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Honesty the best policy?


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Hmmm not so sure, tbh if I found the same thing in a car park it will be long gone. 

Would however hand it in if it had a name and address details on it. 

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15 Kilos is 482 troy ounces. I don't think it is foolish because there are some serious consequences for stealing in Dubai but I would have kept it until at least there was a good size reward for finding the lost items (10% value at minimum). In the end all he got was a plaque award for his honestly OMG they could have at least given the poor man yearly salary as a cleaner. I recall several years ago I was self check out at ASDA and somebody in front of me done a cash withdrawal £50 forget to take their money. I put my groceries on the counter and ran after the man to hand him his cash. As soon as he realised his error he snatched the cash out of my hand and walk away without even a thank you. I felt gutted after handing him the cash that I simply did not keep it. Honesty the best policy but only with people who are genuinely appreciate you and are thankful for your honesty but you can never ascertain this beforehand IMHO.

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Yh ok foolishness a bit harsh maybe but I have seen with that those who tread a straight line live honest lives get very little. On the opposite side the dodgy folks seem to be raking it in and have the big houses and cars etc.

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3 minutes ago, Tn21 said:

Yh ok foolishness a bit harsh maybe but I have seen with that those who tread a straight line live honest lives get very little. On the opposite side the dodgy folks seem to be raking it in and have the big houses and cars etc.

Yeah, in this life they get very little... but that's not all there is :)

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1 minute ago, Tn21 said:

Somebody apart from the rightful owner would benefit from that gold, so why not the finder keep it and live happily ever after

What if you were the rightful owner, would you be happy for him to keep it?

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1 minute ago, Xander said:

What if you were the rightful owner, would you be happy for him to keep it?

I would be more then happy to offer him a 25%-50% allocation.

The point I would like to go by is that the gold found will be gone and lost somewhere in the system as mentioned earlier on in this thread. Now if the owner is not going to get his hands on it, then the second in line should be the guy who found it. (Keep it on him, if no body claims it within a certain time frame then jackpot could/should be his)

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10 minutes ago, Tn21 said:

I would be more then happy to offer him a 25%-50% allocation

I would also be willing to offer a large reward. If handed into the police here they would have to apply for a court order to hold the gold until the rightful owner came forward with proof of ownership...your probably right about it going missing, especially in a banana republic. Having said that, It would be a difficult decision to have to make.

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I think i would keep it but I’m not sure.

The only reason why i say “think” and not “know” is because there is obviously a very worried owner somewhere who has lost their gold! If it was me i would be so devastated at my stupidity for losing it, and so grateful if someone handed it in!

When it was the sovs found in a piano or gold bars in a tank i would have 100% kept it as no one had a real claim to it, same as if i found something in a field!

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No way he or anyone is getting away with that.
Only smart move is to return and hope for reward that's in cash or just community prestige & respect, even just hoping for good karma.

 regardless, honesty is the only policy  👼

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I think he did the rightful and honest action 100% In most countries it would be a jail term for keeping it spending it and not reporting it . I bet the carpark was covered by CCTV .

The owner may never come forward it might be related to drugs or mafia 


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37 minutes ago, AuricGoldfinger said:


When it was the sovs found in a piano or gold bars in a tank i would have 100% kept it as no one had a real claim to it, same as if i found something in a field!

If its not reported and investigated it cant be proved that no one has a claim . Any item found in a field belongs to the land owner or state or someone 

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1 hour ago, AuricGoldfinger said:

gold bars in a tank i

That tank was bought on ebay, It was an Iraqi tank, the gold bars were  ( hidden in the petrol tank ) stolen from Kuwait when Saddam invaded the country. I think I remember reading the ID numbers were still stamped on the bars. The guys actually videoed themselves and put it on social media, I wonder if they git any reward.

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I had a similar moral dilemma recently, well, similar but also very different 

There's some domains dropping next week, related to pm's actually, I know of the owner 

I could have given them a heads up to be kind so they could renew them, but instead I've chosen to keep quiet and I hope to catch them myself 🤐

I did have a little internal debate whether to tell them or not but realistically a chance of making £xxx-x,xxx vs being nice.. couldn't do it, this is business and they're domains, it's not sentimental and I don't know the registrant personally

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22 minutes ago, Kman said:

I could have given them a heads up to be kind so they could renew them, but instead I've chosen to keep quiet and I hope to catch them myself 

don't you think they will have had ample notice of renewal?

i once had occasion to want to let a couple of domains expire and trust me, it took far longer than it should have done and i must have had dozens of "last chance" email notices giving me chance to renew. So don't feel sorry for the owner in your case.😉

Profile picture with thanks to Carl Vernon

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