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Posts posted by sixgun

  1. The future of money, broken down step-by-step in stunning new infographic

    Our mission to change how everyone spends money and, by extension, how much additional return they receive whilst spending on everyday transactions; is well underway but not yet complete!

    For a quick rundown of the Kinesis monetary system, which is based on traditionally-stable gold instead of volatile fiat currency, or paper money, check out our designers’ handiwork below:


    1 45rPW0LpDegbgMhnsKVYVQ.jpeg

  2. i am an ambassador - there is a small group of people who showed interest and had good ideas - who were willing to help take the Kinesis idea forwards. We recently proof read the latest blueprint for example - we are an unpaid think tank. Like we were talking about promo material - so i created a tee shirt design, shirt design and sweat shirt design - these were shown at the end of that Kinesis Community Show - it was just something in Photoshop knocked up in a few minutes but something Kinesis probably ought to think about doing

    Whether having been an ambassador will have positive effects for any of us in the future i don't know but whatever that is not important to me, all i want is for Kinesis to do well b/c if it does it will be good for precious metals and it will be good for my family and some of the members on this forum.  These are not affiliate ambassadors. That is something quite different although they have decided to use the same word to confuse people. ?

  3. Similar comment on Yahoo Finance relating to the instability of currencies. Many in other parts of the world use precious metals to hedge the decline in their currencies. The people of Argentina and Turkey would have been insulated against the recent turmoil had Kinesis been available to them and they had had the foresight to swap out their fiat for Kinesis. The problem with gold coins is you cannot go to the supermarket and pay for your trolley of shopping. So either you don't get gold coins or you only put a small part of your finances into gold. When your gold is freely convertible into fiat in fractions of a gram things are radically different and gold as everyday money becomes a reality.


  4. 2 hours ago, mr-dead said:

    whenever I do an @  i cant get out of the blue box to type afterwards ?

    Was just going to say that your app is currently linked to GBP, if you want to spend gold you need to click the little card to the left of it.


    Admin feel free to delete my multiple empty posts ?


    Yes this is a problem so i worked a work around. Use the spacebar - go forwards say a couple of spaces - you have created the buffer. Then use the arrows to go back those spaces - the spaces still exist on the page. Do the @mr-dead  then use the arrows and go forwards into the space you created and you don't get caught up in the username.

  5. An interesting blog post brought to my attention - that interest is increasing in gold money. Kinesis gets a big mention.



    Kinesis - A Proposed Alternative Monetary System

    Kinesis is still in its startup phase. Kinesis comes at this objective with a completely different approach. Kinesis is a proposal for an entire alternative monetary system based on two cryptocurrencies that are 100% backed by allocated gold and silver. Kinesis also plans to use the blockchain to offer initial investors its investment token (Kinesis Velocity Token) that is based on the ethereum platform. The gold and silver currencies (KAU and KAG) will operate on a Stellar based platform (for better transaction speed and volume). In public interviews, the Kinesis CEO has indicated that Kinesis plans to bring together precious metals investors, users, wholesalers, producers, along with crypto users and anyone else who would like to participate in a completely new alternative monetary system. 

    The thing that makes Kinesis unique is that all of the participants in the system are eligible to earn a yield derived from the transaction fees the system generates. Kinesis believes that this yield based system will encourage retail uptake and also velocity of their KAU and KAG currencies. They hope that this incentive will allow gold and silver to overcome "Gresham's Law" such that people will be willing to use gold and silver like money again rather than just hold it as an investment. This is because the higher the velocity in the system, the more fees they can distribute back to system participants in the form of various yields. Basically, in the Kinesis system, everyone can become like a bank and share in the overall transaction fees that normally would only go to the bank. The fee per each transaction is .45% (45 cents on a $100 transaction).

    Kinesis through its partner ABX (Allocated Bullion Exchange) has announced some partnerships (here and here) that will be interesting to follow over time. Kinesis plans its currency launch next spring so it's early days yet. It will be interesting to see how things unfold with this creative new idea. Kinesis is funded by investors who buy the KVT tokens, which are currently available for sale on their website. In a recent webinar update, CEO Tom Coughlin announced initial funding targets (exceeding $15 million USD) have been met. You can read the white paper here.

    Ryan Case, Head of Trading and Sales at Kinesis, offered us this comment to include in this article:

    "Kinesis has already received backing from institutional and retail investors and has recently begun announcing agreements with precious metal market participants. In addition to its technology-driven approach, Kinesis brings strong precious metal industry expertise, attracting a lot of positive attention."


