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Coin reference books?


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Hi im a bit of a history buff, i especially love the wonderful british sovereigns. As a collector, can anyone suggest any coin reference books? Something that would show tables of years, mintages, any special editions, metal compositions etc ? If theres a book that covers a lot of coins in a similar manner thatd be wonderful 

The silver is mine, and the gold is mine   (Haggai 2: 8-10)

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On 13/01/2023 at 09:17, Britannia47 said:

It has to be the Marsh/Hill book first. After that if your interest continues you can build up a library……



Good to see a Coincraft in there!

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38 minutes ago, Petra said:

Anyone recommend the Allen’s grading book or if not a better one?


It's quite good in that it has pics of pretty much all the usual suspects in various states of wear.  The illustrations in the paperback editions are a bit potato quality due to the process used.  If you can track down an older hard cover edition, the reproduction is much better.


The Sovereign is the quintessentially British coin.  It has a German queen on the front, an Italian waiter on the back, and half of them were made in Australia.


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