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Silver To Gold


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Hi All,

When I get to an amount of silver that would have equal value to gold, for example, around 60 1oz silver Britannia's for 1 1oz gold Britannia, do you think would I get much interest in doing a swap, it's almost the fun of buying silver regularly but with the main aim of owning a 1oz gold Britannia, or is it best to sell the silver when I get there and buy the gold? I'm obviously new to it all anyway but I would love to own a 1oz gold Britannia, I'm about half way there (since January), if it is very counter productive then I will ultimately save up, just trying to get my head around things.

Thanks for reading.


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Sell your silver first the buy whatever your heart desires. 

If I was to swap you now for a 1oz spotless britannia and accept your silver as a trade, I'd want 72ozs at £22 each and need them to be spotless too.

Why else would I give up gold for silver?

As you can see it's best to sell first

I like to buy the pre-dip dip

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21 minutes ago, James32 said:

Sell your silver first the buy whatever your heart desires. 

If I was to swap you now for a 1oz spotless britannia and accept your silver as a trade, I'd want 72ozs at £22 each and need them to be spotless too.

Why else would I give up gold for silver?

As you can see it's best to sell first

Good advice.

I have a question though - why would you want 72ozs of silver, when the current ratio is at 90? 

Would you not want 90ozs? 


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Just now, doctorgolden said:

Good advice.

I have a question though - why would you want 72ozs of silver, when the current ratio is at 90? 

Would you not want 90ozs? 


No that's spot price, you can't get silver at spot price unfortunately.

I get my £22 from an average of the lowest I've seen sell recently £20.80 in a preorder and £23.20 currently on offer from theman73.

Would I actually swap for 70 Oz's ? Unlikely as I fought to get the gold.


I like to buy the pre-dip dip

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Karl, without knowing how much silver ounces you have, I would start either selling or swapping for half sovereigns. You should be able to get a half for about 9 ounces of silver. When you get to 8 half, the switch to a full 1 oz gold Britannia should be easy. 

Never Chase and Never Regret 

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Why do people buy silver to then swap it for gold? If you've simply changed your mind about the metal you like, fair point, I get it. But if not and it's an actual strategy then why not just save up and buy gold direct?

If silver was going up and up, year on year, compared to fiat then I could see the logic of dumping fiat for silver to preserve purchasing power,  enabling a quicker route to gold. All I'm seeing though, is fiat dropping, silver going nowhere compared to fiat (i.e. dropping in line with fiat) and gold steaming off ahead.

Or am I missing something?

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9 minutes ago, gji25 said:

what your missing is when it comes to stacking silver you need to be patient 

How long is patient?

I've been stacking for 23 years.

I was also stacking gold back then as well, about 66/33 ratio in favour of gold between 2000-2008.

If I had put that money into more half sovereigns back then, I'd be a lot richer now.

Yes my early day silver has done very well indeed, but it's been more than lacklustre since 2012.

The gold is long gone, the profits used elsewhere. The silver sits - still being added to by and by. Not sure I'd be better off purchasing gold with cash or swapping out the silver holdings I have.

I certainly would never purposely buy silver with a mind to upgrade it to gold in the future though. I just don't see the logic in that.

I do see the logic in buying gold to swap into fiat or silver though, as I believe gold will hold well and rise more and silver will stay put. You could then purchase a lot of silver in the future, but why would you want to?

The stackers can blame the suppression if they like, but it won't change the facts that silver is NOT going to the moon. It would benefit me greatly if it did.

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1 hour ago, SidS said:

How long is patient?

I've been stacking for 23 years.

I was also stacking gold back then as well, about 66/33 ratio in favour of gold between 2000-2008.

If I had put that money into more half sovereigns back then, I'd be a lot richer now.

Yes my early day silver has done very well indeed, but it's been more than lacklustre since 2012.

The gold is long gone, the profits used elsewhere. The silver sits - still being added to by and by. Not sure I'd be better off purchasing gold with cash or swapping out the silver holdings I have.

I certainly would never purposely buy silver with a mind to upgrade it to gold in the future though. I just don't see the logic in that.

I do see the logic in buying gold to swap into fiat or silver though, as I believe gold will hold well and rise more and silver will stay put. You could then purchase a lot of silver in the future, but why would you want to?

The stackers can blame the suppression if they like, but it won't change the facts that silver is NOT going to the moon. It would benefit me greatly if it did.

I wish I'd invested £9000 in gold bullion around the year 2000ad. It would be worth around £64000 present day I believe. My figures might a bit out but I think that's about right. Silver, sadly, not so much. I like silver, but for the space it takes up to store safely and the lack of profits in it. Imo at least, it just makes me shy away from it.

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