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Posted (edited)

Hello community, new user here, just a friendly hello. 😬

I made a couple of purchases on here, I am honest and trustworthy, I keep my self pretty much to myself and am quite a private person, I am a christian, and the bible helps me so much in these very difficult times, I have suffered with thoughts and more of suicide and depression, I now like to help and support the community as much as I can on SideBySide a website from the Mind charity. 


I hope the people I bought from will give me a kind review for me. Pretty new to the whole coin thing, bought some items from Hatton's and Atkinsons I found them both helpful and friendly, with my tight limited budget I am looking for really good % premiums if that makes sense (aren't we all, I hear you say) What do you think about Half crowns, what do you think is a good bullion deal for them, and are they easy to liquidate, and recommendations are appreciated. Maybe I said too much here, or not enough, anyways I tried, wishing you all the very best and sending you all my very best thoughts of hope, care, comfort and peace.

I made this little video to try and help anyone with thoughts and feelings of suicide and depression, I hope that it can help someone.



Edited by SaturnV
Grammatical errors...
Posted (edited)

Welcome. As you know suicide among men of a certain age is the number one killer. More male suicides than death from road accidents. No one is immune from those dark places, more so than in the last few years. It can and does affect anyone and every one including myself. God bless.

Edited by HillWalkerDundee

Thanks so much Zeus, so many people suffering from this in the world right now....I try to post things on side by side and support people as much as I can in these difficult times....


Thanks so much HWD, this is so true, so many suffering with this, I suppose I took a little risk posting on here about this, I know that not what this is for, but I thought about been open with my hello, and I thought hey ho if I post about this, there maybe just someone on here that might not feel quite as alone with these feelings and thoughts, I hope that the community and moderators do not mind, and its not annoyed or upset anyone for me posting about this with my first hello message.

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Moved to the 'Welcome new members' section of the forum.

Hello and welcome to The Silver Forum :) 

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Don't apologise honesty and transparency are not only needed in life but are the only way on this forum as it is trust based.

I for one have had my own issues in the past and if it was not for others who knows what the outcome may have been. Join in blow off steam have fun, discuss, digest but never apologise for honesty.

Posted (edited)

Sorry Chris, thanks for moving this!    I am bit of an idiot 😆


Thanks Fen....

Edited by SaturnV


welcome, everyone pretty friendly on here, always plenty of advice 

not everyone on here has a lot of money to spend on precious metals, however, there are usually plenty of great offers available. If you can, pay for premium membership and you will see the latest stuff straight away.

have a great time 😮👍


Welcome to the forum. Lots of great info on here from knowledgeable like minded people, along with some great deals for all budgets.

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