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I've inherited a suitcase full of "First day stamp envelopes with coins on"... how would I sell this collection?

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Hi all - as the title says, I have a collection that I want to sell on.

My Granddad was an avid First day stamp collector, both with only stamps (I have three albums of these) and also a whole "carry on" size suitcase full of albums of covers with a bubble including a special minted coin.

They've now come to me... and Stamps and currency coins are really not my cup of tea at all!

What's the best arena to sell these in? I'm based in SE London, and I know we have a few "coin fairs" around but I don't really have the contacts to reach out to in this area.

I know they won't realise much really, but it's better they get moved to someone else that will enjoy rather than them taking up space and gathering dust or being dumped into a landfill eh? 

All advise, gratefully received! 

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Hey, if people want to see - I can do 🙂 
There is a lot though! Why I was expecting to have to "take them to someone" 🙂

I didn't think, as a "Precious metal coin forum", stuff that  mostly "with stamps" and not precious metal at all would be a focus! 🙂 

Edited by NikolaAnne
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13 minutes ago, NikolaAnne said:

Hey, if people want to see - I can do 🙂 
There is a lot though! Why I was expecting to have to "take them to someone" 🙂

I didn't think, as a "Precious metal coin forum", stuff that  mostly "with stamps" and not precious metal at all would be a focus! 🙂 

Get em on/ up!

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Just now, Petra said:

Can’t properly see what’s what! Better pics? Cheers 

Anything specific? I'm really not set up to take better pics right now... I've just moved, and have no table. my photo lights are all packed as well

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1 hour ago, NikolaAnne said:

Hey, if people want to see - I can do 🙂 
There is a lot though! Why I was expecting to have to "take them to someone" 🙂

I didn't think, as a "Precious metal coin forum", stuff that  mostly "with stamps" and not precious metal at all would be a focus! 🙂 

Looks like some nice coins in that Lot . 👍 you can list them for sale or auction them in the " All non PM items for sale " section 

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Just now, Midasfrog said:

Looks like some nice coins in that Lot . 👍 you can list them for sale or auction them in the " All non PM items for sale " section 

Thank you! Granddad loved them for sure.

Would it be better to separate, or offer in the album?

Problem with that, and why I wanted to take them somewhere - no idea what they are worth, beyond the value of the coin in the blister! 🙂 

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1 minute ago, NikolaAnne said:

Thank you! Granddad loved them for sure.

Would it be better to separate, or offer in the album?

Problem with that, and why I wanted to take them somewhere - no idea what they are worth, beyond the value of the coin in the blister! 🙂 

As there are five albums do five listings maybe , have a starting price and auction each album 

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Realistically the market for coins with first day covers is not that big. On average though BU £1 coins and £2 coins attached to FDC fetch around a fiver each and £5 coins between £7-£12 each. Anyone buying as a job lot will expect to be paying out half the individual prices or even face value only.

Ironically with the stamps, he would have been better off buying them loose rather than as FDCs - unused modern stamps are worth face value or current postage rates whereas used stamps are pretty much worthless. The days when postmarks where considered to add interest are gone ☹️.


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If you have the time it may be an idea to auction on eBay piecemeal. You can also compare previous "sold for" prices to get an idea of value. Obviously would involve some time and patience.

"It might make sense just to get some in case it catches on"  - Satoshi Nakamoto 2009

"Its going to Zero" - Peter Schiff 2013

"$1,000,000,000 by 2050"  - Fidelity 2024


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There is an auction house in Kent which may help with this and with the stamps only covers.  It is called Martello Philatelic Auctions

Home | martelloauctions.com

Obviously if you sell through them there will be commission to pay (which there isn't on here) but they do coins as well as stamps so could be a one stop shop.

I have no connection with them!

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On 09/03/2023 at 17:41, NikolaAnne said:

Hi all - as the title says, I have a collection that I want to sell on.

My Granddad was an avid First day stamp collector, both with only stamps (I have three albums of these) and also a whole "carry on" size suitcase full of albums of covers with a bubble including a special minted coin.

They've now come to me... and Stamps and currency coins are really not my cup of tea at all!

What's the best arena to sell these in? I'm based in SE London, and I know we have a few "coin fairs" around but I don't really have the contacts to reach out to in this area.

I know they won't realise much really, but it's better they get moved to someone else that will enjoy rather than them taking up space and gathering dust or being dumped into a landfill eh? 

All advise, gratefully received! 


Just noticed this thread.

There are a few of us on here who do collect "normal" coins so just from a quick glance there are some for example that I would buy, and some I would not. it would be the same with the others who are interested on here.  Some of the coins are not worth a huge amount but if you have someone who needs that particular one to complete a run then you would get a better price


I would disagree with teatime above who said they could only be face value or up to £12.   The Brunel £2 fdc went for £20 alone on ebay a few weeks ago. 


The questions you need to ask are do you really not want to keep them? then its a question of time vs money.  how much time do you want to reasearch their value vs how much you need the money now.  sell them all quickly at a lower price ie at auction, sell them higher in bulk here, at a slighly higher price in smaller blocks here but risk not everything selling, selling them individually for the best price but taking the longest.

to be honest, unless you need the money, take the time and dont make a hastie decision.  you say you inherited the coins but not if he specifically left them to you or others in the family thought you were into coins so you got them.  either way, each time you look at them they will hopefully give you good memories of him. ( and yes, I recently lost someone close )

and collecting coins from your change is cheaper than silver and gold!

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Late to the party but the brutally honest answer is that the amount you will realise is entirely dependent on how much - if any - time you are prepared to spend sifting through, identifying and valuing.

Sold prices on ebay are indicative of the best you will likely get.

A copy of a Stanley Gibbons catalogue of recent vintage may be a sound investment to assist in what will otherwise be a daunting task.

If you dispose of to a dealer then you will realise only a small percentage of what could be achieved by accurately cataloguing and accurately describing on ebay.

Last big collection I bought I split into individual lots on ebay and made a 10 x multiple what I paid. And no, that doesn't make me a greedy bastard, it reflected the 200 or so hours of my life invested in it.

The easy option if you actually have a life is to shift on to a dealer. I would commend Rush Stamps (rushstamps.co.uk) as open and honest.

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