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    sixgun got a reaction from swanky in Wallstreetbets eye up SLV   
    The Silver Shorts’ Last Stand?
      January 23, 2021 Ted Butler
    Butler Research
    I started calculating the financial plight of the 8 big shorts in COMEX gold and silver on a twice-weekly basis around June 2019. That’s when gold moved higher. The big shorts had added quite aggressively to short positions early in the move and when gold rose $100, the big shorts were out $2.2 billion. As gold rose, the big shorts kept getting deeper and deeper into a financial hole. From the end of the third quarter of 2019 when the 8 big shorts were underwater by $2.4 billion, the losses have progressively worsened over the five subsequent quarters to yearend 2020, when the combined loss hit $14 billion.
    The drastic turn in the financial fortunes for the 8 big shorts is not the only change that has occurred since the summer of 2019. A development I believe may be just as important, is the change in the composition of the big shorts. The former king of the big shorts since 2008, JPMorgan, broke ranks and completely covered its gold and silver short positions. It has now been 10 months since JPM has held no significant COMEX gold and silver short position. It makes sense for JPMorgan to have eliminated its dominant COMEX short positions, as that allows it to profit on its massive gold and silver physical holdings (25 million ounces in gold and 1 billion ounces in silver), on which it is ahead by $25 billion. But it’s not just the profit motive alone suggesting that JPMorgan may have sworn off its manipulative short selling.
    Along with a monetary penalty it received in its recent settlement with the Justice Department and the CFTC, JPMorgan agreed to a deferred criminal prosecution agreement. This would expose the world’s most manipulative bank to untold penalties should it do anything improper for the next few years. The monetary penalty was rinky-dink – the deferred criminal prosecution agreement was as serious as a heart attack. JPMorgan has good reason to stand aside and not add to short positions on future price rallies.
    The 8 big shorts have been “lucky” so far, that their predicament isn’t widely recognized. I’m sure that a small number of sophisticated investors are aware of the plight of the 8 big shorts. But the simple truth is that there has been no mention of the concentrated short position in COMEX gold and silver futures by any mainstream media source. Even on the Internet, the concentrated short position is hardly mentioned. There seems to be a growing groundswell of opinion that silver is the cheapest asset around (it is) and I’m even starting to hear some ask why silver is so cheap to begin with? Let me make it easy for you – the only reason silver is so cheap is because of the concentrated short position of the 4 biggest traders, who hold more than 312 million ounces short, as of the latest COT report. When combined with the next 4 largest traders, the concentrated short position grows to nearly 404 million ounces. The connection couldn’t be more direct. Silver is the cheapest because its short position is the largest.
    Over the past year and a half, the biggest damage to the 8 big shorts has come from gold, but more recently silver has begun to add to the loss mix. At current prices, silver accounts for as much as $3 billion of their total losses. Every $8 move higher in silver will cause that loss to increase by a further $3 billion. A move to $50 silver, commonly bandied about, would bring the 8 big shorts an additional $10 billion in losses from silver alone. What happens if the 8 big shorts move to cover and buy back their silver short positions in order to avoid catastrophic losses? Any such attempted short covering would cause the most drastic price move in history. This is the explanation for why the big shorts haven’t rushed to cover. I believe they finally grasp the extent of the bind they are in.
    The only alternative for the big silver shorts is to try and buy time and postpone the inevitable by arranging sharp selloffs in hopes of buying back as many short positions as possible, something they have not been able to do.  Complicating the plight of the big shorts is that they have buying competition. As more and more investors and financial entities move into silver, their losses mount. If they are overrun and must buy back their shorts at any price, it will be like Tesla shares on steroids. This is the big shorts’ last stand. The only difference between the big silver shorts of today and General Custer of yesteryear, is that historical records suggest Custer didn’t realize he was trapped until the last moment. My guess is that the big silver shorts now know they are doomed and are just delaying the inevitable.
  2. Like
    sixgun got a reaction from DBCooper in Wallstreetbets eye up SLV   
    Wonger say he go down hard - like a bandit
  3. Haha
    sixgun got a reaction from GrahamDiamond in Wallstreetbets eye up SLV   
    Where's Wonger these days?
