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Literally backing up the truck...

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I've only just heard that my friendly local coin dealer - the chap who introduced me to gold sovereigns a couple of months ago - has just been the victim of a most heinous crime. In the early hours of New Years Eve a professional gang of thieves ram-raided his lovely little coin and stamp shop in the next town. They literally backed up the truck and made off with his safe. Poor chap is utterly devastated to say nothing of the damage caused both physically and emotionally. I don't know if I can do anything except raise awareness of the incident, maybe if we see any 'unusual activity' in people trying to offload large amounts of bullion that we can flag it here and maybe pass it on to the police for investigation.



Edited by Kitalon
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These tiny stamp and coins shops are the best place to build up friendship with the owners and thus get good deals.  It a shame this has happened and hopefully the runts get caught and the owner can carry on.  Some will give up and say enough is enough like Malcolm did after being burgled twice.  

Just read the mail article. Well done Richard Eden (what an idiot) Now the guy who recorded the incident will be in fear of his life. Why mention that the guy opposite recorded everything.

Edited by Spyder

Never Chase and Never Regret 

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I buy a fair bit from Nigel, he is very well known in the community and sells on the Facebook groups and runs an auction page that is very popular, terrible that this has happened
He is in the process of moving to the shop next door so the physical damage should cause minimal disruption, but the hassle and the loss is going to be a pain 

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Nigel is hoping to get approval from the Police of the missing items and let’s make them too hot to handle. I do appreciate it’s just scrap metal in the pot to the thieves though. 8 of them….

I have visited Nigel personally and if you look up ‘local coin and stamp shop’ in the dictionary, his premises would be there as a classic example.
As @Orpster said- a very nice guy.

A little known fact that collecting Spoons was therapeutic for the Special people in society to keep them calm. Dickens 

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The thieves need locking up not a slap on the wrist, even if the stolen goods are returned...

Edited by Guest
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As the article said:

"the idyllic market town witnessed a violent, professional attack of the sort more usually associated with the worst streets of Sadiq Khan's London"

Sounds like a case of more cultural enrichment as commonly witnessed in London or the USA

Shocking thing to happen to the poor owner and his wife

Mind is primary and mass-energy is derivative

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If you look as recently as September 2023 it looks like he has very recently expanded and is using what was an antiques place as well.



Disclaimer: Everything I post is for entertainment purposes only - it is not to be taken seriously. There is no intent to incite violence or hate of any kind, nor do I have any intent to incite any other crime or non-crime in any country in the world. It is not my intent to slander, harass or defame anyone dead or alive. 

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Saw this on a FB post earlier in the week. Scum that do this and Nigel’s such a nice bloke to deal with as well. Hoping any rare items may be shared so we can keep an eye out. Side note, you’re a lucky man to have them as your local coin shop 👍🏼

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Council really needs to look favourably on allowing businesses to install some traffic bollards on high risk entities like this. I can imagine them turning down applications due to them being an eyesore etc.. but nothing looks worse than crime like this happening in small towns. Feel for the owners… why THIS shop?


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Did he have insurance coverage for the shop (safe and inventory)?  That sucks.

I used to see a lot of stories like this in my local media (here in the USA) except thieves were backing up trucks into local pharmacy stores to steal automated teller machines (ATMs).  Didn't matter if the machines were bolted to the ground.   Stores eventually started upgrading security with concrete and steel bollards to prevent trucks from reaching the glass doors/windows.

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OK I'm not jumping to conclusions here but these might not be isolated incidents. A quick scan of the news shows an alarming amount of jewellery related thefts across the country in a very short period of time, ranging from stalking people and being mugged outside jewellers, ram raids, armed robbery, etc. Coincidence? 🤔

22 Sept - Broadway. Armed robbery at jewellers.
19 Nov - Burford. Mugging/robbery from car
28 Nov - Dartmouth. Ram-raid on jewellers (similar to Hungerford?)
27 Dec - Cheshire. Jack Grealish's home robbed
3 Jan - Stratford. Smash and grab.

I really hope the police join the dots and stop these gangs. This has got to stop!

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On 05/01/2024 at 14:15, motorbikez said:

@Kitalon plod are as much use as a chocolate fireguard, you commit a minor traffic offence or call someone by the wrong gender & they'll be all over you like a ton of bricks. 

You would not believe how thin, the thin blue line is at times. I’ve a couple of friends in the police, they hate being so tied up in paperwork, it takes them off the beat for hours; the serious levels of sickness be it physical or stress related absences, the local Staffs police can have just a few cars patrolling some nights, such is the lack of cover. There is seriously low morale in the forces, they are on a hiding to nothing right now.

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6 minutes ago, ZigZag said:

You would not believe how thin, the thin blue line is at times. I’ve a couple of friends in the police, they hate being so tied up in paperwork, it takes them off the beat for hours; the serious levels of sickness be it physical or stress related absences, the local Staffs police can have just a few cars patrolling some nights, such is the lack of cover. There is seriously low morale in the forces, they are on a hiding to nothing right now.

Very few anywhere, right here on Christmas Day it sort of took rather a high percentage of the local resources in one incident…. a police chase of a car, resulted in a serious collision followed by a runner. Police helicopter, lots of cars and the local air ambulance…. all before their Christmas dinner! (They got him)😮🤔

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On 05/01/2024 at 10:51, iacabu said:

A gold dealer in Lancashire has been robbed in his home. He also sustained a wound from a machete on his leg (not as bad as it sounds, but still bad). 



And this would be why I support the liberalisation of fire arms and self defence.

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1 hour ago, LemmyMcGregor said:

And this would be why I support the liberalisation of fire arms and self defence.

Just means he would have been shot instead of stabbed. If a gun had to be kept in a locked safe you wouldn't have time to go get it in this sort of case. 

Speaking of which, there's a funny Jim Jefferies joke about that 


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18 hours ago, ZigZag said:

There is seriously low morale in the forces, they are on a hiding to nothing right now.

I wouldn't imagine being used as a private political army over the last few years helps any. The absurd 'rules' they were expected to enforce during 2020/21 were absolutely disgusting.

Progress is a myth. Democracy is a sham. Dumbing down is real.
Throw your mobile 'phone in the bin, it will free you!
Turn your TV off, cancel your licence.

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On 05/01/2024 at 16:31, dicker said:

This lot will get caught.  No question about it.  Analog criminals in a digital world.

You mean they will "resolve" Grealish's crime incident first everyone else will have a reference number for the next year or 2 to refer too. Plods are useless. I hope I'm wrong and they all get resolved but I wouldn't bet on it.

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4 hours ago, iacabu said:

Just means he would have been shot instead of stabbed. If a gun had to be kept in a locked safe you wouldn't have time to go get it in this sort of case. 

Speaking of which, there's a funny Jim Jefferies joke about that 

Liberalisation means the removal or loosing of restriction, one could for example keep rules preventing felons from acquiring firearms while removing limitations such as having to keep your firearms in a safe, this would mean that the felon could not legally acquire one while the defender could keep a legally obtained firearm by the side of the bed.

There is also the fear factor, in a country such as Britain where you need ID to buy a butter knife and everything is made illegal or really hard to buy, a burglar with ANY weapon is pretty much guaranteed to find no resistance, partly because everything is illegal, partly because you are probably scared of going to jail if you defend yourself, so he will be bold in his actions. In a country where you can legally acquire a rifle, keep it by the bedside and, most importantly, use it, a potential burglar will have to be very careful in chosing his targets, if he cares for breathing.

Why do you think that all the gun massacres occur in gun free zones? Because the moron that decided to enter a Texan church gun blazing was headshot after firing twice.

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