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How will silver help against CBDC’s


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On 23/03/2022 at 19:41, Bigmarc said:

Hi and welcome to the forum. 

I do find it difficult to get my head around as nobody really knows what a cbdc is really going to look like. Personally I feel it's the bank accounts that are a problem not what currency that's in it as we have recently seen in Canada. All of our money is paid to us in digital form and we probably pay out 99% in digital so I don't feel there will be much of a change on that front as most of the general public won't notice any difference. 


The biggest difference between the existing digital money we use now and a centralised CBDC is the programmability of it. The government will have total control of what you can buy and where. For example they could allow you to only buy things in shops that are within in a certain radius of your house or only allow you to buy essentials like food and clothes but stop any transactions if you attempted to buy other luxury goods. I’m not saying that the government would actually do this but be in no doubt that CBDC technology will give them the power to do so if they desired.

CBDCs could even be used to control social behaviours by allowing people to have more money and freedom for good behaviour or less money and freedom for bad behaviour. It’s similar to China’s social credit system where they stop people from being able to buy certain things or use public transport if they break the rules such as jaywalking, littering or posting the wrong type of comments on social media.

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8 minutes ago, EdwardTeach said:

The biggest difference between the existing digital money we use now and a centralised CBDC is the programmability of it. The government will have total control of what you can buy and where. For example they could allow you to only buy things in shops that are within in a certain radius of your house or only allow you to buy essentials like food and clothes but stop any transactions if you attempted to buy other luxury goods. I’m not saying that the government would actually do this but be in no doubt that CBDC technology will give them the power to do so if they desired.

CBDCs could even be used to control social behaviours by allowing people to have more money and freedom for good behaviour or less money and freedom for bad behaviour. It’s similar to China’s social credit system where they stop people from being able to buy certain things or use public transport if they break the rules such as jaywalking, littering or posting the wrong type of comments on social media.

It will be done this way, has already been announced.

The first key was when they announced "The new Healthy Start Scheme", this is for a pre-paid card that can be used only on certain items, milk, infant formula, fruit, vegetables. Notice the clear lack of meat, which coincide with the government agenda to push for meatless food. This is just a way of getting folks used to the idea.

Another piece of the puzzle is Sunak's announcement that the new digital currency will indeed be programmable.

Once the digital currency will be deployed, they will extend the restrictions to everyone, with the excuse of the green agenda, food will targeted first for several reason, primarily because they have been campaigning for years and folks have been primed, but also because once you limit healthy food you have a weaker and meek population which is easier to control (see Kelloggs), at this point you have a weak population used to being told what to do buy and what not, so it's just a matter of deciding what you are allowed and implementing accordingly. Probably will be used to control dissent in Chinese style, if you misbehave you won't be able to do certain things, if a company misbehaves might not be able to sell, stuff like this.

Nothing new or susprising, this is literally China today, a fascist entity.

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I think that the digital oligarchs will get to this before governments or sovereign states do.

Determining what currency you can use within the multiverse, what goods and services you can purchase and restricing access based on conformity etc.

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9 minutes ago, LemmyMcGregor said:

It will be done this way, has already been announced.

The first key was when they announced "The new Healthy Start Scheme", this is for a pre-paid card that can be used only on certain items, milk, infant formula, fruit, vegetables. Notice the clear lack of meat, which coincide with the government agenda to push for meatless food. This is just a way of getting folks used to the idea.

Another piece of the puzzle is Sunak's announcement that the new digital currency will indeed be programmable.

Once the digital currency will be deployed, they will extend the restrictions to everyone, with the excuse of the green agenda, food will targeted first for several reason, primarily because they have been campaigning for years and folks have been primed, but also because once you limit healthy food you have a weaker and meek population which is easier to control (see Kelloggs), at this point you have a weak population used to being told what to do buy and what not, so it's just a matter of deciding what you are allowed and implementing accordingly. Probably will be used to control dissent in Chinese style, if you misbehave you won't be able to do certain things, if a company misbehaves might not be able to sell, stuff like this.

Nothing new or susprising, this is literally China today, a fascist entity.

I do worry that food might be the next step. Several of the local farmers I’ve spoken to recently are all adamant that due to the global shortage of fertilizers we’ll be facing food shortages next year and this situation is likely to persist for several years to come. I doubt we’ll stave but what little food is left available will be very expensive. This year I’m starting to grow my own fruit and veg.