  6. Asia is soaking up precious metals - India is pretty keen on silver. This has been going on for years. At some point the rubber band will snap and price will reset.

    Currently there is bullish divergence, particularly on the silver chart.



  7. 6 hours ago, Martlet said:

    The Laffer curve is only controversial if you call it by that name amongst left wing politicans.  If you call it a supply/demand curve no one bats an eyelid, that's essentially what it is.  The trouble is, its bang on the money.  Recent examples, the UK haven't had petrol duty prices for years because they reached the peak, and the top rate 50% income tax return less revenue than when it was reduced to 45%.  UK tax as % of GDP is down from peak-Brown, though we are above the lowest tax take of Brown era - austerity is a lie. 

    i hear the word austerity. To be honest i do not know what it practically means. i knew a guy who claimed benefits. He would say the people where he signed on were constantly looking to stop people's benefits. i feel pretty sure he said they had a quota - they were expected to stop so much benefit a month. I suspect certain sectors are being squeezed but at the same time there are £billions being spent on nonsense. i remember talking to a plumber who was working on a house i was building a few years back. He knew a guy who worked in a neighboring council. He would say that half the people there could be got rid of and it would make no difference.

    There are so many $billions - if not £trillions wasted.

    i truly hate the system. i do not accept anything it tries to do to me. i do not accept anything told me, at least not until i have scrutonised it. There are so many lies - so many people accept they must do this and that, they must pay this and that. The Council Tax is illegal. Council tax does not apply to our homes, only business properties.

    The councils actually have a legal duty to pay all our debts and liabilities.

    i repeat - the councils have a duty to pay all our debts and liabilities - so why are they charging us Council Tax?

    Here is the legislation - https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/Vict/51-52/41/section/79

    79 Incorporation of county council.

    (1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F1

    (2) All duties and liabilities of the inhabitants of a county shall become and be duties and liabilities of the council of such county.

    There you are people, go look at their legislation.

    I took a Penalty Charge Notice for a friend - i did battle with the council. i was not going to pay. The circumstances were not standard but in any case i denied there was a debt and said but if you believe there is i require you on behalf of the council to discharge the debt as per Local Government Act 1888 s79 (2). She said they were not a county council - i told her under the terms of the Act the city council was a county council. It went away.

    Almost everything we are told is a lie. We agree to pay these parasites when they should be paying us. They are our servants, now serve.




  8. Clearly you have your own opinions. That the interest rates rises the Fed has been banging on about for months is not priced in. That a rise would take the market by complete surprise. i have followed Fed announcements for years. From my experience there is an immediate algo driven oscillation both ways and then a rise in price.

    You speculate that fiat will divert away from the precious metal market and into yield bearing assets. The cash going into gold and silver comes from China, India, Russia, Iran, Turkey - not the Western general public. They are asleep. When rates are moving up the last thing you want to be in is bonds. A bond yielding 1% is priced at $100. The bond yields move to 2%. Your bond is now valued at $50. Rates move up to 5%, your bond is valued at $20. Bondholders might get a few percent a year more but their bond prices implode. So you will put your money in the bank for a few percent - you run the risk it will get bailed in - nice.

    What about the oil - gold Chinese contracts? What about the gold trade notes coming through? The world outside the West is turning away from the USD and towards monetisation of precious metals.

    Fiat is constantly depreciating. Silver cannot be mined profitably at $10. Watch this video on the cost of gold mining. The big miners are making next to nothing. Those imagining prices can go to sub $10 silver and $800 gold just do not realise what the cost is to produce gold and silver. The banks would love this. They can steal the mines for pennies on the dollar.


  9. i see right at the top they mention the EU contributions. Look it is the tiniest sliver. Got to get that bit into the psyche.

    Then we have overseas aid. i see the biggest contributor to the terrorist organisation the White Helmets is the UK government. I see they are evacuating the White Helmets to resettle them in Canada. Surely the Syrian people still need their help. Kids still need hosing down with water for no reason at all and then calling it a gas attack. Why would that not be needed? This is how your tax is being spent, causing war, taking down governments and spreading democracy. The usual stuff.  Doesn't it make you proud? i know i'm filling up as i type this now.

    i mean these people were bringing humanitarian aid to the Syrian people. It's a damned shame they had to go. What would they have to fear? Surely they will be proclaimed as national heroes?