    Silver was going to $4 wasn't it.
    We saw Wonger and Agent 007 off - never to return.
  4. Thanks
    sixgun got a reaction from GoldStandardPartyUK in Wallstreetbets eye up SLV   
    The Silver Shorts’ Last Stand?
      January 23, 2021 Ted Butler
    Butler Research
    I started calculating the financial plight of the 8 big shorts in COMEX gold and silver on a twice-weekly basis around June 2019. That’s when gold moved higher. The big shorts had added quite aggressively to short positions early in the move and when gold rose $100, the big shorts were out $2.2 billion. As gold rose, the big shorts kept getting deeper and deeper into a financial hole. From the end of the third quarter of 2019 when the 8 big shorts were underwater by $2.4 billion, the losses have progressively worsened over the five subsequent quarters to yearend 2020, when the combined loss hit $14 billion.
    The drastic turn in the financial fortunes for the 8 big shorts is not the only change that has occurred since the summer of 2019. A development I believe may be just as important, is the change in the composition of the big shorts. The former king of the big shorts since 2008, JPMorgan, broke ranks and completely covered its gold and silver short positions. It has now been 10 months since JPM has held no significant COMEX gold and silver short position. It makes sense for JPMorgan to have eliminated its dominant COMEX short positions, as that allows it to profit on its massive gold and silver physical holdings (25 million ounces in gold and 1 billion ounces in silver), on which it is ahead by $25 billion. But it’s not just the profit motive alone suggesting that JPMorgan may have sworn off its manipulative short selling.
    Along with a monetary penalty it received in its recent settlement with the Justice Department and the CFTC, JPMorgan agreed to a deferred criminal prosecution agreement. This would expose the world’s most manipulative bank to untold penalties should it do anything improper for the next few years. The monetary penalty was rinky-dink – the deferred criminal prosecution agreement was as serious as a heart attack. JPMorgan has good reason to stand aside and not add to short positions on future price rallies.
    The 8 big shorts have been “lucky” so far, that their predicament isn’t widely recognized. I’m sure that a small number of sophisticated investors are aware of the plight of the 8 big shorts. But the simple truth is that there has been no mention of the concentrated short position in COMEX gold and silver futures by any mainstream media source. Even on the Internet, the concentrated short position is hardly mentioned. There seems to be a growing groundswell of opinion that silver is the cheapest asset around (it is) and I’m even starting to hear some ask why silver is so cheap to begin with? Let me make it easy for you – the only reason silver is so cheap is because of the concentrated short position of the 4 biggest traders, who hold more than 312 million ounces short, as of the latest COT report. When combined with the next 4 largest traders, the concentrated short position grows to nearly 404 million ounces. The connection couldn’t be more direct. Silver is the cheapest because its short position is the largest.
    Over the past year and a half, the biggest damage to the 8 big shorts has come from gold, but more recently silver has begun to add to the loss mix. At current prices, silver accounts for as much as $3 billion of their total losses. Every $8 move higher in silver will cause that loss to increase by a further $3 billion. A move to $50 silver, commonly bandied about, would bring the 8 big shorts an additional $10 billion in losses from silver alone. What happens if the 8 big shorts move to cover and buy back their silver short positions in order to avoid catastrophic losses? Any such attempted short covering would cause the most drastic price move in history. This is the explanation for why the big shorts haven’t rushed to cover. I believe they finally grasp the extent of the bind they are in.
    The only alternative for the big silver shorts is to try and buy time and postpone the inevitable by arranging sharp selloffs in hopes of buying back as many short positions as possible, something they have not been able to do.  Complicating the plight of the big shorts is that they have buying competition. As more and more investors and financial entities move into silver, their losses mount. If they are overrun and must buy back their shorts at any price, it will be like Tesla shares on steroids. This is the big shorts’ last stand. The only difference between the big silver shorts of today and General Custer of yesteryear, is that historical records suggest Custer didn’t realize he was trapped until the last moment. My guess is that the big silver shorts now know they are doomed and are just delaying the inevitable.
  5. Like
    sixgun got a reaction from motorbikez in Wallstreetbets eye up SLV   
    The Silver Shorts’ Last Stand?