Did you know the UK government is actually paying farmers to STOP growing food now! They passed a farm funding Agriculture Bill in January 2020 which takes farm land out of production for the purpose of ‘wilding’. The US government is doing exactly the same thing over there with their ‘Conservation Reserve Program’  as part of a government-wide effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Or at least that’s the excuse they’re going to use while people go hungry.

Edited by EdwardTeach
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32 minutes ago, Minimalist said:

They want population reduction. Meatless society is just a health crisis on steriods.

Meatless is an awful idea.

I'm not the biggest meat eater in the world and I've got nothing against vegetarians or vegans, each to their own, but as humans are omnivores, to my mind at least, meat is a natural and necessary part of the human diet. Meatless diets are not natural and not healthy.

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16 minutes ago, SidS said:

Meatless is an awful idea.

I'm not the biggest meat eater in the world and I've got nothing against vegetarians or vegans, each to their own, but as humans are omnivores, to my mind at least, meat is a natural and necessary part of the human diet. Meatless diets are not natural and not healthy.

It is frightening when this is being pushed. Its clear they want us to consume pesticide laced food.

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31 minutes ago, Minimalist said:

They want population reduction. Meatless society is just a health crisis on steriods.

In part is that, which is why I specifically referred to Kelloggs, the cereal chap, check him out, for once Wikipedia is accurate. The short version: he was a religious natjob part of the Seventh Day Adventist, a vegetarian congregation, he believed that meat was the cause of sinful behaviour and as such he wanted to create anaphrodisiac food, this is how he came up with the cereal diet, because people would turn meek and when you don't have energy you can't sin. He was also the first to produce a meat alternative product.

In essence, meat removal is the product of zealotry and population control.

Please, do verify everything yourself.

27 minutes ago, EdwardTeach said:

I do worry that food might be the next step. Several of the local farmers I’ve spoken to recently are all adamant that due to the global shortage of fertilizers we’ll be facing food shortages next year and this situation is likely to persist for several years to come. I doubt we’ll stave but what little food is left available will be very expensive. This year I’m starting to grow my own fruit and veg.

Did you know the UK government is actually paying farmers to STOP growing food now! They passed a farm funding Agriculture Bill in January 2020 which takes farm land out of production for the purpose of ‘wilding’. The US government is doing exactly the same thing over there with their ‘Conservation Reserve Program’  as part of a government-wide effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Or at least that’s the excuse they’re going to use while people go hungry.

This is once again a by-product of attacks on animals, as plants drain the soil and intensive farming must receive fertilizers, they do go dry anyway and it leads to soil erosion; the only way to replenish the soil is by rotating farming and alternating with animal husbandry, as they will fertilise the soil in a natural manner.

I do know that, it's a follow up on a European Policy which was one of the primary reasons why I disliked the EU, now that Brexit is occurred and they don't receive payment from the Common Agricultural Policies, the UK had to come up with its own way of redistributing wealth from the poor to the landowners. They pay big land owners to keep land unproductive, in such a way they artificially inflate prices and make us dependant from outside markets, more so they are the primary cause of flash floods, as when the land was cultivated, whatever had roots would slow the water, and especially with orchards you can hold a lot of water, but remove it all and water isn't stopped, now you have a handy flood that you can blame on climate change.

Mate, when you look into it it's unbelievable the extent to which they go to...

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2 minutes ago, LemmyMcGregor said:

In part is that, which is why I specifically referred to Kelloggs, the cereal chap, check him out, for once Wikipedia is accurate. The short version: he was a religious natjob part of the Seventh Day Adventist, a vegetarian congregation, he believed that meat was the cause of sinful behaviour and as such he wanted to create anaphrodisiac food, this is how he came up with the cereal diet, because people would turn meek and when you don't have energy you can't sin. He was also the first to produce a meat alternative product.

In essence, meat removal is the product of zealotry and population control.

Please, do verify everything yourself.

I knew this. The whole consumer industry is full on religious and Nazi. From Coca-Cola to Kelloggs.

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4 minutes ago, LemmyMcGregor said:

Mate, when you look into it it's unbelievable the extent to which they go to...

