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Gold Monitoring Thread £ GBP only

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47 minutes ago, VGfine said:

It looks like Yemen rebels are about to feel the might of US firepower, what do with think this will do to the gold price?

Not much. But good news for LMT, RTX, BA, BAE etc

Wait not BA, not that one 

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7 minutes ago, NGMD said:

Whatever our opinions, world events are based around money🤷‍♂️



A lot of country are turning away from Israel. The more that join the quicker it falls. 

Israel survives because its suits America, but once it doesn't that's it, and that coming soon. 

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19 minutes ago, Richard82 said:

Didn't they call Nelson Mandela a terrorist once?

Israel is getting sent to the courts very soon and if America nit careful it will get drag there with them. They are preparing the case and court now in Switzerland with over 3000 lawyers ready to prosecute. Israel as a project is finished. 

Sent to the court by SA who also completely ignores court warrants for Mr. Putin. The truth is no one cares about international courts. 

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1 minute ago, SeverinDigsSovereigns said:

Sent to the court by SA who also completely ignores court warrants for Mr. Putin. The truth is no one cares about international courts. 

Putin didn't go to Africa because of the warrants. They only said they wouldn't arrest him.

Putin is as much a war criminal as Bush and Blair.

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1 hour ago, Richard82 said:

A lot of country are turning away from Israel. The more that join the quicker it falls. 

Israel survives because its suits America, but once it doesn't that's it, and that coming soon. 

Israel still suits America and the West until the last soviet influence on ME fades away. It's not fading away, however. Decolonisation is a monster America unleashed themselves, but the numerous pan-Arabic movements, Islamic Revoluition ideologies, were a creation of USSR, outlast USSR, and is now taken over by China etc.

However, there's a difference between "suits America" and "supported by America". America has made numerous diplomatic errors in the 20th century, the biggest of which was giving China away so they were taken over by the socialists. It was also a huge mistake not to stand with the Pahlavis.

1 hour ago, Richard82 said:

Putin didn't go to Africa because of the warrants. They only said they wouldn't arrest him.

Putin is as much a war criminal as Bush and Blair.

Yes that's what I mean by ignoring the warrants. 

And we need Israel more than Israel needs us. So we'd better hope America sticks with their support. Iran, Hezbollah, Houthis, etc won't suddenly become friendly to us if we drop our support for Israel. They'll look at the Mediterranean next.

Edit: re Blair war might be the least of his crimes. His sysmatic butchering of British tradition and national identity is only the more appaling. He was not alone in believing something had to change for the new millennium, and things did change though for the worse. I wanted to call this millennialism, but found it was already used for a certain Christian denomination. I'd like to call this neo-millennialism. And it seems to get worse by the day. 

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2 hours ago, Richard82 said:

A lot of country are turning away from Israel. The more that join the quicker it falls. 

Israel survives because its suits America, but once it doesn't that's it, and that coming soon. 

U.K. and USA- hold my beer.

“Foook You, you’re an irrelevant customer, go somewhere else peasant, nobody’s listening, I’m alright Jack”

-Royal Mint 2024

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the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims:

Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants, and debt is the money of slaves

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2 hours ago, SeverinDigsSovereigns said:

Edit: re Blair war might be the least of his crimes. His sysmatic butchering of British tradition and national identity is only the more appaling. He was not alone in believing something had to change for the new millennium, and things did change though for the worse. I wanted to call this millennialism, but found it was already used for a certain Christian denomination. I'd like to call this neo-millennialism. And it seems to get worse by the day. 

We tend to say "something happened in the nineties", to describe the start of the planned downfall and decimation 

Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants, and debt is the money of slaves

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3 hours ago, VGfine said:

It looks like Yemen rebels are about to feel the might of US firepower, what do with think this will do to the gold price?

Gold could go down.  Buy the rumour, sell the news etc...  These cartoon villains are hardly going to cause world war three, and their flag is absolutely hilarious.  This type of military action is exactly the kind which America can actually win easily.  Get the popcorn out, and enjoy the show.

Oh, and by the way, the flag reads, "God is greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse the Jews, Victory to Islam".  :lol::lol::lol:  What a bunch of clowns

New profile pic to support the current thing, because it's current year.

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10 minutes ago, bobski said:

We tend to say "something happened in the nineties", to describe the start of the planned downfall and decimation 

That roughly translates to "a rare occurrence of an elected Labour majority"

It's quite surprising there has only been 3 elected Labour PMs, although we seem to be on course to have the 4th who professes to be reminiscent of the last. God help us.

8 minutes ago, silversky said:

Gold could go down.  Buy the rumour, sell the news etc...  These cartoon villains are hardly going to cause world war three, and their flag is absolutely hilarious.  This type of military action is exactly the kind which America can actually win easily.  Get the popcorn out, and enjoy the show.

Oh, and by the way, the flag reads, "God is greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse the Jews, Victory to Islam".  :lol::lol::lol:  What a bunch of clowns

Thought the flags read "fairness and equality for all"

Never mind

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16 minutes ago, bobski said:

Mandela was 100% a terrorist, whether you agree with what he did or not. Just saying

Yes, and look how well it's going for SA now - Julius Malema probably gets awarded the next Nobel Peace Prize. <_<


The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. - H.L. Mencken

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13 minutes ago, jultorsk said:

Yes, and look how well it's going for SA now - Julius Malema probably gets awarded the next Nobel Peace Prize. <_<


Hey! They're doing very well now. They're a sitting member of the UN Human Rights Council (with some other well-done countries)


Also see how they sort Australia, Canada and USA as "West Europe & others" and list other countries as "Latin America & Carribeans" or "Asia Pacific". They just really can't find excuses to place Japan in "Western Europe" as well.

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5 hours ago, Richard82 said:

Didn't they call Nelson Mandela a terrorist once?

