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1911-C and 1918-I sovereigns


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I recently acquired a 1911-C and a 1918-I sovereigns from a local shop that appear to be in decent condition.

I know that there are a few 1911-C fakes floating around, what is your opinion on these?







Edited by banyancb
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13 minutes ago, banyancb said:

I know that there are a few 1911-C fakes floating around, what is your opinion on these?

Not being arsey, but if you have the coins in your hand, the best thing would be to do the spade work before you ask others to spend time doing what can be a time consuming exercise, carefully studying photos of coins to spot good fakes. Carefully measuring the dimensions and weight may well tell all you need to know. Obviously, if they are rubbish fakes then experienced eyes such as @LawrenceChardwould spot them from Blackpool without the aid of the internet, and also would spot a decent fake if he had the coin in hand.

Profile picture with thanks to Carl Vernon

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6 minutes ago, sovereignsteve said:

Not being arsey, but if you have the coins in your hand, the best thing would be to do the spade work before you ask others to spend time doing what can be a time consuming exercise, carefully studying photos of coins to spot good fakes. Carefully measuring the dimensions and weight may well tell all you need to know. Obviously, if they are rubbish fakes then experienced eyes such as @LawrenceChardwould spot them from Blackpool without the aid of the internet, and also would spot a decent fake if he had the coin in hand.

I’m a beginner, still learning! I did what you said, but would like a second opinion from someone knowledgeable.  

The 1911-C looks a bit iffy, hence why I’m unsure. 
It has a few “cracks” in different directions coming from the King’s head as the one shown here:


At the same time, St. George looks fine, just a bit worn, no red flags there (maybe the B. P. is too small?)

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23 minutes ago, banyancb said:

I recently acquired a 1911-C and a 1918-I sovereigns from a local shop that appear to be in decent condition.

I know that there are a few 1911-C fakes floating around, what is your opinion on these?



18 minutes ago, banyancb said:


11 minutes ago, James32 said:


3 minutes ago, sovereignsteve said:

Not being arsey, but if you have the coins in your hand, the best thing would be to do the spade work before you ask others to spend time doing what can be a time consuming exercise, carefully studying photos of coins to spot good fakes. Carefully measuring the dimensions and weight may well tell all you need to know. Obviously, if they are rubbish fakes then experienced eyes such as @LawrenceChardwould spot them from Blackpool without the aid of the internet, and also would spot a decent fake if he had the coin in hand.

I am glad to hear that your local shop appears to be in decent condition.

@sovereignsteve is starting to sound like me.

It would have been worth taking the coins out of the capsules before photographing them.

Are there 2 coins or 3?

It would have been clearer is you had renamed the images files from https://ibb.co/jRDZ1MJ to date 1 mintmark x obv/rev etc.

I always advise naming the supplier, because that can help people to help you, and it is also provides valuable market intelligence.

Have you compared your coins with other high quality photos online?




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The photos are not clear enough to see enough detail but..

- The date looks off

- Tail looks off

- St G seems to have something that looks like a broken garter on his calf

- Below the dragons chest - not sure what’s going on there!

- There are odd scratches in the fields that don’t appear to go over the raised details but appear either side of the raised details e.g around the area of the horses tail



Edited by dicker

Not my circus, not my monkeys

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This was bought from a local shop in Portugal. I have bought several coins from them over the past few months and they all look ok, I just have doubts about these two.

Here are better quality pics for the 1911:


Notice those hairlines going from the King’s hair into the letters. That looks odd to me… also St George maybe a little too worn compared to the rest of the coin?

Edited by banyancb
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9 minutes ago, dicker said:

Was the chap who you purchased the 1911 from called Del, by any chance?


41 minutes ago, LawrenceChard said:

I am glad to hear that your local shop appears to be in decent condition.



Technically, alcohol is a solution..

'It [socialism] poses a growing threat, however unintentional, to the freedom of this country, for there is no freedom where the State totally controls the economy. Personal freedom and economic freedom are indivisible. You can’t have one without the other. You can’t lose one without losing the other.'

"There is no such thing as public money, there is only taxpayers' money"

Let not England forget her precedence of teaching nations how to live, and It's  Britannia, with one t and two n's.

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5 minutes ago, sovereignsteve said:

And the results were?

Hard call. There are some red flags but they could be just bad cleaning and wear and tear, there’s nothing really obvious.

Hence why I wanted more opinions…

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11 minutes ago, GoldDiggerDave said:

I've got a few 1911-C yours is the left mines on the right .




Really good pics, thank you!


Am I being blind or is it wishful thinking to say that mine just looks legitimate but more worn out? 


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2 minutes ago, banyancb said:

Really good pics, thank you!

Am I being blind or is it wishful thinking to say that mine just looks legitimate but more worn out? 


No, those pics are OK(ish). If you want to see really good coin pics, you need to look at a well-known Blackpool dealer.

...and W(here)TF and W(ho)TF is your LCS?



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