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British Monarchs - Charles I (Gazette Proclamation)

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For the obverse impression Our effigy with the inscription “· CHARLES III · D · G · REX · F · D · 10 POUNDS ·” and the date of the year

For the reverse a depiction of an equestrian portrait of Charles I with the inscription “CAROLVS · DG · MAGN · BRITAN · FRAN · ET · HIBER · REX ·”. The coin shall have a grained edge.’


Source: https://www.thegazette.co.uk/notice/4277741

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Can someone help me with the Latin. My rudimentary translation is’Charles by the grace of God, king of Great Britain, France and Scotland.’ I didn’t think the monarchy had claimed France since the days of Edward III.

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28 minutes ago, Bixley said:

Can someone help me with the Latin. My rudimentary translation is’Charles by the grace of God, king of Great Britain, France and Scotland.’ I didn’t think the monarchy had claimed France since the days of Edward III.

Hibernia was the classical name for Ireland.

Scotia (SCO) was for Scotland.

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France was included in the titles until 1801. Even though the last French mainland territory was Calais, which was lost in 1558 as Mary Tudor lay on her deathbed.

On a more serious note though, will Charles I have a head? Or will it just be his head? 😁

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3 hours ago, Bixley said:

I'm still wondering why France seems to be included. And why not Scotland?


Scotland is not included separately, neither is England as you'll note.

MAG BRI  - short for Great Britain (i.e. England, Scotland and Wales)

Ireland was treat separately.

This was the standard legend format from 1603-1800.

From 1801 it was all condensed into BRITANNIARUM REX and the royal arms were changed. France was dropped as it was ludicrous claiming a territory that hadn't been held in years, even moreso as France was a republic at that point


Edited by SidS
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  • 3 weeks later...
6 minutes ago, Frenchie said:

I don't see the 1oz silver...Did I miss it ?

There is (again) a certain glitch on the site, the 1oz is shown at Shop/New with the status Available to order, but 404 error when you click on it.

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However, Charles I is now ticked off my list and now blithely on with the next issue, Charles II in June. 🤣😅😪 I'm not so sure I'll be thrilled with the coin. Unless it comes with a lettered edge. The biggest attraction will be that it is a restrike (see Mr. @LawrenceChard, sits now, like the small multiplication table) of the first milled coin. At best, this will probably just be a different portrait to that of the Petition Crown. Or the next Great Engravers will come with 600 higher mintage than the limited GE edition and in June there will be another 600 same coins with different boxes of the British Monarchs. Or maybe almost the same coin, just with one curl less in the wig. 🥳

Edited by dikefalos
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It seems obvious to me that these are added back to stock once the account reps release the ones they've been holding.  The 1 oz. (and I also believe 2 oz.) were unavailable as soon as the coins went on sale.  Then.....voila!

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33 minutes ago, dikefalos said:

However, Charles I is now ticked off my list and now blithely on with the next issue, Charles II in June. 🤣😅😪 I'm not so sure I'll be thrilled with the coin. Unless it comes with a lettered edge. The biggest attraction will be that it is a restrike (see Mr. @LawrenceChard, sits now, like the small multiplication table) of the first milled coin. At best, this will probably just be a different portrait to that of the Petition Crown. Or the next Great Engravers will come with 600 higher mintage than the limited GE edition and in June there will be another 600 same coins with different boxes of the British Monarchs. Or maybe almost the same coin, just with one curl less in the wig. 🥳

Charles II will be next year, as the series is rotating between the four houses - Tudor, Stuart, Hanoverian and Saxe-Coburg-Gotha/Windsor.


(The underlined monarchs are those  that have been released).


Henry VII, Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary I, Elizabeth I


Jacob I, Charles I, Charles II, James II, William III & Mary II, Anne


George I, George II, George III, George IV, William IV, Victoria


Edward VII, George V, George VI, Elizabeth II


Since we got Henry VIII and Charles I this year, next up should be George II followed by George V.

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