      January 23, 2021 Ted Butler
    Butler Research
    I started calculating the financial plight of the 8 big shorts in COMEX gold and silver on a twice-weekly basis around June 2019. That’s when gold moved higher. The big shorts had added quite aggressively to short positions early in the move and when gold rose $100, the big shorts were out $2.2 billion. As gold rose, the big shorts kept getting deeper and deeper into a financial hole. From the end of the third quarter of 2019 when the 8 big shorts were underwater by $2.4 billion, the losses have progressively worsened over the five subsequent quarters to yearend 2020, when the combined loss hit $14 billion.
    The drastic turn in the financial fortunes for the 8 big shorts is not the only change that has occurred since the summer of 2019. A development I believe may be just as important, is the change in the composition of the big shorts. The former king of the big shorts since 2008, JPMorgan, broke ranks and completely covered its gold and silver short positions. It has now been 10 months since JPM has held no significant COMEX gold and silver short position. It makes sense for JPMorgan to have eliminated its dominant COMEX short positions, as that allows it to profit on its massive gold and silver physical holdings (25 million ounces in gold and 1 billion ounces in silver), on which it is ahead by $25 billion. But it’s not just the profit motive alone suggesting that JPMorgan may have sworn off its manipulative short selling.
    Along with a monetary penalty it received in its recent settlement with the Justice Department and the CFTC, JPMorgan agreed to a deferred criminal prosecution agreement. This would expose the world’s most manipulative bank to untold penalties should it do anything improper for the next few years. The monetary penalty was rinky-dink – the deferred criminal prosecution agreement was as serious as a heart attack. JPMorgan has good reason to stand aside and not add to short positions on future price rallies.
    The 8 big shorts have been “lucky” so far, that their predicament isn’t widely recognized. I’m sure that a small number of sophisticated investors are aware of the plight of the 8 big shorts. But the simple truth is that there has been no mention of the concentrated short position in COMEX gold and silver futures by any mainstream media source. Even on the Internet, the concentrated short position is hardly mentioned. There seems to be a growing groundswell of opinion that silver is the cheapest asset around (it is) and I’m even starting to hear some ask why silver is so cheap to begin with? Let me make it easy for you – the only reason silver is so cheap is because of the concentrated short position of the 4 biggest traders, who hold more than 312 million ounces short, as of the latest COT report. When combined with the next 4 largest traders, the concentrated short position grows to nearly 404 million ounces. The connection couldn’t be more direct. Silver is the cheapest because its short position is the largest.
    Over the past year and a half, the biggest damage to the 8 big shorts has come from gold, but more recently silver has begun to add to the loss mix. At current prices, silver accounts for as much as $3 billion of their total losses. Every $8 move higher in silver will cause that loss to increase by a further $3 billion. A move to $50 silver, commonly bandied about, would bring the 8 big shorts an additional $10 billion in losses from silver alone. What happens if the 8 big shorts move to cover and buy back their silver short positions in order to avoid catastrophic losses? Any such attempted short covering would cause the most drastic price move in history. This is the explanation for why the big shorts haven’t rushed to cover. I believe they finally grasp the extent of the bind they are in.
    The only alternative for the big silver shorts is to try and buy time and postpone the inevitable by arranging sharp selloffs in hopes of buying back as many short positions as possible, something they have not been able to do.  Complicating the plight of the big shorts is that they have buying competition. As more and more investors and financial entities move into silver, their losses mount. If they are overrun and must buy back their shorts at any price, it will be like Tesla shares on steroids. This is the big shorts’ last stand. The only difference between the big silver shorts of today and General Custer of yesteryear, is that historical records suggest Custer didn’t realize he was trapped until the last moment. My guess is that the big silver shorts now know they are doomed and are just delaying the inevitable.
  6. Like
    sixgun got a reaction from DBCooper in GameStop / Reddit News   
    50 million shares in GameStop turned over on Friday and there were restrictions in place. That's about $16 billion. They talk about a billion ounces of silver being available. i do not believe that it is that much by a long chalk. They are counting my silver etc and silver in ETF's. My silver is unobtainium and the silver in ETF's should not be available.
