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Tips for selling gold as a beginner?

Message added by ChrisSilver,

Please read all of the information in the QuickStart Guide to trading, before trading on the forum. Please also see the topic within this guide on ways to reduce risk as much as possible when trading on the forum.


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Thanks both for the quick replies.

Any recommendations for pricing on the items? I appreciate I wont make a profit, and also in regards to posting, is royal mail special delivery the best option? Or face to face if that's a thing?

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3 hours ago, ConnorG said:

@BackyardBullion can i drop you an email to discuss if that's something you're interested in helping with?

Please feel free to message 

Visit my website for all my Hand Poured Silver: http://backyardbullion.com

And check out my YouTube channel 



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7 minutes ago, AaaGee said:

Maybe buy a few pieces off of here (for feedback) and get involved in some of the conversations that take your interest. Its not a bullet proof answer but other members new and old will get a feel for you. Ive been on here a couple of years now and probably still not in a buy now pay later position. Im cool with that. Sadly there's been a few bad sellers on here since ive been on here that have ripped people off. You can only hope you aren't one of the statistics. But to most on here the plan is to get old and sell up and make some money for later life (maybe leaving some to loved ones). If you get caught up to no good you get bounced. Feeling safe to send hundreds of pounds to someone on here who ive no idea who they are or where they live is everything. Respect and trust given and taken from your peers on here takes time. No way round it.

Been here for awhile and already been involved in conversations. I mostly lurk here to read topics that interest me. But as I mentioned, I'm not that concerned about my rep because I probably won't be buying or selling on here. I like the people here, you all seem like nice people, but I think the trust system you have here is flawed for the reasons I already stated.



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4 minutes ago, KleinerVogel said:

 but I think the trust system you have here is flawed for the reasons I already stated.

Trust is a two way street!

Perhaps you can elaborate why you feel trust is more directional towards sellers with little to no reputation compared to buyers with established and high end reputation!?

Visit my website for all my Hand Poured Silver: http://backyardbullion.com

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10 minutes ago, BackyardBullion said:

This is a little bit of a self defeating argument in my opinion. Why should those on the other side trust the random sellers on the forum who say don't worry it's fine?

We can't have a perfect system for all and as a seller by sending out your gold and silver to established members is a great way to start your selling career on this forum and will only stand you in good stead.

I wasn't actually really making an argument. I was just posting my feelings on the matter, my opinion. I think I mentioned that. I also stated I understand the reasons for the policy of trusted members receiving goods first then paying later.


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3 minutes ago, BackyardBullion said:

Trust is a two way street!

Perhaps you can elaborate why you feel trust is more directional towards sellers with little to no reputation compared to buyers with established and high end reputation!?

Hmm when did I say that? I literally didn't make that statement, so why should I try to defend it? I can think your system is flawed but not offer an alternative system to replace it. You can also ignore my feelings on the matter without becoming triggered.



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1 minute ago, BackyardBullion said:

You heavily implied it here.

And I'm not triggered, I'm trying to understand why you feel this way when (as many others have said) this system works exceptionally well.

And Petra said, it would be your loss. I'm just trying to help people understand how the system works.

It's not going to be for everyone, that's clear and that's fine, you will be missing out both on good buying and selling opportunities.


I don't doubt it works exceptionally well, very well for the trusted. Not so well for the new people who still have to worry that they won't be ripped off on the word of other forum users saying "don't worry he is fine" Just look at the recent example, the guy who scammed, people vouched for him using the trust point system here, he used that trust to make his final transaction here an act of theft. But as I said, i get it, we live in a dangerous world with scammers everywhere, of course no system is perfect. I'm not saying the system here is bad, I just have my concerns about it.


It might be my loss, but I'm not too concerned about my reputation, no one here will be buying from me because I won't be selling. Not because I don't like the people here, i actually like a lot of you, you seem like really nice people.

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The best way have best reputation is own a woods wooden coaster....

Then you are trustatrader.com

Wood you like Wood?

Central bankers are politicians disguised as economists or bankers. They’re either incompetent or liars. So, either way, you’re never going to get a valid answer.” - Peter Schiff

Sound money is not a guarantee of a free society, but a free society is impossible without sound money. We are currently a society enslaved by debt. My favourite chat up line - j'adorerais te frapper dans la pipe à pet.
If you are a new member and want to know why we stack PMs look at this link https://www.thesilverforum.com/topic/56131-videos-of-significance/#comment-381454
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Just now, HerefordBullyun said:

The best way have best reputation is own a woods wooden coaster....

Then you are trustatrader.com

Wood you like Wood?


Visit my website for all my Hand Poured Silver: http://backyardbullion.com

And check out my YouTube channel 



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