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Coin tube question.

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Where you see all sorts of coin tubes in the accessories section of different dealer sites does this mean they can hold the amount of coins they say with the capsules on too ? 

i haven’t purchased on before but was thinking surely people wouldn’t stack the coins in tubes with out the capsules as they could clang against each other causing some marks etc ?


maybe it’s a pointless question I’m asking but just wanted some clarification.



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1 hour ago, Ukbullionfan said:

Where you see all sorts of coin tubes in the accessories section of different dealer sites does this mean they can hold the amount of coins they say with the capsules on too ? 

i haven’t purchased on before but was thinking surely people wouldn’t stack the coins in tubes with out the capsules as they could clang against each other causing some marks etc ?

maybe it’s a pointless question I’m asking but just wanted some clarification.


I have to ask how many coins do you get in them, which is the inverse of the usual question around here.

Most tubes were for "shot" or loose coins. I have yet to see any for capsules, but you do have a fair point.


Edited by LawrenceChard


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1 hour ago, LawrenceChard said:


Most tubes were for "shot" or losoe coins. I have yet to see any for capsules, but you do have a fair point.


Is that like a lasso?

Edited by dicker

Not my circus, not my monkeys

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5 hours ago, Ukbullionfan said:

Where you see all sorts of coin tubes in the accessories section of different dealer sites does this mean they can hold the amount of coins they say with the capsules on too ? 

i haven’t purchased on before but was thinking surely people wouldn’t stack the coins in tubes with out the capsules as they could clang against each other causing some marks etc ?


maybe it’s a pointless question I’m asking but just wanted some clarification.



I of course have shippers for sale that hold 20 1oz silver coins in separate slots so they dont clank and dink.... 😂 

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.

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On 30/05/2022 at 20:49, Ukbullionfan said:

Where you see all sorts of coin tubes in the accessories section of different dealer sites does this mean they can hold the amount of coins they say with the capsules on too

Usually naked coins without capsules. 

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Nope, I don't.

Technically, alcohol is a solution..

'It [socialism] poses a growing threat, however unintentional, to the freedom of this country, for there is no freedom where the State totally controls the economy. Personal freedom and economic freedom are indivisible. You can’t have one without the other. You can’t lose one without losing the other.'

"There is no such thing as public money, there is only taxpayers' money"

Let not England forget her precedence of teaching nations how to live, and It's  Britannia, with one t and two n's.

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1 hour ago, Ukbullionfan said:

So I take it that no one that reads this forum has a tube for sovereign coin that are in their capsules then ? 

They are out there. The typical sov capsules are about 30mm outer diameter (the push together type not the threaded screw together type) so you could get a 30mm tube to out capsulated sovs in. I've done this for shields and a few special years but mostly just naked bullion sovs in the tubes

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On 30/05/2022 at 20:49, Ukbullionfan said:

haven’t purchased on before but was thinking surely people wouldn’t stack the coins in tubes with out the capsules as they could clang against each other causing some marks etc?

Bullion coins yes. I'm not taking tubes of coins and going jogging they are in the tube and in a vault, unless in an earthquake they're not moving around a great deal


Proof coins tend to be encapsulated in special boxes. Don't remove those and put in tubes unless you want to potentially lose any premium 

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14 hours ago, Ukbullionfan said:

So I take it that no one that reads this forum has a tube for sovereign coin that are in their capsules then ? 

There are tubes for coins in capsules. I'm surprised no one has suggested them yet. "Air tite" they are called.

Here you have got a table - which size you need depends on whether you have Royal Mint capsules or Air tite capsules with rings.





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On 08/06/2022 at 04:12, Ukbullionfan said:

So I take it that no one that reads this forum has a tube for sovereign coin that are in their capsules then ? 

I do

airtite one, no capsules though but the litehouse black ring capsules fit perfectly 

pm me if interested holds 20 sovs in caps

Just done another order from the usa so will have more coming to

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On 28/06/2022 at 10:03, tallthinkev said:

Might be able to go to somewhere like B&Q and get some plastic pipe, cap off both ends, got a tube then

Sorry to resurrect this . But wouldn’t plastic be a bad idea ? I think a user posted a tube of alkazelzer and stored his sovereign in there . Wouldn’t the plastic react badly with the sovs ? 

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36 minutes ago, Ukbullionfan said:

Sorry to resurrect this . But wouldn’t plastic be a bad idea ? I think a user posted a tube of alkazelzer and stored his sovereign in there . Wouldn’t the plastic react badly with the sovs ? 

The sovereigns are in capsules then placed in tube.

I like to buy the pre-dip dip

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3 minutes ago, Ukbullionfan said:

What about if they are not in capsules?


1 minute ago, Ukbullionfan said:

Something like this without capsules lol



I'd just use a proper sovereign tube or even a tube for ( 1/4oz silver brits) as they are the same size.

I like to buy the pre-dip dip

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4 minutes ago, James32 said:


I'd just use a proper sovereign tube or even a tube for ( 1/4oz silver brits) as they are the same size.

That didn’t answer my question though lol . Something similar to what I posted would that damage the coin with the potential plastic chemicals ? Lol

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17 hours ago, Ukbullionfan said:

That didn’t answer my question though lol . Something similar to what I posted would that damage the coin with the potential plastic chemicals ? Lol

No idea as I'm not really into storing high value gold in smartie tubes😂😂

Very possible that a reaction could happen, in doubt then leave it out! 

I like to buy the pre-dip dip

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3 minutes ago, Ukbullionfan said:

That didn’t answer my question though lol . Something similar to what I posted would that damage the coin with the potential plastic chemicals ? Lol

They’re plastic aren’t they? Just as likely to cause damage as any other plastic container if not in a capsule? Slightly different, but I put cotton wool in the end of a toilet roll, taped it over and put my silver Britannias in. Worked perfectly.

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7 minutes ago, Petra said:

They’re plastic aren’t they? Just as likely to cause damage as any other plastic container if not in a capsule? Slightly different, but I put cotton wool in the end of a toilet roll, taped it over and put my silver Britannias in. Worked perfectly.

So the chemicals would be a problem then ?

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