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Silver Bars?

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Thinking about getting some larger silver bars, 10oz plus, however I don't really know too much about them.

We all know the larger the bar the cheaper it is for each oz, yet are there pro's and con's of which make and type of bar.

Plus are 1kg bars too big?

Type about this for a bit🙂

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100 oz bars are quite big - i had a few until they were lost in a tragic boating accident. They are kind of doorstop size below that nah, personally i don't see kilos as big and certainly not too big. 

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2 hours ago, KevjustKev said:

Thinking about getting some larger silver bars, 10oz plus, however I don't really know too much about them.

We all know the larger the bar the cheaper it is for each oz, yet are there pro's and con's of which make and type of bar.

Plus are 1kg bars too big?

Type about this for a bit🙂

The Americans are more into their bars as there's no VAT. According to them the sweet spot is 10oz in terms of premium/liquidity. There was a guy (Silver Seeker) who did a spreadsheet of this including his buy/sell and profit/loss on each size of silver. He said 10oz is the sweet spot but I can't find the video. Here is @SilverDragons


It kind of works in the UK with 10oz bars but honestly considering you can buy 1oz Britannia coins (CGT-exempt) for the same premium as 10oz bars (not CGT-exempt), the bars don't make a whole lot of sense. If you happen to stack big silver bars (1 kilo +) in the UK and silver spot moons then you're liable for CGT, plus they are much harder to shift than 1oz coins or 10oz

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I do like the big bars though, they feel great in hand. I have a few 10oz bars and 5oz coins. Might be worthwhile seeing if you can pick up 10oz/1 Kilo Britannia or Queen's Beasts coins (CGT-exempt) if you find them at decent premiums

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2 minutes ago, James32 said:

As @sixgun said, kilo bars are certainly not too big. It will be the cheapest per oz and the first time you've ever felt like you got something of value for your money.

Sounds like a guy who is trying (and failed) to sell 1 kilo bars 😂


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I have a few 1kg silver bars and they are a really good chunk in your hand, certainly not too big at the equivalent of just over 32 troy ounces.

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Just now, HonestMoneyGoldSilver said:

Sounds like a guy who is trying (and failed) to sell 1 kilo bars 😂


Nope sound's like a guy who has had more kilos in his hands over the past 8 years than normal. Will always be the best feeling you will ever get from silver if you've never held one. 

Ps, those bars would have sold if I had patience, I guarantee they sell at a higher price in future. ( you can quote this when/if they day comes.

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Just now, ZRPMs said:

Nah. Get yourself some 5kg bars. They're a chunky lump. Great for holding doors open as well.

Awkward to find capsules for though, don't you think?

I like to buy the pre-dip dip

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26 minutes ago, James32 said:

As @sixgun said, kilo bars are certainly not too big. It will be the cheapest per oz and the first time you've ever felt like you got something of value for your money.

You were selling 3 kilos for £700 = £21.77/oz (32.15 ounces) with a lovely box on top

I've picked up silver this year for lower premiums - things like Noah's Ark, generic US rounds, Buffalos, milky brits at £21/oz or £21.50/oz, even poured silver and random things for less than £21/oz

Just my opinion but what I bought is roughly the same price or even slightly cheaper with £21/oz being £675/kilo

The poll from SilverDragons @10:30 in the video put 1oz as people's favourite (43%) roughly tied with 10oz (42%), both well ahead of kilos (8%) 🤷‍♂️

Not that I would dare argue with King James, you know a lot more about buying and selling metals than I do 💪

Mind is primary and mass-energy is derivative

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2 minutes ago, HonestMoneyGoldSilver said:

You were selling 3 kilos for £700 = £21.77/oz (32.15 ounces) with a lovely box on top

I've picked up silver this year for lower premiums - things like Noah's Ark, generic US rounds, Buffalos, milky brits at £21/oz or £21.50/oz, even poured silver and random things for less than £21/oz

Just my opinion but what I bought is roughly the same price or even slightly cheaper with £21/oz being £675/kilo

The poll from SilverDragons @10:30 in the video put 1oz as people's favourite (43%) roughly tied with 10oz (42%), both well ahead of kilos (8%) 🤷‍♂️

Not that I would dare argue with King James, you know a lot more about buying and selling metals than I do 💪

Ohh I agree there's cheaper kilos out there, unequivocally. But I spent 300hrs carving the box 😆 sometimes it pays to buy quality over quantity. 


I like to buy the pre-dip dip

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 29/03/2024 at 10:37, HonestMoneyGoldSilver said:

The Americans are more into their bars as there's no VAT. According to them the sweet spot is 10oz in terms of premium/liquidity. ...

American here and yeah, I prefer 5oz and 10oz bars.  Back circa 2007-2008 when silver price was high, folks were having trouble selling 100oz or kilo (anything larger than 10oz really) bars.  The resale market for bars seems to be the most liquid at 10oz and less in my experience.  YMMV.

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