    On the big day for Game Stop i heard over $80 billion in shares turned over. 
    There is so much leverage in the precious metal markets a concerted effort by any group with the resources targeting physical silver, it would blow the silver market sky high. i expect they would shut the market down. i don't think they could do anything else. If shorts had to unwind the leverage out there >>100 to 1, paper to physical, it would explode. They know this, they know it is a timebomb.
    As i used to say back in the dark days of silver, when members were crying about what a bad investment it was and how they were losing - i would say - it is not a matter of if, it is simply a matter of when the price of silver goes much higher. Then i would smile to myself, double down and buy some more silver. It is so terrible it was all lost in a tragic boating accident. 
  7. Haha
    sixgun got a reaction from silenceissilver in Wallstreetbets eye up SLV   
    Wonger say he go down hard - like a bandit
  8. Haha
    sixgun got a reaction from Darr3nG in Wallstreetbets eye up SLV   
    Wonger say he go down hard - like a bandit
  9. Haha
    sixgun got a reaction from Minimalist in Wallstreetbets eye up SLV   
    Wonger say he go down hard - like a bandit
  10. Like
    sixgun got a reaction from silversky in Wallstreetbets eye up SLV   
    The Silver Shorts’ Last Stand?
      January 23, 2021 Ted Butler
    Butler Research
    I started calculating the financial plight of the 8 big shorts in COMEX gold and silver on a twice-weekly basis around June 2019. That’s when gold moved higher. The big shorts had added quite aggressively to short positions early in the move and when gold rose $100, the big shorts were out $2.2 billion. As gold rose, the big shorts kept getting deeper and deeper into a financial hole. From the end of the third quarter of 2019 when the 8 big shorts were underwater by $2.4 billion, the losses have progressively worsened over the five subsequent quarters to yearend 2020, when the combined loss hit $14 billion.
    The drastic turn in the financial fortunes for the 8 big shorts is not the only change that has occurred since the summer of 2019. A development I believe may be just as important, is the change in the composition of the big shorts. The former king of the big shorts since 2008, JPMorgan, broke ranks and completely covered its gold and silver short positions. It has now been 10 months since JPM has held no significant COMEX gold and silver short position. It makes sense for JPMorgan to have eliminated its dominant COMEX short positions, as that allows it to profit on its massive gold and silver physical holdings (25 million ounces in gold and 1 billion ounces in silver), on which it is ahead by $25 billion. But it’s not just the profit motive alone suggesting that JPMorgan may have sworn off its manipulative short selling.
    Along with a monetary penalty it received in its recent settlement with the Justice Department and the CFTC, JPMorgan agreed to a deferred criminal prosecution agreement. This would expose the world’s most manipulative bank to untold penalties should it do anything improper for the next few years. The monetary penalty was rinky-dink – the deferred criminal prosecution agreement was as serious as a heart attack. JPMorgan has good reason to stand aside and not add to short positions on future price rallies.
    The 8 big shorts have been “lucky” so far, that their predicament isn’t widely recognized. I’m sure that a small number of sophisticated investors are aware of the plight of the 8 big shorts. But the simple truth is that there has been no mention of the concentrated short position in COMEX gold and silver futures by any mainstream media source. Even on the Internet, the concentrated short position is hardly mentioned. There seems to be a growing groundswell of opinion that silver is the cheapest asset around (it is) and I’m even starting to hear some ask why silver is so cheap to begin with? Let me make it easy for you – the only reason silver is so cheap is because of the concentrated short position of the 4 biggest traders, who hold more than 312 million ounces short, as of the latest COT report. When combined with the next 4 largest traders, the concentrated short position grows to nearly 404 million ounces. The connection couldn’t be more direct. Silver is the cheapest because its short position is the largest.
    Over the past year and a half, the biggest damage to the 8 big shorts has come from gold, but more recently silver has begun to add to the loss mix. At current prices, silver accounts for as much as $3 billion of their total losses. Every $8 move higher in silver will cause that loss to increase by a further $3 billion. A move to $50 silver, commonly bandied about, would bring the 8 big shorts an additional $10 billion in losses from silver alone. What happens if the 8 big shorts move to cover and buy back their silver short positions in order to avoid catastrophic losses? Any such attempted short covering would cause the most drastic price move in history. This is the explanation for why the big shorts haven’t rushed to cover. I believe they finally grasp the extent of the bind they are in.
