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What is next for gold?


What's next for gold?  

55 members have voted

  1. 1. £1502 now, what will we see first?

    • £1399 Oz
    • £1601 Oz

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Just now, harrygill111 said:

Interesting contrast between the results on this Gold poll and the Silver one... small samples so far, but this is leaning up while silver is leaning down! 

Yes. I did similar polls in the past and the trend initially seemed to be bearish towards silver and bullish toward gold. 

Long term I assume more people in here are bullish towards both but for this poll it's purely what we think will occur first of the two options. I don't doubt silver will be over £20 an Oz again one day but could still be bearish short term for eg

Interesting 👌🏽🧐

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4 minutes ago, SidS said:

I can't vote as £1200 isn't there.

You can vote because the question is what will we see first from the two price options. The question gives no regard to your long term prediction 👌🏽

You don't have to vote though either way just some harmless fun 

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The great Greek philosopher "Testi-cleese" said if inflation is 10% that means everything costs 10% more, but in reality it is just the value of your denarius aureus that has dropped.
Therefore gold, silver will not rise in value but will increase in numerical quanta because your dinari has been devalued.
Some might argue that this sounds like a "load of bollocks".

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3 hours ago, modofantasma said:

Place your guesses 

Far more complex than this but Gold price gently heading south toward your low estimate until the US feel they have inflation under control and stop raising interest rates,  at that point I'd hope it has a far better chance for it to rise towards your higher estimate, but as we know, it's a complex thing affected by the mixed up crazy events of this world...or...if we believe the internet..the gold price will go to the moon and back 3 times this week lol

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My view is the same as my silver view. Down for now.

I did pull the trigger and bought some gold yesterday. Not much, just a little bit.

I am building up a pile of ammo ready to wade in for what for me will be a substantial chunk. But if I jump in it will be a fumbling grab at a falling knife.

Don't much (mahooooooosive understatement) like the stock markets at all and haven't for a good bit. Turning into a permabear. Delisting a company off the LSE today.

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I think the days of £1399 per ounce are gone for the plain and simple reason that nothing in the world is improving and everything in the world is deteriorating : economically, socially, politically etc.  Not to mention the fact that we seem to be heading with some apparently deliberate intent on the part of our wonderful leaders towards WW3. 

Regardless of how you choose to look at it, and quite apart from all the rest of the c.rap going on, fiat is on the way out and CBDC is on the way in, and that fact alone will (or should) cause the gold price to increase as investors look for some kind of safe haven for their wealth, which will in turn increase demand.  My own gut instinct is that we currently have a fairly sizeable dip which may last a short time but as soon as the next disaster appears (insert your own choice here), gold will be once more on the way up.

I may of course be miles out with this because truthfully I really know nothing about anything, and my mate Jimmy's crystal ball which is a VERY reliable source says it could go either way....🙄

Edited by flyingveepixie
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10 minutes ago, silvergaga said:

The digital pound is just another fiat currency, like the plastic pound, no change whatsoever here.

I disagree.  There are a number of differences ...the main one being the potential for complete control by rogue governments.  You may also consider the fact that not a single financial transaction in the digital world will ever be private between two individuals again. 

It's not just about the currency per se, it's all the bad stuff and potential for abuse which comes with it.

Apologies for the thread hijack.   Lets get it back on track.

Edited by flyingveepixie
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Yes I agree with you, another scam to get rid of cash. Complete financial control will take away our freedom to buy and sell. They will tell us soon whether we are allowed to buy precious metals or not with our digits. All governments are rogues!

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2 minutes ago, silvergaga said:

Yes I agree with you, another scam to get rid of cash. Complete financial control will take away our freedom to buy and sell. They will tell us soon whether we are allowed to buy precious metals or not with our digits. All governments are rogues!

That's why you need to buy it now, preferably before 2030.

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