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Charity Guess the offer I get! Silver Brit for the winner and donation to RCUA

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Evening folks inspired by @LawrenceChard having a guess the offer competition on 1 x 2021 Brittania that I will take to a local pawn shop currently selling them in my home town for £35 see picture.


No prizes just the satisfaction of winning or not! 

@LawrenceChardhas guessed £15.

The coin will go in on Tuesday 17th

The amount offered I will donate to Red Cross Ukraine appeal. 


Edited by Dakaras
Added a charity spin
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  • Dakaras changed the title to Guess the offer I get! Silver Brit for charity

An half empty packet of Aldi cornflakes, A 1970s tea towel holder an punctured used dolly and half a tube of Vaseline!

Sorry i thought I was on the conveyer belt on the generation game!

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1 minute ago, SilverDrum said:

Can i suggest a more fruitful idea....just see how much they offer....then auction it off here, so we can do it justice and sell it to some sucker ( @Darr3nG...or me) for £103.69

Was thinking the same..but I assumed @Dakaras wasn't planning to sell the coin to them, more of an exercise. Then donate out of his own pocket?? After saying to the pawn shop worker "you think i came up the Thames in a bubble" 🤣

I like to buy the pre-dip dip

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  • Dakaras changed the title to Charity Guess the offer I get! Silver Brit for the winner and donation to RCUA

Ok folks title edited.

The coin will be taken to pawn brokers 17th May, will hopefully be recorded otherwise I'll ask for the offer in writing.

The amount offered by the pawnshop will be donated to the Red Cross Ukraine appeal by me. The coin will be comingt home, unless they offer over £30! 

The closest guess in this thread will win a Brit donated by @fireblade4life thank you and a barter chip from me.

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