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So you have silver….sell or keep?


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Hi All

I have seen a number of people here and elsewhere thinking of giving up with silver. 

Firstly, I am not any sort of expert or guru.  I just have had a good think about silver. 

I have a not inconsiderable stack of silver, collected over the last five or so years.  My stack is varied and ranges from English Hammered through to QB’s. 

Personally, I have stopped stacking silver, and have shifted focus on to buying non proof interesting coins - like Morgan’s, George Shillings etc.  Coins that I enjoy owning.

Will I be selling my silver stack - no!  Not at all.

For me, it a long term bet and I want to keep the coins that I have collected.

Everyone has their own ideas and strategies but for me, I will be keeping my silver stack and selectively adding interesting coins rather than bulk purchases.

If I was starting again, I would still buy silver but from private buyers on the forum.

Would be interested in hearing other folks thoughts.




Not my circus, not my monkeys

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I’ve just been stacking for a few months and have observed the buying and selling behaviours of people during this time. And I think it’s safe to say people are moving away from Silver into gold these days. Silver on the forum are being sold for a lot less than when I first joined in March.

Both are manipulated, as we already know. But gold seems more favourable due to its lower premium over spot, VAT free and are more liquid.

Silver is so undervalued, it doesn’t make sense for spot price to be less than the cost more to mine it.

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4 hours ago, dicker said:

Hi All

I have seen a number of people here and elsewhere thinking of giving up with silver. 

Firstly, I am not any sort of expert or guru.  I just have had a good think about silver. 

I have a not inconsiderable stack of silver, collected over the last five or so years.  My stack is varied and ranges from English Hammered through to QB’s. 

Personally, I have stopped stacking silver, and have shifted focus on to buying non proof interesting coins - like Morgan’s, George Shillings etc.  Coins that I enjoy owning.

Will I be selling my silver stack - no!  Not at all.

For me, it a long term bet and I want to keep the coins that I have collected.

Everyone has their own ideas and strategies but for me, I will be keeping my silver stack and selectively adding interesting coins rather than bulk purchases.

If I was starting again, I would still buy silver but from private buyers on the forum.

Would be interested in hearing other folks thoughts.




I am a relatively new gold stacker.  I think the premium on silver is just too high for it to be sensible investment for me.

Though if you did buy when prices were cheaper, I can see your logic in holding what you already have.

That is not to say that I would never buy silver, but it would be a something I really liked and no thing else.

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I have stopped buying silver now but Have a few KG's inc QB sets and stuff. 
If the spot nose dives the most viable thing for me is to buy in Europe or second hand on here. 
Im not selling & dont really mind about any losses as I dont relate it that much to fiat as its a long term hedge. 
If the spot goes anywhere near $40 then I will start selling. 

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An interesting question. As a relative newcomer I certainly will not be giving up on silver.

I understand the reticence of those who have been stacking and or collecting for longer. The first silver I bought in 2015 cost me around £15 an ounce. Unfortunately I  bought relatively little at these prices. If I had amassed say 500oz at this price I then I may well not buy today, but I didn't.

I have read the many excellent threads on this forum regarding the price of silver and the multitude of reasons for it. I couldnt claim to understand them all but I think the price is only going one way and if you want silver you have to pay the going rate. And this is what I will do.

I buy for my own pleasure today and my kids in the future. It will not make them rich, in fact I hope they will add to their silver inheritance rather than spend it and appreciate the storage of wealth it provides.

My stack is mainly bullion coins with some semi-numismatics. I have considered buying pre 47 coins for bulk and may well do this, but for the time being my focus is mainly on regular bullion.

I have no end point in mind, I intend to buy silver for as long as i am able. This may change of course for many reasons, bit until then i will buy silver. It is a thing of both beauty and value and I well and truly have the bug.

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I'll continue with silver collections like kooks and lunar from perth mint, libertads and elephants etc. Any limited edition set when complete i won't be starting another to replace it. I'm dropping the koala's though and i will no doubt sell them on at some point.

Sales on the forum have become slightly polarised IMHO the huge variety once available here has shrunk 10 fold, this isn't a criticism or a percieved criticism of our sales forum but just what members are selling at the moment. All things change and the market forces drive sales will always lead the way. BYB has provided excellent products that offer something different to excite the silover bugs.

As for sell or keep i will sell on my koala's but everything else is a keep now with a huge emphasis on GOLD with a small amount of platinum thrown in for good measure.

