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Gold Monitoring Thread £ GBP only

Message added by ChrisSilver

This topic is to discuss price action in GBP, to discuss price action in $ USD, please see this topic: https://thesilverforum.com/topic/19962-gold-monitoring-thread-usd-only/

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1 hour ago, GoldDiggerDave said:

I do see it a lot with silver stackers, we seam to get some almost wishing for armageddon a collapse of the economic system.  Will your stack save you.....really?  

You lose your job, you or your landlord  defaults on the mortgage and you are turfed out , basic services collapse..........  how much would your stack have to be really worth to get you though this?  And that's if  whats left of the economic system will allow you to liquidate it.....Think about that for a moment, you get what you wish for an economic collapse and there is no system for you to liquidate your PM's as the very same system you hope will fail is the only system that allows you to liquidate your gold.   How's @James32 Supposed to buy it from you at £6000 per oz?  

I do think holding PM's gives some people a very false sense of security. 

Just a thought for the day! 






There will be more value in a tin of ye olde oak hot dog sausages if there were economic collapse than any silver or gold 

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47 minutes ago, Frenchie said:

Definitely...what would be this world with silver at 300$ or gold at 100000 or 50000$.... probably chaos with total collapse of money, of economy that would lead to poverty, violence and wars. People imagine that they would live quietly and securely in their bunker of silver and gold and keep their standard of living as nothing had happened. ..So be careful what you wish for.   

Some PM coins would help you a little bit in some circumstances but gold and silver would only make sens when the collapse is over and useful to rebuild a new world

Society however is slowly collapsing, the evidence is everywhere. Very interesting look up the work of "Calhoun's mouse utopia" experiments, we humans are performing no different to mice 

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5 hours ago, GoldDiggerDave said:

I do see it a lot with silver stackers, we seam to get some almost wishing for armageddon a collapse of the economic system.  Will your stack save you.....really?

It all about priorities. Before you start stacking gold and silver you should have at least two to three months worth of food stored and a few camping style water filters. This should be enough to see you through most emergencies which last for a few weeks or months.

Also worthy of consideration in case of a more prolonged emergency are:
- Tools and knowledge to grow your own food with.
- Tools to chop firewood with.
- A large ferro rod and striker capable of starting thousands of fires.
- Learn how to make a 'rocket stove' (cook efficiently using very little firewood).
- Learn how to make a water filter using common everyday readily available items.

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6 minutes ago, EdwardTeach said:

It all about priorities. Before you start stacking gold and silver you should have at least two to three months worth of food stored and a few camping style water filters. This should be enough to see you through most emergencies which last for a few weeks or months.

Also worthy of consideration in case of a more prolonged emergency are:
- Tools and knowledge to grow your own food with.
- Tools to chop firewood with.
- A large ferro rod and striker capable of starting thousands of fires.
- Learn how to make a 'rocket stove' (cook efficiently using very little firewood).
- Learn how to make a water filter using common everyday readily available items.

Bespoke Purdey | James Purdey & Sons Ltd – Purdey Guns & Rifles

Prepper thread is that way though ;)

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5 hours ago, GoldDiggerDave said:

I do see it a lot with silver stackers, we seam to get some almost wishing for armageddon a collapse of the economic system.  Will your stack save you.....really?  

You lose your job, you or your landlord  defaults on the mortgage and you are turfed out , basic services collapse..........  how much would your stack have to be really worth to get you though this?  And that's if  whats left of the economic system will allow you to liquidate it.....Think about that for a moment, you get what you wish for an economic collapse and there is no system for you to liquidate your PM's as the very same system you hope will fail is the only system that allows you to liquidate your gold.   How's @James32 Supposed to buy it from you at £6000 per oz?  

I do think holding PM's gives some people a very false sense of security. 

Just a thought for the day! 






