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Royal Mint let me down, again!

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My recent purchase of the BU £5 Sovereign was cancelled, without any comms or notification. I had ordered a Piedfort sovereign at the same time, which did arrive (complete with missing frosting).

I logged into my account a few days ago and noticed the coin was missing from both the open and closed orders sections, the Piedfort is still there.

I emailed them and just received the following response:

  • "After reviewing your account I see that there is no stock available, because of the amount of customers buying online, our systems were overloaded, now the stock levels have been adjusted to reflect sales the item was oversold unfortunately causing disappointment to our customers for which we apologise."

That's the second time, they've screwed me out of a significantI order without comms! While we are getting somewhat used to problems in their QC section, it would appear that their stock systems may not be fully aligned with their website.

I should've followed my own advice (from the last time) and followed up the online order with a phone call - "fool me twice..."

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54 minutes ago, LawrenceChard said:

So much negativity!

Always whinging!

Think positive...

It saved you from having to send it back and complain!

I was going to add that if you had bought it from a well known Lancashire dealer,

For once and once only @LawrenceChard is right.

http://www.lancashire-gold.co.uk/ buy from there. they are 20 places above a Blackpool dealer....

Central bankers are politicians disguised as economists or bankers. They’re either incompetent or liars. So, either way, you’re never going to get a valid answer.” - Peter Schiff

Sound money is not a guarantee of a free society, but a free society is impossible without sound money. We are currently a society enslaved by debt.
If you are a new member and want to know why we stack PMs look at this link https://www.thesilverforum.com/topic/56131-videos-of-significance/#comment-381454
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9 minutes ago, Bogart said:

Take it  your not too keen on't Bay. I think it is okay but I do not think I could bring myself to buy something valuable from it especially the stuff we like here.

You are absolutely correct.

I have seen and heard too much bad stuff on it and about it.

Every time I look, there are so many fakes on there with misleading and fraudulent descriptions.

I / we used to use it once, with some success, but ebay were a PITA to work with.

I have also bought coins on ebay about 4 or 5 times. 

Every time, nothing turned up for weeks, and I had to remind the sellers to post the stuff.

If we sold items on Monday and the buyer had not received them by Wednesday, they were complaining, and threatening to leave negative feedback. Sometimes they didn't bother to pay us for a week, and would complain the item had not arrived!

Probably the only plus point is that they often paid too much for stuff, compared with our websites!

Although one very early auction buyer than left negative feedback whinging about why we had charged him so much!



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The vagaries of the site. I buy a few things of it cannot remember when I last sold something. Is too much effort and as you say a lot of strange buyers on there. It defintely is a buyers site

with little comfort given to sellers.

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4 hours ago, LawrenceChard said:

Every time I look, there are so many fakes on there with misleading and fraudulent descriptions.

I / we used to use it once, with some success, but ebay were a PITA to work with.

I have also bought coins on ebay about 4 or 5 times. 

Every time, nothing turned up for weeks, and I had to remind the sellers to post the stuff.

If we sold items on Monday and the buyer had not received them by Wednesday, they were complaining, and threatening to leave negative feedback. Sometimes they didn't bother to pay us for a week, and would complain the item had not arrived!

So much negativity!

Always whinging!

Think positive...

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Issue price was £2635, so £2750 today, given what has happened since the coin was issued is probably a very fair price and will almost certainly look a good purchase decision when viewed in a couple of years' time.

I would say if you really want the coin, go for it.

Edited by Stuntman
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18 hours ago, Bogart said:

The vagaries of the site. I buy a few things of it cannot remember when I last sold something. Is too much effort and as you say a lot of strange buyers on there. It defintely is a buyers site

with little comfort given to sellers.

Some sellers are idiots. I bought a half sov back in 2009 and they posted it loose in an envelope with a 2nd class stamp...

Good job I'm honest.

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