourself getting so attached to the stack that you won’t sell ?


I am just aiming to save in gold for retirement ( I am 32 currently ) a sovereign a month put away for the next 30 years or so.

but I wonder what everyone else’s thoughts are ?


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Very similar situation to @SovereignBishop

Started in 2017, after I finished paying off my mortgage.

First 3 years bought half a sov, or similar, per month.

Now buying a full Sov, or similar, per month.

I plan to sell a coin per month to supplement my pension when I retire.

I can't see me having any problem selling when the time comes.

Edited by Norskgeld
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5 minutes ago, Norskgeld said:

I plan to sell a coin per month to supplement my pension when I retire.

I can't see me having any problem selling when the time comes.

I appreciate you thought at the minute and dont know your age but dont rule out investing elsewhere when other assets are out of favour.

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I just plan to own gold as smallish percentage of a larger investment portfolio ie properties/shares etc.

I would sell but only to re invest somewhere else in the portfolio ie into more income producing assets which can aid in my retirement in years to come.

I like owning gold, and i am attached to it in a way but only in the way that i plan to preserve my wealth and gold does a reasonable job of that when combined with the other usual asset classes.

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2 hours ago, SovereignBishop said:

I am just aiming to save in gold for retirement ( I am 32 currently ) a sovereign a month put away for the next 30 years or so.


I have the exact same goal, 1 sovereign each month for 30 years to help with my retirement pots. Depending on how finances go and if gold spot drops down I might be able to add more than one each month.

Only really focusing on sovereigns personally too, low premiums, fractional, and has a bunch of different mini collections you can work on getting over the years so ticks all boxes for me.

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Plan A at the moment is to save enough half sovs to sell one a week when I retire until I snuff it as long as interest rates stay low.

Plan B is selling my stack to pay off my mortgage if interest rates get to 5% or more (or whatever rate gobbles up all my disposable income).

To fund Plan A for 20 years retirement I would need 1040 half sovs which would probably be too much for me (I think 600/700 is more like it) but I'm a couch potato so I won't live that long lol.

Of course I don't know anything about investments yet.

I don't even know how to buy a share but I plan on learning what is better than gold so I expect A and B will both be out the window in 10 years. :)


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The sweet spot is 240 sovereigns, one a month for 20 years. That should supplement your pension nicely (£350 a month).

Step 1: Fill 10 tubes with sovereigns (that's 250 but it don't matter!)

Step 2: 100 ozs physical. That is enough, anymore becomes difficult to store/vault/SD box.

Step 3: Vaulted allocated gold. As much as you feel confident to hold.

Step 4: Gold backed stablecoins.




Technically, alcohol is a solution..

'It [socialism] poses a growing threat, however unintentional, to the freedom of this country, for there is no freedom where the State totally controls the economy. Personal freedom and economic freedom are indivisible. You can’t have one without the other. You can’t lose one without losing the other.'

"There is no such thing as public money, there is only taxpayers' money"

Let not England forget her precedence of teaching nations how to live, and It's  Britannia, with one t and two n's.

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No plans for me. I wouldn't be able to comfortably afford a monthly gold purchase and not sure I would of I could. My whole stack has grown from nothing through, side hustles (eBay, Etsy and FB). All the extra money I make goes on metals, this is the attraction for me.

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9 hours ago, CANV said:

I'll take the third line !!    


Although once you make your first sale then you will be buying and selling forever 

I find my silver easy to sell but gold not so much. Never sold a sovereign other than proofs or sotd

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6 hours ago, shaunm said:

I have the exact same goal, 1 sovereign each month for 30 years to help with my retirement pots. Depending on how finances go and if gold spot drops down I might be able to add more than one each month.

Only really focusing on sovereigns personally too, low premiums, fractional, and has a bunch of different mini collections you can work on getting over the years so ticks all boxes for me.

I agree, they are easily attainable and a full sovereign is not too expensive for the average man. A full Brit though ? Massive. Owning a quarter coin doesn’t have the same feel to me

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6 hours ago, SilverStorm said:

My stacking goal is to join the 100 oz club.   It's extremely difficult, and I don't know if I will ever get there.  But it's the journey, not the destination that's important.  😄

Imagine! Just having enough gold to one day say, that’s it, I’m done with this work stuff, where is the beach.


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5 hours ago, 27carrots said:

Plan A at the moment is to save enough half sovs to sell one a week when I retire until I snuff it as long as interest rates stay low.

Plan B is selling my stack to pay off my mortgage if interest rates get to 5% or more (or whatever rate gobbles up all my disposable income).

