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Ex Amazon worker now at Sharps Pixley?


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45 minutes ago, Martlet said:

Not likely to get lost and look like some papers or other non-descript package.  Re-use the unmarked jiffy. 

Yep, Jiffy bag will be reused and anything which stops stuff going missing is all good with me! 

Opened it expecting a load of random flyers but nowt apart from the coin. 

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27 minutes ago, Pete said:

Did you not get the free black jewellery pouch from S.P. ?
Maybe they ran out ....

Yep, got one..... struggled to get the coin into a tube whilst inside it so saving it for someone’s birthday!! 

Bit random but I’ll let it slide as the experience of using them for the 1st has been spot on! 

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I'd rather this than no padding and/or something easy to lose.

I save every padded envelope I get, having bought from TSF members who are on the ball I've amassed a decent collection! Too bad I'm a hoarder who sells very little...

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Cant moan at the packaging, I’ve reused them for the two sales I’ve made on the forum, bubbled wrap coin goes in with lots of newspaper around.

Everyone’s happy!

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Just out of experience I previously sent a coin using SD with the small envelope, it went missing for a month before eventually being delivered. 

My guess that was because it was a small size it may have got stuck/put aside untill it reappeared. A large packet/envelope has less chance of it being stuck in a sack or being put aside without it being noticed.


It is a waste of material but I think it provides a much greater chance of it being delivered safe and sound to the intended recipient. 

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DVD cases, genius... You know I would never have thought about that in a million years! Seems obvious now. Might try that next time.

I have considered sending coins out in a tin before, but that's before all the bad press about coins in a tin, and also before I knew about how valuable these tins are. 😁

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