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Spot the fake panda!


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I play the quizz and looking at the coin between 1 and 5 seconds my take for the fake ones is

1989 L

1990 L

1991 R

1992 R

1993 R

1994 R

1995 R

1997 R

1999 R

2004 R

2005 R

2007 L

((L and R for left and Right of course)

I did not cheat or look at other following posts (will do now)

So I am right ? 


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A couple of fake 2013 1oz silver pandas came up for sale on the forum earlier in the year. To my surprise, no one had spotted them. The sale post received an couple of likes from members and it had already marked as 'Complete' (sold) by the time I saw it.

I did PM the seller and was informed he had bought them on the forum a few months earlier !! 

See if they look obvious to you.





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9 hours ago, TommyTwoShots said:

Did you test the fakes on the sigma? What did they read as? 

if not I don’t suppose I could test them? Postage at my cost?

Now you've got me curious... i ssumed they were copper. I don't have a sigma, but I do have this...


Edited by arphethean
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12 hours ago, Frenchie said:

I play the quizz and looking at the coin between 1 and 5 seconds my take for the fake ones is

1989 L

1990 L

1991 R

1992 R

1993 R

1994 R

1995 R

1997 R

1999 R

2004 R

2005 R

2007 L

((L and R for left and Right of course)

I did not cheat or look at other following posts (will do now)

So I am right ? 


100%! well done

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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/02/2024 at 20:53, Spyder said:

Just noticed this thread. I think about 9 or 10 years ago I bought the complete date run of Pandas from a dealer who was not a specialist in Silver Pandas. I remember paying about £500. Anyway once I took them home and started having a good look closer, things did not look correct.  There was a website (which I can not remember now) that had all the details about fakes and photos for each year.  I noticed that they were all fakes. Some were underweight, some had additional post on stairs etc.  

Anyway took them back and the dealer and I cut one up and removed a small V section like a pizza slice and he did an acid test. It was silver.  I think at that time ebay became flooded with fakes as the earlier one were going for a high premium. 

That was the start and end of my Silver Panda journey as there were just too many fakes around.   

It took me almost 9 years before I purchased another Silver Panda and that was last year when I bought two separate dated trays from Olivia off this forum. 

Interesting story! Yes, there are still so many fakes around and so it really helps to have seen the genuine article to know what to look for. It's a shame that people get put off - I can understand why. That and the high price tag for many of the early years. However, collecting pandas was a very rewarding and enjoyable experience for me - I was drawn to the uniqueness of each year's design and the variations. I don't think there's any other silver bullion coin with the same variation and "collectability" as the pandas but happy to be proven wrong.

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On 30/10/2021 at 15:06, arphethean said:

Wee game for you...

Recently I picked up a date run of pandas on Ebay. Took a wee chance on it.

When it came I realised very quickly that there were a lot of fakes among the earlier years. And poor ones at that. 

I thought I would share them alongside the genuine ones for your amusement/education.























1997 (the 1996 was genuine)















I have only come across one other fake before this (2007), and I would suspect that these are pretty poor examples of fakes, so although fakes may not be as obvious as this, there are a few common features that can give them away.

Here are a few things that jump out on fakes:

Weight. Obviously should be approx 31.2g



Diagonal reeding on the wrong year (this started in 2002)






Crude details, especially fur



Poor finish. I mean the blistering effect on this is horrendous 



Mottled texture on frosting 



Obvious errors, e.g. the frosting between the legs



Incorrect designs, e.g. 1999 temple in the 2002+ design



Poor application with details "disappearing" or floating leaves



Colour: in my experience most pre 2000 coins have developed a warm tone across the whole coin whereas a fake may appear bluish



By the way, there is a happy end to the story. There were mainly genuine pandas in the bundle I bought including a very high quality 2000. The seller was extremely decent and apologetic about it, clearly didn't know anything about pandas, and straight away gave a substantial refund. 

Please share fake pandas you've received. Especially "good" fakes.

Thanks for looking



🤔great sharing! Not really in to Pandas, however, to my eyes some strange looking ones… their eyes? (to start)🤔

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