    The only alternative for the big silver shorts is to try and buy time and postpone the inevitable by arranging sharp selloffs in hopes of buying back as many short positions as possible, something they have not been able to do.  Complicating the plight of the big shorts is that they have buying competition. As more and more investors and financial entities move into silver, their losses mount. If they are overrun and must buy back their shorts at any price, it will be like Tesla shares on steroids. This is the big shorts’ last stand. The only difference between the big silver shorts of today and General Custer of yesteryear, is that historical records suggest Custer didn’t realize he was trapped until the last moment. My guess is that the big silver shorts now know they are doomed and are just delaying the inevitable.
  11. Like
    sixgun got a reaction from DBCooper in Wallstreetbets eye up SLV   
    Where's Wonger these days?
    Silver was going to $4 wasn't it.
    We saw Wonger and Agent 007 off - never to return.
  12. Like
    sixgun got a reaction from Booky586 in Wallstreetbets eye up SLV   
    Hey - Old fashioned.
  13. Like
    sixgun got a reaction from Spark268 in Wallstreetbets eye up SLV   
    Hey - Old fashioned.
  14. Like
    sixgun got a reaction from HighlandTiger in HELP!!! Silver - To Clean or Not To Clean   
    i would agree with @HighlandTiger there is not much of a market for these medallions. i have seen these coming up on the forum - i have been tempted sometimes and i think i once bought a set here after the price had been dropped and dropped to the point it was being sold for scrap value - indeed i think it was under spot. In their day they will have gone for a pretty price, like many other Sunday Supplement offerings. Nowadays i think most of them are destined for a bath in nitric acid and recycling.
  15. Like
    sixgun got a reaction from kimchi in GameStop / Reddit News   
    So many tragic accidents. It is quite incredible. It is heart breaking to hear them all. 💔😢
  16. Like
    sixgun got a reaction from SilverDrum in GameStop / Reddit News   
    50 million shares in GameStop turned over on Friday and there were restrictions in place. That's about $16 billion. They talk about a billion ounces of silver being available. i do not believe that it is that much by a long chalk. They are counting my silver etc and silver in ETF's. My silver is unobtainium and the silver in ETF's should not be available.
    On the big day for Game Stop i heard over $80 billion in shares turned over. 
    There is so much leverage in the precious metal markets a concerted effort by any group with the resources targeting physical silver, it would blow the silver market sky high. i expect they would shut the market down. i don't think they could do anything else. If shorts had to unwind the leverage out there >>100 to 1, paper to physical, it would explode. They know this, they know it is a timebomb.
    As i used to say back in the dark days of silver, when members were crying about what a bad investment it was and how they were losing - i would say - it is not a matter of if, it is simply a matter of when the price of silver goes much higher. Then i would smile to myself, double down and buy some more silver. It is so terrible it was all lost in a tragic boating accident. 
  17. Like
    sixgun got a reaction from MancunianStacker in GameStop / Reddit News   
  18. Haha
    sixgun got a reaction from Paul in GameStop / Reddit News   
  19. Haha
    sixgun got a reaction from MrFreezerrr in HELP!!! Silver - To Clean or Not To Clean   
    It is still a sin and you will never go to Silver Heaven that way.
  20. Like
    sixgun got a reaction from MrFreezerrr in HELP!!! Silver - To Clean or Not To Clean   
    Do not clean these coins. You will ruin them. You will reduce their value to scrap.
  21. Haha
    sixgun got a reaction from silenceissilver in GameStop / Reddit News   
  22. Haha
    sixgun got a reaction from Kman in GameStop / Reddit News   
  23. Like
    sixgun got a reaction from KDave in GameStop / Reddit News   
  24. Haha
    sixgun got a reaction from MancunianStacker in GameStop / Reddit News   
  25. Haha
    sixgun got a reaction from Drawga in GameStop / Reddit News   
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