You seen the chocolate firms and see what they get away with? Actual hiring underage african slaves to extract coco. Im not surprised by this as its through history but the extent of psychopathic and sociopathic behaviour for profit is genuinely astounding. 

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24 minutes ago, ady said:

This is another reason the west has issue with Putin, he put and end to GMO being used in Russia.

 The issue with GMO has nothing to do with pesticides, the issue here is that GMO crops have a single use, which means you can no longer collect seeds from your plants and you become dependant on their seeds. It's all about ending independence.

1 hour ago, Minimalist said:

I knew this. The whole consumer industry is full on religious and Nazi. From Coca-Cola to Kelloggs.

For other's reference.

The scam has essentially been done on 3 prongs, that I can tell. I offer no references, if you think I'm nuts there is no point in wasting my time, if you are curious is better that you do your own research, as this is quite a delicate subject.

One part is Kellogg, he initiated the anti-meat crusade for religious reasons around the end of the 1800s.

The second part is Procter & Gamble, in the early 1900 they acquired the patent to produce hydrogenated oils, prior to that seed oils were not for human consumption and were limited to industrial use and illumination, humans were using mostly vegetable fats for cooking (lard, butter, ghee, tallow), however, P&G tried to push this product that wasn't selling, as it smelled rank and was not as tasty as butter, this is when the public campaign against product started. P&G did it by paying the American Heart Association (AHA) 2 million dollars, this was a century ago, so the AHA started promoting vegetable products claiming that animal products, which we ate for millions of years until the early 1900, were harmful for us.

The third part was pushed by the Sugar companies, Coca Cola amongst them, they knew that sugar was bad, but it is the core ingredient of all their products as it causes addiction, it's a drug, so they paid Ancel Keys to be the point in a campaign to hide the effects of sugar, he complied and with the Seven Countries Study he blatantly ignore the association with sugar and cherry picked results to blame it on cholesterol, which resulted in a further restriction of animal fats in favour of seed oils and sugar. This last part is crucial, as the Seven Countries Study has been debunked by its own data, since then we have realised that cholesterol is not the culprit, it does indeed the damage, however, the decay is caused by oxidation and glication, oxidation being cause by seed oils and glication by, well, sugar.


edit: damn... is it going too far off topic? I'll leave it here and avoid further comments on the topic.

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1 hour ago, EdwardTeach said:

I do worry that food might be the next step. Several of the local farmers I’ve spoken to recently are all adamant that due to the global shortage of fertilizers we’ll be facing food shortages next year and this situation is likely to persist for several years to come. I doubt we’ll stave but what little food is left available will be very expensive. This year I’m starting to grow my own fruit and veg.

Did you know the UK government is actually paying farmers to STOP growing food now! They passed a farm funding Agriculture Bill in January 2020 which takes farm land out of production for the purpose of ‘wilding’. The US government is doing exactly the same thing over there with their ‘Conservation Reserve Program’  as part of a government-wide effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Or at least that’s the excuse they’re going to use while people go hungry.

It's has been obvious to me this is the way they are going to go and have been learning crypto for a while now. 99% of the population don't like change and I am struggling to see how the government are going to sell this as a positive to the people. There must be positives to this somewhere. The majority of the people on this forum (including me) have been saying for a while that fiat is dead. Fiat is over inflated and making us poorer. We can see what is coming in distance and just because it's not trading gold and silver in a distopian world we think it's evil. I am finding this interesting that we are leaving the old system, I am not sure about the new system but I am trying to learn and put things in place so I am not playing catch up. 

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GMO is not only about farmers unable to keep part of the crop for future seed, but is also about pesticides. Crops are designed to enable a blanket weed killer to be sprayed on the crop without any damage and is done very differently to previous use of crop sprays. Both seeds and sprays all produced by the same company.

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5 hours ago, LemmyMcGregor said:

The second part is Procter & Gamble, in the early 1900 they acquired the patent to produce hydrogenated oils, prior to that seed oils were not for human consumption and were limited to industrial use and illumination, humans were using mostly vegetable fats for cooking (lard, butter, ghee, tallow), however, P&G tried to push this product that wasn't selling, as it smelled rank and was not as tasty as butter, this is when the public campaign against product started. P&G did it by paying the American Heart Association (AHA) 2 million dollars, this was a century ago, so the AHA started promoting vegetable products claiming that animal products, which we ate for millions of years until the early 1900, were harmful for us.

