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Posted (edited)

Hi from cambridgeshire, 

I like the concept of saving and trading an object that doesn't lose value not to mention who doesn't like anything shiny.

Hope i will gain some knowledge through looking through this forums regularly. Im new to physical gold and silver but do have a number of stocks.

Questions i have - 

What postage do you guys use? tracked delivery?

Any advice on avoiding scams? i recently brought bullion and the guy wouldn't let me bank transfer as people request back the sent money as fraud and end up getting there money back etc.

Also are you using paypal or? 

Any advice appreciated thanks

Edited by Km93

Welcome aboard @Km93

Once your a bit more familiar I'd suggest a couple of things and I'm sure more will add...

  • Decide what you want to stack if you haven't already, it's a slippery, expensive but imho rewarding slope
  • Documentation, a number of members have uploaded examples on how record your purchases, trades etc.
  • Storage, options on capsules, grading, safes, safety deposit boxes, treasure maps and boating accidents to name but a few...
  • Postage, RMSD is pretty much the default or buyers risk
  • Payment, Bank Transfer or PayPal F&F are generally accepted on TSF once you've built up a good reputation.

Defo familiarise yourself with the forum and be prepared for a few evenings reading up... you'll get all your answers and some just by investing a bit of time.


Looking to complete a date run of Bu Sovs and still require; 2010, 2011, 2018 & 2019


Only Royal Mail special delivery covers bullion, so best to only use that when buying.  I will use signed for when selling for smaller inexpensive items but only at the buyers risk.

If you want to avoid scams, buy from established online dealers or established members on here or in other groups, avoid eBay and always do your due diligence.  I would recommend you invest in some tools if you intend buying in the secondary market, some digital scales and callipers as a minimum.

Bank transfer and PayPal are the most common payment methods on here.  


Welcome to the Forum.

With regards to postage only special delivery is insured by royal mail.  It can be expensive and so on smaller orders I tend to opt for 1st signed for.
With regards to avoiding scams I would suggest that you purchase on the forums buy and sell section or from an established coin dealer. I would never buy anything from eBay or facebook etc. Also some type of varification devices to measure the coins you recieve are what you are looking for. This could be accurate scales and calipers or something more advanced like the sigma precious metal varifier.
With regards to payment most are done using bank transfer or paypal. Some people accept crypto aswell



Hello and welcome from another fenland collector. I am relatively new myself and have found nothing but help and knowledge on the forum. All of the above points raised are excellent follow the advise and learn and you won't go far wrong.

Enjoy the crazy train

  • Founder & Administrator

Hello and welcome to The Silver Forum :) 

My posts are my personal opinions, they do not constitute advice or financial advice.

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