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another laughable seller


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23 minutes ago, pricha said:

Well this is a gold and silver forum . People seek advice on here so not to be scammed  , so as far as i'm concerned i am only trying to help the novice . 

True, these posts are always good as reference points and keeping an eye on new fakes; so thankyou. It shocks me how these pieces sell for high amounts on eBay while the listings and coins look quite fake.

I was only making a joke on how they hardly put any effort into scams now.

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2 hours ago, pricha said:

Well this is a gold and silver forum . People seek advice on here so not to be scammed  , so as far as i'm concerned i am only trying to help the novice . 

you need to message the seller and tell him its a fake... and report it.. 

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.

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4 hours ago, pricha said:

Actually this bloke is making a killing. Look at all his other ""Gold "" sales . 


St George has got nipples ???? 😆

St Georgina!!

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18 minutes ago, CollectorNo1 said:

The thing is..when you look at his other c**p....people are bidding on it....Doh!!!!!

they'll learn the hard way

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.

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2 hours ago, Gordy said:

you need to message the seller and tell him its a fake... and report it.. 

The seller will know all his stuff is fake, so there's no point messaging to tell him that. If anything message to ask if it is real genuine gold.

It used to be possible to message buyers to alert them, but ebay stopped that because it was bad for business.


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I do not understand why someone does not report this blatant fraud for what it is to the police or a magistrate. Passing off a forged/fake coin carries a possible penalty of jail and/or a fine - max. £10,000 - like other fraudulent goods. I certainly would do this, or threaten it, if I bought such a 'coin' and then realised what it actually was. Sovereigns are specifically protected from forgery in the Forgery and Counterfeiting Act, 1981. So are half sovereigns, and krugerrands interestingly enough, but not, apparently, American gold dollars.

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1 hour ago, rdhcustance said:

I do not understand why someone does not report this blatant fraud for what it is to the police or a magistrate. Passing off a forged/fake coin carries a possible penalty of jail and/or a fine - max. £10,000 - like other fraudulent goods. I certainly would do this, or threaten it, if I bought such a 'coin' and then realised what it actually was. Sovereigns are specifically protected from forgery in the Forgery and Counterfeiting Act, 1981. So are half sovereigns, and krugerrands interestingly enough, but not, apparently, American gold dollars.

Why don’t we as a group report it?

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10 hours ago, LawrenceChard said:

Sure, about 10 bids on some items.

Albert Einstein has been credited with saying "Only two things are believed to be infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the first one."

That's on my profile banner. I should take you to court for copyright. However I'm willing to negotiate on the terms that your such nice chap. You can send me 30 sovs gratis as settlement. Mums the word etc etc 😂 feel free to DM me so I can send you my address....

Central bankers are politicians disguised as economists or bankers. They’re either incompetent or liars. So, either way, you’re never going to get a valid answer.” - Peter Schiff

Sound money is not a guarantee of a free society, but a free society is impossible without sound money. We are currently a society enslaved by debt. My favourite chat up line - J'adorerais te mettre dans la pipe.
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It's a shame Ebay do not act in accordance with their own policies...But it seems Fake PM's do not apply??


 From Ebay

  • 'Counterfeit products are illegal and not allowed on eBay. Examples include:
    • Fakes, copies, or replicas of brand name items (for example, a shoe with the Nike name or logo that wasn't made by Nike)
    • Electronics or accessories that use or bear the brand name, logo, or trademark of a company that didn't manufacture the item
    • Bootleg recordings from concerts or other live shows
    • Unauthorised or pirated copies of movies, videos, or software
  • Listings with photos that hide or blur trademarks are not allowed
  • If you're not certain that your item is authentic, or if an authenticator has been unable to confirm its authenticity, it may not be listed
  • We may remove listings if we receive buyer complaints that the item is not authentic. These items may not be relisted'
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Unfortunately it's unlikely that eBay will do anything about this before the auctions have ended and the items have been paid for, simply because they lack the expert knowledge demonstrated above and won't end a listing just on the say-so of several random users pointing out that a listing is fake.

The same frustrations are commonplace with fake motor vehicle listings on eBay - eBay rarely act until it's too late, unless the reporter is extremely well known to them and has a direct contact with someone in their fraud department. Motor vehicles have the advantage that they have licence plates, so it's possible to clearly demonstrate that photos used in a listing have actually been pinched from, say, an earlier listing where the vehicle was sold for its true value, usually at least twice the price that the scammer is asking for.

You obviously don't have that possibility with gold coins that don't have serial numbers.

It's quite likely that the seller's account may be suspended or penalised after everyone has received their coins and discover they are duff, but definitely not before in my experience. The best we can hope for is for all the listings to be removed, but I think that is extremely unlikely unless the seller has previous fraud markers that will cause the reports to be acted upon sooner.

Fortunately everyone should be able to get their money back in the end, but I can't imagine how much effort would be involved in proving - and making eBay accept - that the received item is counterfeit.

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1 minute ago, dicker said:

Well gents:

I have reported to Action Fraud.  There is a lesson to be learned for petty scammers here:

If you are going to try and scam people:

(1) Don't also advertise your car on the same ebay account with its number plate visible (Easy to lookup an address using the plate)

(2) Don't include your phone number on the ebay ad

(3) Don't then give your address to the person who phones up for a test drive

All of this has been reported to Action Fraud - fed up of Ebay doing nothing.

Best Dicker

Good sleuthing. I wonder if it might be more effective to make another phone call to the seller to let them know what you've done, and to ask them to take down all the listings. That should stop anyone actually paying for the dubious coins.

I'll be amazed if Action Fraud does anything about it at all, ever, let alone before the auctions end.

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43 minutes ago, dicker said:

(1) Don't also advertise your car on the same ebay account with its number plate visible (Easy to lookup an address using the plate)

Is this actually possible to find an address from number plate?

I had a Google a couple of weeks ago as my missus was paranoid some smack heads had taken her plate details, and it seemed it wasn't possible unless a direct request to dvla with good justification?


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5 minutes ago, oooootini said:

Is this actually possible to find an address from number plate?

I had a Google a couple of weeks ago as my missus was paranoid some smack heads had taken her plate details, and it seemed it wasn't possible unless a direct request to dvla with good justification?


Its possible but not simple... 

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.

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3 minutes ago, oooootini said:

Is this actually possible to find an address from number plate?

I had a Google a couple of weeks ago as my missus was paranoid some smack heads had taken her plate details, and it seemed it wasn't possible unless a direct request to dvla with good justification?


I believe the only people who can retrieve an address via a number plate are the Police...Mainly with their in car ANPR software or direct contact withe DVLA.

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I could get the address quite easily - but this is not for me to do and would probably breach some data protection laws.

It is of course very useful to the Police who can find the address using it - or indeed 'Dans phone number.



Not my circus, not my monkeys

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