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    The Silver Forum is one of the largest and best loved silver and gold precious metals forums in the world, established since 2014. Join today for FREE! Browse the sponsor's topics (hidden to guests) for special deals and offers, check out the bargains in the members trade section and join in with our community reacting and commenting on topic posts. If you have any questions whatsoever about precious metals collecting and investing please join and start a topic and we will be here to help with our knowledge :) happy stacking/collecting. 21,000+ forum members and 1 million+ forum posts. For the latest up to date stats please see the stats in the right sidebar when browsing from desktop. Sign up for FREE to view the forum with reduced ads. 

Ey up! Greetings from Yorkshire!

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Welcome to the forum!

14 hours ago, Murphy1986 said:

I started collecting about a month ago. I have a tiny stack so far (1 gram gold bar, 1 silver britannia and a couple of small silver bars) and I am looking to build a portfolio over time to preserve wealth and sell when i retire or pass on to my nippers.

If you started a month ago that not a tiny stack. Enjoy the ride!


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Welcome to TSF.

If you are ever short of gravy ask @GoldDiggerDave

If ya hoovers bust speak to @James32

If you need plum jam or silvery looking artefacts speak to @stefffana

If you need a gas mask for cleaning carpets speak to @Mtaybar

If you need Deep thought speak to @Lyrinn

If you need absolute drivel, speak to moi.

Enjoy TSF

Central bankers are politicians disguised as economists or bankers. They’re either incompetent or liars. So, either way, you’re never going to get a valid answer.” - Peter Schiff

Sound money is not a guarantee of a free society, but a free society is impossible without sound money. We are currently a society enslaved by debt. My favourite chat up line - j'adorerais te frapper dans la pipe à pet.
If you are a new member and want to know why we stack PMs look at this link https://www.thesilverforum.com/topic/56131-videos-of-significance/#comment-381454
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Hi, welcome o forum and welcome in the precious metals world! 

After you have had in your hand the first gram of gold and your first ounce of silver, it is no escape for you... You are addicted.🤗

Yes, it is true, it is a lovely community of guys, girls and whatever, all of us with the same addiction.

But I can not imagine me now outside this forum.🤗


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4 hours ago, HerefordBullyun said:

Welcome to TSF.

If you are ever short of gravy ask @GoldDiggerDave

If ya hoovers bust speak to @James32

If you need plum jam or silvery looking artefacts speak to @stefffana

If you need a gas mask for cleaning carpets speak to @Mtaybar

If you need Deep thought speak to @Lyrinn

If you need absolute drivel, speak to moi.

Enjoy TSF

We're never short of gravy where im from mate 😂.

Ive seen the jokes about the hoover, love it!

Love a bit o plum jam..

Is the gas mask a fetish thing or just a safety measure?

Deep thought is needed sometimes.

And drivel is always welcome.. I really enjoy the word piffle, its an old english term for nonsense.. 


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4 hours ago, stefffana said:

Hi, welcome o forum and welcome in the precious metals world! 

After you have had in your hand the first gram of gold and your first ounce of silver, it is no escape for you... You are addicted.🤗

Yes, it is true, it is a lovely community of guys, girls and whatever, all of us with the same addiction.

But I can not imagine me now outside this forum.🤗


I am loving it.. there is just something indescribable about holding PM..

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4 hours ago, Gordy said:

welcome aboard matey.... get a membership... worth its weight in PM's

I want to, though my monthly budget is quite small.. i may do as time progresses. Cheers for the heads up!


17 hours ago, Oddjob said:

G'Day and welcome. It's a treasure trove of information on PM's....dive on in...and welcome to world of PM stacking.

Your rational and process for stacking...I like.

Thanks pal, i think its going to be a hard slog not getting too attached to the coins and bars though.. 

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Just now, Murphy1986 said:

Thats good to know! I wasnt sure whether to mention what i had or not as there seems to be some real pros of the game on here..

Not pros at all, simply have more time in the game.

Best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, next Best time is today...I guarantee a year from now you will be reading a similar comment to yours and thinking "not so long ago I was there"

I like to buy the pre-dip dip

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Just now, Murphy1986 said:

Thats good to know! I wasnt sure whether to mention what i had or not as there seems to be some real pros of the game on here..

There are, but they all started somewhere. There's absolutely no 'my stack's bigger than yours' on here. We all have different objectives, motivations and finances. Enjoy what you can within the limits of what you can afford.

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9 minutes ago, James32 said:

Not pros at all, simply have more time in the game.

Best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, next Best time is today...I guarantee a year from now you will be reading a similar comment to yours and thinking "not so long ago I was there"

The pros statement wasnt a dig.. i just wasnt sure how it would be received.. but it doesnt seem that there is competition if u will. Which is lovely!

Great advice and thanks!

9 minutes ago, TheShinyStuff said:

There are, but they all started somewhere. There's absolutely no 'my stack's bigger than yours' on here. We all have different objectives, motivations and finances. Enjoy what you can within the limits of what you can afford.

Great advice! I will! 👍

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Just now, Murphy1986 said:

The pros statement wasnt a dig

I never took it as a dig at all😃 I'm just trying to point out I personally and likely everyone on here started where you are.

I thought the same as you, how will I ever amass a decent stack ( little and often is the key ) is my question's going to sound silly? No because we've all asked the same questions at one point in time.

I like to buy the pre-dip dip

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7 minutes ago, TheShinyStuff said:

I remember when I started on here I saw a post with a picture of a briefcase with the fat end of half a million in gold bars. Think it was from @mr-dead. Search for it I you fancy, it's pretty cool. I will never be anywhere near that, but doesn't put me off building the best stack I can.


I may just do that! Sounds ridiclously inpressive!👍

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