  10. 22 minutes ago, KDave said:

    Yes and we are already taxed to the hilt, one of the most taxed peoples on the entire planet. There is a point when they will raise taxes and start to receive less in return because of the impact it will have on the wider economy. I believe we are at that point already, certainly when the mass of people's pay has been eroded in real terms for years now, with tax rises on top there can't be much give left. Pushing on a string.  

    Yes i saw the BBC mouthpiece standing there telling the people that taxes rises could be substantial.


    We see the usual images to set in the minds of the people they will have to accept these rises or else the NHS will be lost. Of course the plan will be to put up taxes to breaking point AND privatise the NHS further.

    Surely it is not just me who sees all this on the odd occasion i tune in to the controlled propaganda channels?

  11. 44 minutes ago, StackerCollector said:

     ? (next interest rates increase will send it lower again)

    You would think interest rate increases would push down on the gold price. Remember the market claims silver is an industrial metal, not money, so should respond to the rising stock market not interest rates. Hmm why isn't silver at $50 then i wonder? Of course we know gold and silver are linked and silver is money, so as you say you might imagine metal prices will fall with rising interest rates.

    However when you look at the response once the dust settles, interest rate increases generally send the price of gold higher (and with it silver). These rate increases have been priced in months ago. i do not except to see any interest increases. There was panic when the 10 year Treasury went over 3%. This represents a very key level and the end of the bull market for bonds (rising bond prices = falling yields). If the Fed as it claims it will, pushes rates higher then bond prices will fall. Then we enter a bear market for bonds. These markets tend to run for decades. Decades of rising bond yields and so a rising cost for government debt. Debt is at record levels now, imagine rates 2 or 3 times higher - we know where this would end. i have heard suggested the Fed, ESF and other manipulative entities will crash the stock market to push money into bonds to keep the rates down. The stock market will be sacrifice on the alter of government debt. There is huge disinvestment from Treasuries. The Fed says it is going to unwind its balance sheet - sell Treasuries. Who are they kidding. They will not be able to keep bond yields down if that actually happened.

    i see the BBC controlled propaganda outlet was telling the people austerity was not enough, higher taxes were needed to control government debt at £1.8 trillion. Now factor in rates climbing worldwide. We are tipping over the edge and will fall if interest rates were actually jacked up.

  12. On 09/07/2018 at 13:58, Martlet said:

    Well quite, we dont know if this concerns redeemable bonds as noted, unallocated or allocated holdings, if a outright refusal or requiring some time for withdrawal.  Into this information vacuum much speculation follows.

    The interesting one is that its prelude to a bank bail in.  This is disingenuous as bail-in relates to cash depositors and bond holders both being creditors of the bank, so can find their credit used to shore up the balance sheet.  Allocated gold does not belong to the bank, the owner is not a creditor.  To take this gold would be introducing confiscation.

    Maguire clearly states the client demanded 500kg of gold bars returned which were being held in the bank vaults. No mention of bonds. The gold holding was unallocated.

    i have explained numerous times before, the banks do not have these unallocated gold bars. Legally these bars are the banks. If a bank were to hold 50 tonnes in unallocated kilo gold bars you might imagine 50 tonnes of kilo bars and the client was simply demanding 500 of them.

    The problem is the banks do not have these bars and potentially never had them. The client will have originally instructed the bank to buy gold. He would have handed over the cash but instead of buying gold the bank used that cash for other purposes. They banked on no-one demanding their gold back and on permanently low gold prices. They then have $billions to play with. i am aware of cases where the bank was charging for the storage and insurance of the gold which never existed - no doubt this is endemic.

    This gold is generally highly leveraged. A few bars with 100's of claims. Someone turning up demanding 500kg just cannot be dealt with. A few bars here and there but removal of 500kg, even if it were there, would ramp up the leverage, so the significantly depleted vault holdings now have many more claims per bar.

    The point Maguire makes is here is one of several recent examples where the banks have been exposed as not having the gold. That more and more people are turning up demanding their gold only to find the small print of the contract means they will be cash settled and there is no gold. Likely the guy will take the cash and get Maguire to source him the gold.

    The real physical market is going to get tighter and tighter. There are 1000's tonnes of gold in unallocated accounts which does not exist and probably never existed. As the reality of this fraud becomes more apparent and gold holders demand gold. potentially to deposit in the Kinesis system for a yield, we can only expect upward pressure on physical gold prices and an official price reset.

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