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Proof Britannias 2023 Released today

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15 minutes ago, harrygill111 said:


"Serpentine seahorse-inspired creatures" look a little childish to me, but executed well 

Is it just me, or does Britannia look a little Liz Truss this year? 

Not sure why the horses are wearing frogmans flippers though 

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Yes, the nose on Britannia herself looks a little off to me, kind of like Red Skull in the Marvel movies 😅

RM, and BBP have them so far that I can see.

Disclosure - I work in the precious metals industry, however this is my personal account and all opinions are my own.

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Got the 2 coin reverse set to show on my channel, something a bit off with it but we will see how it looks in the flesh and make a decision on whether to keep it then.

Nice low mintage numbers compared to previous releases though. 

Visit my website for all my Hand Poured Silver: http://backyardbullion.com

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The design looked ok on a quick look, however, when you take a proper look, it just looks off and the horses in particular with those flippers! The only thing going for this is the fact that people will want it because it’s the first with Charles on. Another design with allegedly low mintage.

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Britannia looks like she's been doing coke every day for the past 15 years. Where is her nose?

Also, perhaps I have been completely oblivious to this in the past, but...

  1. Why is a 1oz gold version not sold individually?
  2. Why does it not clearly state coin sizes in the sets?

Between that and the surprise launch, they couldn't have made this any less appealing. What a shame! I guess I'll just keep saving for coronation sets 🙃

Edited by BOOLIAN
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6 minutes ago, BOOLIAN said:


  1. Why are they using the wooden box for the 1/4 oz silver and using the black version for the rest?

Between that and the surprise launch, they couldn't have made this any less appealing. What a shame! I guess I'll just keep saving for coronation sets 🙃

I think the wooden boxes are for the quarter ounce platinum and quarter ounce gold - not silver.

I think the "surprise" launch shows they are just taking their customers for granted - or they don't want to give them the time to study the designs before the launch!

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6 hours ago, Zhorro said:

I think the wooden boxes are for the quarter ounce platinum and quarter ounce gold - not silver.

I'm sure that is generally correct - it makes sense - but have just never noticed it before. In this case I guess I'm just blind. Perhaps I'm just paying more attention to what boxes they display now on the products after they skimped out on the box for the three coin memorial sovereign set.

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I've been anticipating the two coin set for months but missed it due to work commitments..... Now i've seen it i guess i can live without owning them. The sea-horsey things look well executed but what the hell is wrong with Briannias face and why has she got a wattle ?

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10 minutes ago, TeaTime said:

I've been anticipating the two coin set for months but missed it due to work commitments..... Now i've seen it i guess i can live without owning them. The sea-horsey things look well executed but what the hell is wrong with Briannias face and why has she got a wattle ?

🙂 Since I'm located in Canada I had to wake-up at 2:00AM to order the reverse proof set. Sometime you have to sacrifice to get what you love. Maybe in your case take the day off or a half-day off.

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56 minutes ago, goldmember44 said:

Can't decide if I want to get the 1/4 platinum or not...looks great and mintage of 200. Guess I won't have the liberty of an option pretty soon. There are collectors who specifically concentrate on the platinum Brit due to the low mintage. At least a flipping opportunity.


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