My friend I understand why you say that as I used to say the same thing 

Perhaps 1% of the population own physical so it would be impossible to wake up tomorrow and use PMs to buy groceries or petrol - the supermarkets and petrol stations don't have PMs to give you change, nor do they know the true worth of PMs or have a system in place to accept and redistribute real money. In an apocalypse, assuming the population wasn't obliterated, the value of PMs would increase dramatically making gold unusable and silver coins equivalent to a week's wages. A 1oz 999 round today is roughly equivalent to a Roman soldier's pay for 10 days - under Caesar a Roman soldier earned 225 Denarii which ~ 1,000 grams of silver a year

History proves that when society collapses rules go out the window. We wouldn't be queueing for food/fuel we would be going in, fighting for it and taking it down old-school. If you are starving, if your kids are starving, it would be chaos until a new normal was established. Under Armageddon owning a large stack would put a bullseye on your back. Being wealthy is only useful if there are people to hire and things to buy. Guns, food and water would be better. 

I have since reassessed my position and it's not about Armageddon or some other war/disaster on a global scale that takes out the internet and puts us back to the stone age -  it's about CBDCs, cryptocurrencies, global fascism and the mark of the beast. 

Do you know who the largest and richest demographic on the planet is? Here's a clue: "The meek shall inherit the earth". The meaning of that verse is not to be weak but in this context means someone who is powerful yet chooses to keep their sword sheaved. 


There are more than 1 billion Protestants mostly from North America and Western Europe. There are a further 1.2 billion Catholics. The primary demographic globally for stackers is North American Christians and people of faith generally (e.g. Indians love silver). Those of us who are awake and aware of what is happening will never accept a CBDC nor will we be using bitcoin or fairy cakes. We will be using Honest Money - Gold and Silver - God's money. This is already a serious consideration in some countries especially China where religion is banned and you will be disappeared or arrested for practicing it. Gold is very prevalent in Chinese culture. Every organisation requires money so gold and silver fit the bill if you can't use currency or digital assets. Even within the USA and UK there are people who have voiced concerns about the government monitoring their donations to faith groups, charities and other organisations. If you would like some more perspective on this issue then check out the video below. 

This sentiment extends to people of all faiths and to people of no faith. We will be using PMs to avoid surveillance and control. People will have no choice if they want privacy or if they want to carry out underground activities. You wouldn't be able to buy cryptos as that requires a digital footprint which would be at the mercy of the central authorities and AI. True privacy coins are rarely talked about as they basically only have one application - crime - but things like Monero and ZCash are vastly superior to bitcoin, if a little user-unfriendly. Regardless if AI or AGI exist along with quantum computers it would be almost impossible to do anything digitally that wasn't hackable or monitored even using privacy coins and quantum-resistant encryption protocols. 



Mind is primary and mass-energy is derivative

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Getting back on topic, I can't believe gold and silver have held their price. The perceived wisdom was that PMs would dip this week so while we haven't went to the moon, yet, it is extremely encouraging that prices have held. We could be the start of some serious price action in the positive direction. We're going to £1800/$2250 by the end of 2023, right? Then £2000/$2500 minimum in 2024? 

Mind is primary and mass-energy is derivative

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5 hours ago, SeverinDigsSovereigns said:

Why prepping when you could just rob?

 Talking of which, it's about time to bring the prepper thread back for another burst..   Not sure, but I think those "why prep when you can steal" types are referred to in some circles as "wolf preppers"

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2 minutes ago, flyingveepixie said:

That, my friend is why some of us are armed to the teeth, well practiced, and quite prepared to defend aggressively....  Talking of which, it's about time to bring the prepper thread back for another burst..

We could have an ammo stacking thread.

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8 minutes ago, EdwardTeach said:

Out of interest what would you consider 'the moon' to be?




There is a fundamental limit on how high gold can go. The current physical gold market is worth something like $13-15 trillion. If gold were to 25x then physical gold would be worth more than every piece of real estate and stock market on the planet, which doesn't make sense to me. The value of all real estate in the USA is roughly $40 trillion for context. If gold went to $50K that would be a valuation of $350 trillion, roughly. Gold is not hitting $10K/ounce within our lifetimes. 

