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Posted (edited)

The attic can get ridiculous hot in the summer during a nice spell . Is it a good idea to put some gold sovereigns up there in extreme heat ?  Unlike silver which I suspect would tarnish very quickly I don't think it would affect gold much.  I'd be worried the rats might run off with them but what about heat ? 🤔  would it discolour coins ?

Edited by pricha
1 hour ago, pricha said:

The attic can get ridiculous hot in the summer during a nice spell . Is it a good idea to put some gold sovereigns up there in extreme heat ?  Unlike silver which I suspect would tarnish very quickly I don't think it would affect gold much.  I'd be worried the rats might run off with them but what about heat ? 🤔  would it discolour coins ?

Get a waterproof and fireproof case/safe/documents bag....Place in capsules and inside that and all should be fine.

Whilst I don't recommend putting an ad in the newspaper, someone trusted should be told incase of "circumstances "

I like to buy the pre-dip rise.

2 hours ago, pricha said:

The attic can get ridiculous hot in the summer during a nice spell . Is it a good idea to put some gold sovereigns up there in extreme heat ?  Unlike silver which I suspect would tarnish very quickly I don't think it would affect gold much.  I'd be worried the rats might run off with them but what about heat ? 🤔  would it discolour coins ?

I very much doubt if it would get so hot that any harm would come to gold sovereigns. What did you say your address was?



1 hour ago, James32 said:

Get a waterproof and fireproof case/safe/documents bag....Place in capsules and inside that and all should be fine.

Whilst I don't recommend putting an ad in the newspaper, someone trusted should be told incase of "circumstances "

It it got so hot that a fireproof safe was needed, the capsules would probably either set fire, or melt all over the coins!



1 minute ago, LawrenceChard said:

It it got so hot that a fireproof safe was needed, the capsules would probably either set fire, or melt all over the coins!


Wasn't planning on a fire, but moisture control for piece of mind.


I like to buy the pre-dip rise.

1 minute ago, LawrenceChard said:

Some water would be handy to stop them melting in a fire.

Douro sovereigns didn't come to too much harm.


Stop trying to burn the man's house down 😆 

I was thinking on a leaking roof, worst case scenario. 

I like to buy the pre-dip rise.

11 minutes ago, pricha said:

I'm getting paranoid now 😫 

Basically, my advice is relax, there is nothing to worry about, but don't tell everyone you are thinking of storing 1,000 gold sovereigns in your attic, although this advice may have come rather late, as over 19,000 TSF members may have already seen tis discussion.

A cellar, or under the floorboards would be safer in case of fire, and damp is unlikely to cause any problems with you sovereigns.




2 hours ago, James32 said:

Wasn't planning on a fire, but moisture control for piece of mind.


That's where the cactus comes into play , soaks up the moisture and keeps away any unwanted guests 😂

1 minute ago, Midasfrog said:

Try sticking your hand in a box full of cacti 😂

Not sure why you have a box full of cacti tbh

I like to buy the pre-dip rise.

11 hours ago, Midasfrog said:

Cheaper than Chub safe 😁

Our excellent local fish shop manages to keep his chub safe:

Squalius cephalus is a European species of freshwater fish in the carp family Cyprinidae. It frequents both slow and moderate rivers, as well as canals and still waters of various kinds. This species is referred to as the common chub, European chub, or simply chub.

This might be appropriate for goldfish:




5 hours ago, LawrenceChard said:

Our excellent local fish shop manages to keep his chub safe:

Squalius cephalus is a European species of freshwater fish in the carp family Cyprinidae. It frequents both slow and moderate rivers, as well as canals and still waters of various kinds. This species is referred to as the common chub, European chub, or simply chub.

This might be appropriate for goldfish:



I thought I smelt a whiff of a crappie pun 🤣

42 minutes ago, paulmerton said:

I thought I smelt a whiff of a crappie pun 🤣

Nothing so squalid

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squalidae#:~:text=Squalidae%2C more commonly known as,119 species across 7 families.

... or perhaps squalid"

The local fish shop is https://the-fish-plaice-cleveleys.business.site/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=referral

The Fish Plaice Cleveleys




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