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Gold Stackers Heart Attack ALMOST!!!


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5 minutes ago, StackemHigh said:

So i've been staying over at one of my very best friends while my bathroom was having a refit. A gold stacker to be sure so i thought while i'm here i'll be useful. 

So yesterday i found his hidden gold stack! in an old broken vaccum cleaner, wondering if i could fix it i came across about 15 Troy Oz of assorted bullion 9999 gold. So i cleaned it  out and put the gold free cleaner outside for the bin men. 

On his return from work he passed the offending article in the street and didn't notice it. I decided to casually tell him over a beer that the cleaner had been picked up and taken away, but he noticed it had gone when he went to get a bottle of scotch out the cupboard. He went pale then very quiet. Realising he had lost quite a lot of bullion i sat him down and told him that the broken cleaner was gone and that he would have to find another hiding place for his Oz's. He finally realized i had indeed found it and i was holding a little bag with over £22,000 pounds of bullion in it.

Not even a little angry he went away a hide it somewhere else in the house and said i bet you can't find it now.

Thankfully my bathroom will be ready on saturday!

Now I'm busy relocating the small stack I brought home overnight!



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3 minutes ago, LawrenceChard said:

Now I'm busy relocating the small stack I brought home overnight!


Now where to look in the Chard household for a small 20 kilo stack of gold bars?

I'd start off looking in the piano, the safe would be too obvious.

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In the past I have heard that in some cultures (I think in the Middle East) people had the habit of wearing all the gold they can carry on them (neckless, bracelets, rings, earrings). It was particularly valid for women.  If the husband decides to leave his wife, she is entitled to carry all the gold she has with her in that very moment, leave and spend it as she wants 

I guess, wearing 15oz would not be very comfortable for your friend but still....better than nothing ;) 


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Best place has got to be inside the cat litter tray, under the litter


Even if you don't have a cat, can't imagine burglars sifting through that encase of any gold nuggets hidden. Could even put a fake poo in there to increase security 

Edited by SovereignBishop
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On 01/04/2022 at 13:00, SovereignBishop said:

Best place has got to be inside the cat litter tray, under the litter


Even if you don't have a cat, can't imagine burglars sifting through that encase of any gold nuggets hidden. Could even put a fake poo in there to increase security 

Refined Feline Wooden Litter Box Cabinet - The Green Head

"One doth wonder where upon thine human servant hath put yonder kibbles, wot. A fellow finds himself most in a need of a jolly good brunching."


Is how I imagine the feline companions of some members, of the TSF, would feel about this situation... once their owners erect a palatial litter box that almost starts to need planning permission.


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6 hours ago, Lyrinn said:

Refined Feline Wooden Litter Box Cabinet - The Green Head

"One doth wonder where upon thine human servant hath put yonder kibbles, wot. A fellow finds himself most in a need of a jolly good brunching."


Is how I imagine the feline companions of some members, of the TSF, would feel about this situation... once their owners erect a palatial litter box that almost starts to need planning permission.



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On 31/03/2022 at 18:09, StackemHigh said:

Now where to look in the Chard household for a small 20 kilo stack of gold bars?

I'd start off looking in the piano, the safe would be too obvious.

I wondered why it was off key. I thought it was the way I was playing it!



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There was a story of a middle age woman who kept all her cash and valuables in her old and very tired apartment. One day while she was holiday, her grown up children decided to give her a surprise present by decorating her apartment and replace her old bed. They had hired workmen to do the job.

On her return, the children thought mother would be thrilled with her newly decorated apartment and new bed. But instead, there was anxiety and panic. Little did they know, mother had hidden her cash and jewellery in the hollow metal frame of the old bed. When it dawn on them that all their mum's cash and valuables had gone into the skip and possibly landfill, they were sick in the stomach !  It was an unwelcome surprise to everyone. 

The lesson from the story is, don't throw away your parents possessions without checking them thoroughly. 😅

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On 31/03/2022 at 18:09, StackemHigh said:

I'd start off looking in the piano, the safe would be too obvious.

On 04/04/2022 at 20:18, LawrenceChard said:

I wondered why it was off key. I thought it was the way I was playing it!

Reminds me of this story of a family owning a piano with 913 sovereigns inside it 🤣 https://www.saffronwaldenreporter.co.uk/news/mystery-of-gold-worth-350-000-found-in-saffron-walden-5362230


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51 minutes ago, Shinus73 said:

My favourite story is of people under Nazi occupation melting their gold and turning it into hinges and brackets,  which they attached to their doors and painted, to avoid confiscation.

Now, I'm going to have to splash out on a large number of expensive new brass butts!



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