The third part was pushed by the Sugar companies, Coca Cola amongst them, they knew that sugar was bad, but it is the core ingredient of all their products as it causes addiction, it's a drug, so they paid Ancel Keys to be the point in a campaign to hide the effects of sugar, he complied and with the Seven Countries Study he blatantly ignore the association with sugar and cherry picked results to blame it on cholesterol, which resulted in a further restriction of animal fats in favour of seed oils and sugar. This last part is crucial, as the Seven Countries Study has been debunked by its own data, since then we have realised that cholesterol is not the culprit, it does indeed the damage, however, the decay is caused by oxidation and glication, oxidation being cause by seed oils and glication by, well, sugar.

This is why I consume paleo/keto most of the time. The truth is basically a conspiracy theory - the standard western diet is horrendous - a silent killer.

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  • 5 months later...

CBDC is not just going to be another digital version of the electronic money we know of today...  each CBDC dollar and every sub-unit of it, will be a controlled software program. (exactly like crypto's) This will allow every government to control their population by 'switching off' their tokens, if they don't do what the government wants. (manipulation, extortion, blackmail, coercion, tyranny)

if physical cash goes away, you will just need to use your bullion in trade for "decentralised-finance" (De-Fi) crypto coins, that are not 'part of the system'. these are coins that are not controlled by any regulating body or government. (web search De-Fi coins and exchanges for more info.) You can still function in this world if cash goes away... but in the meantime, KEEP SPENDING CASH...  FORCE THEM TO KEEP IT ALIVE.

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8 hours ago, vhasir said:

CBDC is not just going to be another digital version of the electronic money we know of today...  each CBDC dollar and every sub-unit of it, will be a controlled software program. (exactly like crypto's) This will allow every government to control their population by 'switching off' their tokens, if they don't do what the government wants. (manipulation, extortion, blackmail, coercion, tyranny)

if physical cash goes away, you will just need to use your bullion in trade for "decentralised-finance" (De-Fi) crypto coins, that are not 'part of the system'. these are coins that are not controlled by any regulating body or government. (web search De-Fi coins and exchanges for more info.) You can still function in this world if cash goes away... but in the meantime, KEEP SPENDING CASH...  FORCE THEM TO KEEP IT ALIVE.

I can't wrap my head around how they program an individual token? I can't see the benefit when a token can be split and sent anywhere. Surely it would be much more beneficial to program the wallet. Personally I think all that will happen is they will outlaw stable coins and only use cbdc and they will continue to update the tax laws on the rest of it. This is more lucrative to them than keeping your money in the bank.

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1. Assuming the entire planet doesn't go that way, espically in your lifetime you could just take your bullion and run.

2. There will always be the good old ability to trade physical goods for physical goods, even if it was on a black market.

3. Silver can't be wiped out by cyber warfare or solar flares.

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If cash is outlawed which it will and many will move over to metals as there will not be much of a choice to protect your wealth, Willl transactions be asked in metals as you won’t want to go back to cash as some are presuming?

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1 hour ago, Dankanugget said:

If cash is outlawed which it will and many will move over to metals as there will not be much of a choice to protect your wealth, Willl transactions be asked in metals as you won’t want to go back to cash as some are presuming?

In Nigeria the cbdc has been running for 1 year now. 0.5% of the population have taken it up, the Nigerian government are offering incentives in discount form at vendors to try and get people to adopt it. they have outlawed banks letting customers fund crypto exchanges but seems people are getting around this. In many countries cbdc's seem to just runs along side existing currency methods. So am not sure cash would be outlawed but if enough people adopt it, it might be phased out.

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22 minutes ago, Bigmarc said:

In Nigeria the cbdc has been running for 1 year now. 0.5% of the population have taken it up, the Nigerian government are offering incentives in discount form at vendors to try and get people to adopt it. they have outlawed banks letting customers fund crypto exchanges but seems people are getting around this. In many countries cbdc's seem to just runs along side existing currency methods. So am not sure cash would be outlawed but if enough people adopt it, it might be phased out.


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