Israel is getting sent to the courts very soon and if America nit careful it will get drag there with them. They are preparing the case and court now in Switzerland with over 3000 lawyers ready to prosecute. Israel as a project is finished. 

Israel doesn’t care about the courts and neither does the US.


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1 hour ago, Agaupl said:

Israel doesn’t care about the courts and neither does the US.

Saw a billboard the other day with a poignant message: "Hamas is your problem, too." Sad but true.

One cannot play nice against Hamas terrorists. One-sided adherence to "international laws and treaties" is what has landed the West in this ghastly mess we currently are dealing with. Rest assured if Israel falls, Europe goes down faster than anyone can do or say diddly-squat.

Morbidly hilarious with all these terrorist-sympathisers larping some sort of 'humanitarian' grandeur btw. Really? Tsk.

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. - H.L. Mencken

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18 minutes ago, jultorsk said:

Saw a billboard the other day with a poignant message: "Hamas is your problem, too." Sad but true.

One cannot play nice against Hamas terrorists. One-sided adherence to "international laws and treaties" is what has landed the West in this ghastly mess we currently are dealing with. Rest assured if Israel falls, Europe goes down faster than anyone can do or say diddly-squat.

Morbidly hilarious with all these terrorist-sympathisers larping some sort of 'humanitarian' grandeur btw. Really? Tsk.

Israel will weather this storm like it’s done many times before. Hamas badly miscalculated and the sooner they are disappeared from the face of the earth the better. 


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3 hours ago, SeverinDigsSovereigns said:

Hey! They're doing very well now. They're a sitting member of the UN Human Rights Council (with some other well-done countries)


Edited by Chronos
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Also in the coming year 2024 is a historic election year, with elections in 50 countries.

More than 2 billion voters will head to the polls in countries including the United States, India, Mexico and South Africa.
Geopolitical volatility is the biggest risk identified in the

World Economic Forum’s Chief Risk Officers Outlook 2023.
2024 will be a record-breaking year for elections. Around the world, more than 2 billion voters in 50 countries will head to the polls, according to The Center for American Progress, a US policy institute.

The United States, India and Mexico are among the countries holding national elections in 2024.

Here’s a roundup of some key dates.

United States election
The US will head to the polls on 5 November, 2024.

More than 160 million Americans are registered to vote. They’ll be choosing the 60th US president, who will serve in the White House for four years, from January 2025.

Incumbent President Joe Biden hopes to secure a second term in office, while former President Donald Trump is hoping to secure a second, non-consecutive term.

Number of registered voters in the United States from 1996 to 2022.
In 2022, more than 160 million Americans were registered to vote in the United States. Image: Statista
India election
India’s election, between April and May 2024, will be the world’s largest, according to Chatham House, a UK policy institute .

More than 900 million people are registered to vote in India, out of a population of 1.4 billion. Current Prime Minister Narendra Modi hopes to be re-elected for a third five-year term.

India is the world's largest democracy and also an “increasingly important geopolitical actor” globally, Chatham House says.

Mexico election
On 2 June 2024, Mexicans will head to the polls. The country has almost 100 million voters and they will elect a new president to serve a six-year term.

For the first time in Mexico’s history, the two leading presidential candidates are women, explains the Wilson Center, a US think tank. The candidates are Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, former mayor of Mexico City, and former senator Xóchitl Gálvez.

Ballot papers across Mexico will also include votes to fill more than 20,000 public positions – a record for the country.

European Union elections
In the EU, 2024 elections for the European Parliament will take place between 6 and 9 June 2024.

More than 400 million voters will elect 720 members of the European Parliament across 27 member countries.

Because the EU election crosses so many borders, it will be the world’s biggest transnational election, reports French news channel France 24.

South Africa election
South Africa’s election in 2024 is expected to be the country’s most important for 30 years.

The African National Congress (ANC) party has governed the country since 1994, when apartheid ended and Nelson Mandela became South Africa’s first Black president.

Now there’s uncertainty about whether the ANC can keep its majority, reports Bloomberg. A coalition government in South Africa looks possible, believes polling organization Ipsos – but “not guaranteed”.

More than 26 million South Africans are registered to vote, according to the Electoral Commission of South Africa.

Party choices of South Africans registered to vote.
Research by Ipsos suggests a coalition government in South Africa is possible, but not certain. Image: Ipsos
Other 2024 elections
Elections in 2024 will also take place in Taiwan, Indonesia, Russia, Iran and Pakistan.

Changes in policy, government regulation, interest rates and other areas could make 2024 a “tumultuous year,” Bloomberg suggests. The backdrop of war and economic shocks heightens potential geopolitical risks.

Number of new trade policy interventions against foreign commercial interests.
International trade is getting harder. Image: World Economic Forum
How is the World Economic Forum improving trade for more resilient societies?

Geopolitical risk
In its Chief Risk Officers Outlook 2023, the World Economic Forum finds that continuing volatility in geopolitical and geoeconomic relations between major economies is the biggest concern for chief risk officers in both the public and private sectors.

Most survey respondents for the report are expecting “upheavals at a global scale”.

This is “unsurprising given the ongoing war in Europe and continuing US-China economic tensions”, the Forum says.

But it also indicates a growing “adversarial” trend in international economic relations. Higher business costs, trade restrictions, market instability and “sharp swings in policies” are some of the factors underpinning this

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12 hours ago, Lancashire1 said:

Just go online and fill out the declaration that you don't watch live TV.


True - if your first name is 'Current' and your surname 'Occupier'


Otherwise why volunteer statements to anyone?

Everybody knows the war is over / Everybody knows the good guys lost
                               Everybody knows the boat is leaking / Everybody knows the captain lied..   Be seeing you2 sm.jpg

                                                                                              “The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent”

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