Mind is primary and mass-energy is derivative

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47 minutes ago, HonestMoneyGoldSilver said:

The meek shall inherit the earth".

And here was me thinking that was a line from an old Rush song.....  sigh....🤣

 £1615 now for the sake of getting back on track before Chris comes along..

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2 hours ago, EdwardTeach said:

Out of interest what would you consider 'the moon' to be?




Back in March 2020, I calculated 190,000 tonnes of gold (oz's = 6,108,633,000) were mined globally with a global debt of:


Exchange rate of 0.77 used to covert to £...


So, to wipe out global debt (the reset) if we purely used gold to do that, gold would have to be revalued at £32,773 per oz.

This doesn't include any shadow banking debt, which are non-high street, lending to Joe public banks, which I believe have a debt of the same, going by a video I watched years ago by George Gammon I believe.

so, in March 2020 1 oz of gold would have to revalued to £65,546 per oz, which includes shadow banking debt at the time.

The more debt that is created, the more coiled up the spring for the gold rocket becomes (maybe go past the 'moon' for some people!).

I think gold will go to at least £10,000 in my lifetime and more. There doesn't have to be armageddon at all to reach that level - policy will drive that level and people will get on with their lives using a digital currency.

Gold has very high potential.

It will be interesting to see what unfolds and how high the debt levels rise, which is, remember, very good for the golden coiled spring, which will release overtime, more so at certain points over the next decade.

Edited by GoldenGriffin
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3 hours ago, EdwardTeach said:

It all about priorities. Before you start stacking gold and silver you should have at least two to three months worth of food stored and a few camping style water filters. This should be enough to see you through most emergencies which last for a few weeks or months.

Also worthy of consideration in case of a more prolonged emergency are:
- Tools and knowledge to grow your own food with.
- Tools to chop firewood with.
- A large ferro rod and striker capable of starting thousands of fires.
- Learn how to make a 'rocket stove' (cook efficiently using very little firewood).
- Learn how to make a water filter using common everyday readily available items.

I'm just going to go round looting stuff be easier 

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2 minutes ago, GoldenGriffin said:

Back in March 2020, I calculated 190,000 tonnes of gold (oz's = 6,108,633,000) were mined globally with a global debt of:


Exchange rate of 0.77 used to covert to £...


So, to wipe out global debt (the reset) if we purely used gold to do that, gold would have to be revalued at £32,773 per oz.

This doesn't include any shadow banking debt, which are non-high street, lending to Joe public banks, which I believe have a debt of the same, going by a video I watched years ago by George Gammon I believe.

so, in March 2020 1 oz of gold would have to revalued to £65,546 per oz.

The more debt that is created, the more coiled up the spring for the gold rocket becomes (maybe go past the 'moon' for some people!).

I think gold will go to at least £10,000 in my lifetime and more.

Gold has very high potential.

It will be interesting to see what unfolds and how high the debt levels rise, which is, remember, very good for the golden coiled spring, which will release overtime, more so at certain points over the next decade.

If it went to 10k the arse would fall out the market wouldn't it ? 

Only 0.25 per cent of the world population could afford it 

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4 minutes ago, Leonmarsh said:

If it went to 10k the arse would fall out the market wouldn't it ? 

Only 0.25 per cent of the world population could afford it 

It would cost £322 for 1 gram of gold bullion, which would be affordable for the majority of people.

It's a case of less weight / volume for the majority.

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2 minutes ago, Leonmarsh said:

If it went to 10k the arse would fall out the market wouldn't it ? 

Only 0.25 per cent of the world population could afford it 

There was a time when a sovereign would sell for £4, and many still have living memory of that. I guess the world is changing at a pace faster than ever before seen, and past performance certainly doesn't indicate future trends in investment, but gold to 10k is like a 5-6x increase compared to the 100x over the past half century

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