To fund Plan A for 20 years retirement I would need 1040 half sovs which would probably be too much for me (I think 600/700 is more like it) but I'm a couch potato so I won't live that long lol.

Of course I don't know anything about investments yet.

I don't even know how to buy a share but I plan on learning what is better than gold so I expect A and B will both be out the window in 10 years. :)


I have shares (not many) but I find it hard to resist buying gold each month instead. Just so much more interesting to me. I need to keep adding to the other assets though like others have said.

plus the mortgage of course.

looks like I’m well trapped in the rat race!

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Mortgage overpayment verses PMs is always a hard one. It really comes down to personal circumstances. My mortgage allows me to overpay 10% of the remaining amount - resets in Jan every year - without penalty (additional charges), which I do.

I think finance is a lot like diet. Everything in moderation does no harm. Overpay on mortgage; pay off credit cards (or don't get them); live within your means; repair instead of replace; buy PMs.

Spread your portfolio into as many baskets/assets as possible.

The inferior man argues about his rights, while the superior man imposes duties upon himself.

He who has a why can bear almost any how.

Every act of beauty is a revolt against the modern world.

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My stack is for my kids. I started out with no real plan, just bought the odd silver ounce because I liked them. That was about 5 years ago, and only really upped my buying in  the last 2 years or so. Now properly have the bug, for better or worse.

I have a reasonable pension, that should be enough, but you never know how things will turn out, so I suppose the stack is a plan B.

In an ideal world I would like to get to around 700-800 oz (silver, obviously...) and perhaps 15-20 of gold. I find silver more aesthetically pleasing and think it has greater long term potential than gold. (Maybe!!!)

Either way, when it goes to the kids they can do what they like, cash it in or use it to start their own stack. I get the enjoyment of putting it together and owning it for a while, then it will be passed on - it won't have cost the kids a penny so it's a win-win.

I know its not much of a plan, it's more about enjoyment for me and a wee helping hand for the kids when  the time comes. A hobby with benefits!

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My aim is purely to diversify my asset risk and then ultimately leave that stacking portion for my kids one day.

If I can get to between 10-15% of my disposable asset wealth, I’ll be happy for them.

So far they have shown some interest, so dangling a few date run carrots, I’m hoping will keep them engaged.

Otherwise, it’s a mix of gold and silver that I can split equally and they can store securely.

Maybe the odd pension top up sale for me too. 

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2 minutes ago, Darr3nG said:

Really? I've never had any issue selling bullion sovereigns - by far the most liquid of all my precious metal coins.

Think he means it would hurt to sell his bullion sovereigns, rather than they don't sell lol.

I like to buy the pre-dip dip

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13 hours ago, SovereignBishop said:

Hi all

I wonder what peoples different goals are when it comes to their stack ?

Do you ever see yourself getting so attached to the stack that you won’t sell ?


I am just aiming to save in gold for retirement ( I am 32 currently ) a sovereign a month put away for the next 30 years or so.

but I wonder what everyone else’s thoughts are ?


I treasure my gold proof coins and would find it 'emotionally' difficult to sell them, if I was in that position.

If I can retire (at all) and retire without selling, I think my intention would be to educate about the importance of real money and pass them down to family.


With regards to gold bullion, I tend to treat that as 'cash' but with a better return than fiat currency in a bank. 

It wouldn't hurt as much to sell my gold bullion, mainly gold bars, but having said that, there are a few gold bullion coins that I really like and would be hesitant and a little sad if felt pressured to sell them.

I suppose it all depends on what the future holds.

Heading to the beach ⛱️ somewhere exotic most days in retirement with my family and friends sounds fantastic!! 

It's good to stay positive in this mostly misunderstood and complex world we all live in! 🙂

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4 hours ago, TheShinyStuff said:

My stack is for my kids. I started out with no real plan, just bought the odd silver ounce because I liked them. That was about 5 years ago, and only really upped my buying in  the last 2 years or so. Now properly have the bug, for better or worse.

I have a reasonable pension, that should be enough, but you never know how things will turn out, so I suppose the stack is a plan B.

In an ideal world I would like to get to around 700-800 oz (silver, obviously...) and perhaps 15-20 of gold. I find silver more aesthetically pleasing and think it has greater long term potential than gold. (Maybe!!!)

Either way, when it goes to the kids they can do what they like, cash it in or use it to start their own stack. I get the enjoyment of putting it together and owning it for a while, then it will be passed on - it won't have cost the kids a penny so it's a win-win.

I know its not much of a plan, it's more about enjoyment for me and a wee helping hand for the kids when  the time comes. A hobby with benefits!

I never thought of the fact it would avoid paying tax on inheritance. Perfect

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