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Shipwrecks found off Columbian coast


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New article from the BBC:

BBC News - San José galleon: Two new shipwrecks found off Colombian coast

Worth a look to see the gold coins lying on the sea bed in the video.

Edited by Booky586
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  • Booky586 changed the title to Shipwrecks found off Columbian coast

There are a really significant number of wrecks that are known to have treasure and have not been found.

Equally there are many others that contain significant riches and that we simply don’t know about.

Fascinating topic.



Not my circus, not my monkeys

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If they find any sovereigns they can print off a certificate, but it in a nice box and charge an extra £200 plus for a " shipwreck" coin. Personally I never understood the attraction of paying over the odds because a coin has spent the last 100 years or so in the ocean.  

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3 hours ago, pricha said:

If they find any sovereigns they can print off a certificate, but it in a nice box and charge an extra £200 plus for a " shipwreck" coin. Personally I never understood the attraction of paying over the odds because a coin has spent the last 100 years or so in the ocean.  

You’ve obviously never heard of the wreck of SS Central America.

Shipwreck gold or silver will always ‘fetch’ a premium. Many shipwreck coins are in better condition having spent a vast amount of time underwater and buried by silt and sand, particularly gold coins fare well underwater.

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There seems to be some confusion or mistakes in the report. 200 (plus) years ago would perhaps fit with Columbia's struggle for independence from Spain, but 300 (plus) years is the date of the wreck of the main treasure ship. Sloppy journalism,  I would suggest. Very interesting story nonetheless.

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  • 1 month later...

I forgot to post this earlier but the odd photo from ROV now making its way onto the internet.

If / when there is recovery, there will undoubtedly be coins types discovered that have never been seen before. Billions in emeralds gold and silver will be recovered but the real treasure will be numismatic insight into coin production from this period.


Not my circus, not my monkeys

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It's only a matter of time until a billionaire builds a mega scanner that will discover all this stuff everywhere in a heart beat. Probably a bendy eyed Bezos type, and everyone will hate them even more for it.

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