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What a brilliant topic @dicker 

Myself personally will continue to buy silver, if I like it or still collecting a series I will get it but from UK dealers and sellers.

I have sold a chunk of silver and gold as well as the time had come to buy a house and the store of wealth that I had acquired through silver and gold helped a great deal to kit out the house and help with a bigger deposit.

But I have moved away from bullion really at the moment and find it a lot more interesting now collecting world silver coins with all the history associated with them


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I think there are some really attractive deals on the forum for Silver bullion.  

At the end of the day people will but at a price that they find attractive. 

I suspect a rise in silver price will increase activity.



Not my circus, not my monkeys

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I'm not buying silver any more, just my yearly Kook and Panda, due to the current price - but then I feel I have more than enough.

If I didn't have any silver I'd be in a rush to get at least 30ozs as soon as possible. Yes there's hype but at very worst you'll lose the price of one day out or dinner at a fancy restaurant. I would then move into gold, and after acquiring some of that find a balance between the two that I believed in going forward.

If I had my time again I would avoid many of the one-off 'flavour of the month' coins that I have many singles of (though not at bad prices compared to today's). The reason is that I will now, at some point, be moving most of these into plain CGT-free bullion (both gold and silver). Most were not 'bad' purchases, but choosing other more reliable 'winners' would leave me with a bigger profit to reinvest now, and also be quicker to find a buyer at the price I want, so opportunity cost.

E.g. I have quite a few £30 - 40 coins that people may not be looking for right now, but are easily worth that to those that are. Most cost me £20 - £25 with postage etc. I'll have to list and post these separately and may not find a buyer immediately. However, if I'd bought a tube or tubes of the 2oz Queen's Beast Griffins at £35 a coin (which they were for quite a while and which I kept looking at) I could liquidate the whole lot at a very good profit pretty much immediately.

I suppose the tip there is if you buy lots of different pieces try to 'clean up' your stack as you go along where time and opportunity allows.

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As I mentioned on another thread, I will go back to the US when I can (And Australia).  I will be looking for DMPL Morgan’s from the US and some unusual Aussie Sovs or early Australian coins in Perth. 

I will as usual try and declare on the way back through LHR but I suspect I will just be waved through….Customs seem to have bigger fish to fry.



Not my circus, not my monkeys

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4 minutes ago, kimchi said:

If I had my time again I would avoid many of the one-off 'flavour of the month' coins that I have many singles of (though not at bad prices compared to today's). The reason is that I will now, at some point, be moving most of these into plain CGT-free bullion (both gold and silver). Most were not 'bad' purchases, but choosing other more reliable 'winners' would leave me with a bigger profit to reinvest now, and also be quicker to find a buyer at the price I want, so opportunity cost.

I suppose the tip there is if you buy lots of different pieces try to 'clean up' your stack as you go along where time and opportunity allows.

Totally agree. At the start I was all over the place, buying pretty much one of everything. As a result I have maybe 30-40oz of singles such Archangels, Pandas etc. Nice coins, but I wont be buying any more. (Probably...😉) Also series like The Perth Nuggets and Dolphins that I wont be continuing. Likewise the RM Music legends. I suppose worst case scenario I have the first releases of a few series that may outperform the silver price - maybe.

Moving on it's mostly bullion for me. I've said before on this forum that silver proofs worry me too much - they are only ever one blemish away from bullion. Currently I'm filling some tubes - Phil's at the minute then on to Brits and Maples etc. Not exciting, but sensible I think. I am patiently waiting for the 10oz QB though which will be single biggest silver lump.

My biggest challenge as always is to avoid distractions and keep to the plan. 

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When I started out spot was hovering round the £9 and buying 1oz for round £12 depending on the coin and look back now and wish I backed the truck up then would have made tidy profits now

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I have stopped buying silver a while ago but that would also be the case if silver still had the same spot price it had when I bought most of it (11-12£) and if you could still import it at cheaper tax rates, from Europe. For me it's a personal diversification issue and price development just falls in handy for me but if I had no or little silver now, I would still buy it, also at the current prices and I will again in the future, regardless of what the price development might be. It will of course influence how much I will be able to buy.

Certainly not selling what I have.


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Considering I've only started stacking this past month, I would say now is a great time to buy haha. That being said, one would assume there's only a few times where it's not advisable to acquire more. I suppose at the end of the day, it depends on your own personal circumstanes. If you need to liquidate, then liquidate, if not, then happy stacking.

