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Pension - SIPPs / AVCs etc

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1 minute ago, Minimalist said:

You are finally getting it, Roy.

I've been getting it since my mid-teens...?


Economics! Get out of that gutter Roy!


Technically, alcohol is a solution..

'It [socialism] poses a growing threat, however unintentional, to the freedom of this country, for there is no freedom where the State totally controls the economy. Personal freedom and economic freedom are indivisible. You can’t have one without the other. You can’t lose one without losing the other.'

"There is no such thing as public money, there is only taxpayers' money"

Let not England forget her precedence of teaching nations how to live, and It's  Britannia, with one t and two n's.

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I'm very late to then pensions game, I need to make up for lost time, so I have just gone down the AVC route with the aim to also set up a sipp next year. 

As a melieniul I don't think a pension/state pension will be sufficient to see out the last year's of our lives. 

I do believe gold will be a fantastic private pension for the medium to long term. My strategy is now going to be a combination of additional voluntary contributions, sipp and basic standard sovs for retirement. 

The world is obviously going to change and so will policies and rules but we must adapt and move with the times, no choice unless your no longer in the system. 




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I have about zero pension and im 38, it sucks - I have just got my first mortgage and so want to focus on that primarily as a place to live has top be top priority.. 

I have a workplace pension now (only been in the job six months)

For those under 40 I think a lifetime ISA makes a lot of sense , 25% bonus on upto 4k contributions each year until the age of 50 - then can withdraw as a tax free lump sum at 60. 

Have a stocks and shares Lifetime isa with HL and am going to try and max it out for the next 12 year and let the funds do there thing until i hit 60. 

Edited by watchesandwhisky
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54 minutes ago, watchesandwhisky said:

I have about zero pension and im 38, it sucks - I have just got my first mortgage and so want to focus on that primarily as a place to live has top be top priority.. 

I have a workplace pension now (only been in the job six months)

For those under 40 I think a lifetime ISA makes a lot of sense , 25% bonus on upto 4k contributions each year until the age of 50 - then can withdraw as a tax free lump sum at 60. 

Have a stocks and shares Lifetime isa with HL and am going to try and max it out for the next 12 year and let the funds do there thing until i hit 60. 

Generational differences… lots of pensioners I know are not short of a bob or two because not only do they have the state pension, but also great work pensions which will never be matched today

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Learn a soft skill that's not physical you are able to do in retirement. Google ad words, Facebook ads, pc graphic design, wheeling n dealing on feebay, Skype video counseling. Mentorining, consultancy

I've every intention of still making an extra buck while I'm in retirement, done it since I was 14 will be no different when I'm not working full time. I'll be board chit less twiddling my thumbs. Always Have a hobby of earning it never leaves you

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