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Everyone’s thoughts and feelings on 1 gram gold assayed cards from around the globe.


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I guess I might be touching on a sensitive subject to some on the forum, 

but I would love to know everyone’s views on 1gram assayed gold bars from around the world etc,

I know they carry a higher premium because of manufacturing costs etc but in the grand scheme it’s nothing for how much more there harder to make but be attainable for younger or unintentional stackers birthday gifts etc,

and let’s face it with most of the precious metal world it’s premium in and premium out when time to sell,

personally I think me filling a pamp box to equivalent of 25g of world wide bars will be worth over a Troy ounce of one desired coin bar.

i might be rambling let me know your thoughts all

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I don't own any 1g bars but would be happy to do so. And a collection of different bars would be cool too.

Pretty much agree with all you've said. Higher premium is carried in market value of the product. 

A collection of 25 different 1g bars/ingots or a 1oz bar, hmm 🤔. That's a tough one. . I see the pros/cons for both. It may be a no-brainer for some who'd jump at the extra weight... I'd want the 1g bars but not sure I could turn down the extra weight if faced with a straight choice. It's late and I can't put enough thought in right now.


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I think it all depends on your goals. A collection of 1g gold bars from across the globe is just that a collection. Something that you have taken time and effort to collect to track down the ones you want which is something that you have had enjoyment doing.

Ultimately the value of the gold will rise is historic data is anything to go by. When it comes to premium like you say the premium seems to carry along the chain. If you were to sell to a shop they would probably give you spot value. Im sure online forums and eBay etc you will be able to get more so I don't think you will lose out in the long run,

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I love 1g bars, but I like to be able to feel the product which means I don’t get the full enjoyment of them being carded/sealed.

And then, the card takes up a lot of space, there are a lot of forgeries out there and they, generally, do not retain their resale value.

I one struck gold (pun intended at HGM) when I ordered some 5g bars at competitive cards, and received some Perth mint carded.

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get your best value for money ££, save your cash that little bit longer and buy a regular full sovereign instead

Atkinsons = for x1  1g valcambi bar = £61.33 x 31.103 = £1,907 T/oz

Atkinsons = x1 sovereign = £325.88 / 7.32g = £44.51 per gram x 31.103 =  £1,384 T/oz

£523 premium you end up paying 

Over course of your stacking life this will get you lots more gold 

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I steer clear of 1g bars its just not economically worth it.I agree with the comments above..if you want to collect different 1g bars from around the world and are not worried about premiums then go for it...but when you work out how many 1g bars you need to make an oz of gold..the premiums you pay are way to high and you will not get them back if you decide to sell.


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I like the idea but I wouldn’t buy a bar I didn’t recognize to be honest unless it came from a well know seller. So reselling could be a bit tricky. 

I have about 12 x 1 gram bars from CPM which I keep thinking about cashing in and buying a few 5g bars and pocketing the change. 

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It’s a personal choice. If simply collecting it is a useful. If looking to store value or even make money due to the high associated costs with trading in 1g , sovereigns etc. Offer better value all be it at a higher price.

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19 hours ago, caf84 said:

I think it could be a fun thing to collect, but financially it makes no sense at all.

Any ideas how many you would need to complete a collection?

I’ve currently got 12 so need another 13 to fill the box, need valcambi, heraues, apmex, igr even engelhard do a 1gram bar.

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20 hours ago, Paul said:

get your best value for money ££, save your cash that little bit longer and buy a regular full sovereign instead

Atkinsons = for x1  1g valcambi bar = £61.33 x 31.103 = £1,907 T/oz

Atkinsons = x1 sovereign = £325.88 / 7.32g = £44.51 per gram x 31.103 =  £1,384 T/oz

£523 premium you end up paying 

Over course of your stacking life this will get you lots more gold 

Thanks mate I am currently collecting sovereigns as well but the more expensive shield backs so I keep steering towards the premiums currently haha.

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I can see this making quite a nice collection. After all, there are plenty that collect the 1/20th and 1/10th oz coins. And if the pleasure you get is worth the premiums then I'd say go for it. It's not like it will ever be worthless, but it's definitely unlikely to turn you a profit.

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Go for it i say, if it's a collection you fancy. I also have a pamp box I'd like to fill although am not adverse to other carded bars, 2.5, 5 etc. One idea that I like would be to collect all the Sharps Pixley and/or Baird sizes as that would be quite a few bars. 

I'm currently trying to fill a 1/10 tube at the moment though, when I can pick them up for c. £10 or 10% ish premium 👍

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I have two 10g PAMP bars.

I can barely feel the weight of gold when holding the assay.

With the 1g the plastic card would weigh more than the metal, which is not a nice feel.

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I like it. We all know it will be relatively expensive - filling your box with 25 1oz bars would be relatively much more economical. But not many people have upwards of £30k to do that. Most of us though could probably throw £1.5k at it over a period of time. 

It will be great when it's finished. Make sure and post more pics.

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