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18 hours ago, watchesandwhisky said:

Living in the UK i just cant justify silver, the premiums are eye watering and unless you are willing to spend time hunting down and storing old sterling flatware I just cant see the value in it. 

I agree. I was fortunate to get into the silver game a couple of years ago and had enough time to amass a reasonable stack before Brexit and the 'silver squeeze' of last year. IMO Gold is far more a better buy for anyone in the UK.

In regards to selling, for me I will be hodling for a while yet unless some unforeseen happens. I guess if spot hits $100+ I will start to consider slowly liquidating the stack!

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I have not stopped stacking silver but I don't buy near the same quantity as the year leading up to the pandemic. I stick with buying the coins that I really enjoy, generally higher premium ones (kooks/panda's, random proof designs that I like) but generally stay clear from bullion at this moment in time. Most of my budget will go towards gold at this stage but I'm not ruling out future silver purchases, just not necessarily actively looking for it.

I will concede though that I recently bought some bullion coins, a new release from a European dealer that I could get for £21,5 each. I bought a couple because that design was nice to me, but that was the first silver purchase in months.

In regards to selling, not really looking for that at this stage either, but I have sold bits and bobs before to redeem some cash and put that towards gold. Not ruling out the possibility of doing that again in the (perhaps near) future. 

As long as I enjoy the purchase made, I keep telling myself that it's justified :D 

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I think most of us bought whatever we liked to look at at the beginning of our metal journey.Than slowly realized there are better buys out there and started to re-organize the stack. I have tried to move away from silver coins for only one reason which is to keep the capsules in prefect condition when comes to re-selling but one just cannot get away from the beauty of many silver coins. There are some I would probably never get rid off but the right buyer could be lurking at the corner at the right time.😉

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2 hours ago, dragafem said:

I think most of us bought whatever we liked to look at at the beginning of our metal journey.Than slowly realized there are better buys out there and started to re-organize the stack. I have tried to move away from silver coins for only one reason which is to keep the capsules in prefect condition when comes to re-selling but one just cannot get away from the beauty of many silver coins. There are some I would probably never get rid off but the right buyer could be lurking at the corner at the right time.😉

Great point.

Just going through that journey now. The ironic thing is you don't really understand the better way to do it until you start to sell a few bits. Also I feel it is important to establish some kind of seller profile. To get a fare price for your stack at a time when you want to get out maybe more difficult than some might think. 

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Still buying silver myself,I enjoy the actual product to look at and hold, and I truly believe we are just starting to see the rise,inflation is going only one way,been getting into small denomination gold for past few months aswell,diversity never hurts. 

I never had a short term plan to sell metals and still don't,the market may be a very different landscape In  10-15 yrs * my projected exit time frame, we see people looking back at the £14 an ounce period and think now is expensive...in 5 yrs we may long for the prices we are seeing now as the happy time that silver was cheap lol.

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4 hours ago, Captinjack said:

Still buying silver myself,I enjoy the actual product to look at and hold, and I truly believe we are just starting to see the rise,inflation is going only one way,been getting into small denomination gold for past few months aswell,diversity never hurts. 

I never had a short term plan to sell metals and still don't,the market may be a very different landscape In  10-15 yrs * my projected exit time frame, we see people looking back at the £14 an ounce period and think now is expensive...in 5 yrs we may long for the prices we are seeing now as the happy time that silver was cheap lol.

I totally agree with you..👍👍👍

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I think it's always good to keep some silver within your collection,I can remember when you got 3  1 oz brits for a £10.

There was no real kilo coins so mostly bars,so had a few 50oz Crown Kitkat bars which if I remember didn't pay more than £150,had quite abit more in varying guises ,

however sold the most part to go down a solely numismatic route which might not have my greatest moment.

I think if you get bored collecting Silver leave it collect something else, however don't sell, until necessity,

it will still be there when you re-kindle the romance.  


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16 minutes ago, Wampum said:

I think it's always good to keep some silver within your collection,I can remember when you got 3  1 oz brits for a £10.

There was no real kilo coins so mostly bars,so had a few 50oz Crown Kitkat bars which if I remember didn't pay more than £150,had quite abit more in varying guises ,

however sold the most part to go down a solely numismatic route which might not have my greatest moment.

I think if you get bored collecting Silver leave it collect something else, however don't sell, until necessity,

it will still be there when you re-kindle the romance.  


Jealous? You better believe it!!!

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