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Posts posted by MonkeysUncle

  1. 1 hour ago, LawrenceChard said:

    Proper stupid buyer!

    Got a link?


    Or it could be an individual or group of individuals trying to make it look like item X is worth Y. I'm not going to admit to having done that with esoteric hifi. No, not me :D

    Sell item to your mate/ yourself on another account. Yes, ebay does snag a fee, but hey, that's an "investment" if some nincompoop pays you £995 for something you stock piled a quarter century ago that cost the princely some of £99.


  2. On 11/09/2022 at 16:49, LawrenceChard said:

    H.M. Queen Elizabeth used to wave her royal arms out of the window of her royal car and coach as she rode by, and also from the balcony at Buck House.

    Mind you, they were the same two arms as she has always had, so even if you include all the other members of the extended royal family, that's only a few dozen royal arms!


    Ah, yes, wavy royal arms... https://youtu.be/Y88-86v5yF4

  3. 5 minutes ago, SidS said:

    Ha! Darn autotype! Always changing it to food. I'd steer clear of bakers too... started the Great Fire of London iirc.

    I saw Doctor Who, that was the Cybermen. They are amongst us: see Theresa May for details...

    More advice for OP. Dodge the gold and buy 7 to 10 year Treasury Bonds. Unless you think I'm in the same camp as Gordon Brown! 🤯

  4. On 22/08/2022 at 16:26, Darr3nG said:

    I think I know where LC may "store" his stack! :D

    Can't believe he posted this on a public forum... now, to find his floorboards!

    I thought it was under the Pier guarded by an elite corps of the mythical sabre toothed Blackpool donkey?

  5. I respectfully need to correct the Right Honourable Member for Blackpool over the use of the phrase " Hartlepool United Supporters Trust"

    The learned gentleman incorrectly added a second "s" in the name of the trust.

    There is only one supporter, Lord Jeff of Stelling!


  6. 19 hours ago, Pete said:

    Gold falling to $1000 is about as likely as the high rise buildings of Dubai falling into the sea.

    If Persimmon built them then I'd best offload my coins sharpish then....

  7. 22 hours ago, Britannia47 said:

    It’s just been announced that Charles has conferred on William and Katherine  the title of Prince and Princess of Wales. However the leader of Plaid Cymru, says that Wales has no need of a Prince of Wales….!Watch this space!

    Typical of the moaning Welsh lot. They moaned about having Charlie for as long as I remember and aren't showing any gratitude they have William instead. 

    Apart from leeks, lamb and pretty flowers they fail to contribute anything to the United Kingdom. Well, apart from usually poor quality coins. Time to extend the Bristol Channel up a good but, crowbar Wales off and ask those nice chaps in Perth if they would be so kind as to mint coins for us! 😄

  8. I am given to understand that portraits and designs for licky sticky stamps have existed for some time. So I imagine the mint is similarly prepared and both institutions would be ready to move when given the nod. I would think preparing dies will take significantly longer than printing off stamps mind you!

  9. 1 hour ago, Orpster said:

    I think gold is dipping hard in USD, sure I saw something about it being down $300

    Well I've been thinking of buying and been keenly watching the rate. The other day I thought right, now, buy. I then had an unpleasant shock when I looked at Sov price in £'s. And didn't buy.

    It appears one £5 note is now worth approximately 1 sheet of toilet paper. Glad I invested heavily in toilet paper, I might get to retire yet :D


  10. On 05/09/2022 at 18:12, LawrenceChard said:

    Tha last time i put a matt finish on metal, I used a small sandblaster. It is cheap, quick, easy, and very effective.

    Lasers might work, but would probably cost more, take longer, produce an inferior effect, and be more difficult to control.


    My brain, which is full of nonsense (qualifying me to run (ruin?) the country!) thinks sand blasting would make a horrible rough surface.

    My trusty mechanic recently educated me that sand blasting engine cam covers is a very very not good idea. I now have a very nice looking engine as it has been vapour blasted. Much more gentle.


  11. Bad taste maybe as the old bat hasn't drawn her last yet, but assuming she does, then I am thinking we'll have the much adored Charlie on Sovs next year potentially. Assuming RM gets it's self in gear.

    So is throwing all spare cash at 2022 Sovs a sound idea?

  12. On 28/08/2022 at 07:12, GoldDiggerDave said:

    Open question to all.......How long will a normal working person who's 18 years old now in a normal job to get to the point where they have nothing as I described, have zero debt and have a home?......









    Heck of a long time in the UK. Even in a "cheap" property area like the North East.

    I managed to avoid wives, and therefore kids, and was going great guns 'til 41. Home done, debt done, significant savings. Then mother nature had a bloody good go at doing me in which thankfully some of those clever folk west side of the pond fixed. However clever folk can and do like to be paid well... 

    Some bugger somewhere will always get your money is the moral of the story. So long as it's not thieving Governments that's maybe not such a bad thing!

  13. 12 hours ago, SilverJacks said:


    @AllThingsShiny, It may not have interested you much, but if you had paid a higher price for a Pamp bar, you'd have had a perfect ingot. I've always found them to be top quality, and they have the Veriscan feature too..

    As I understand it (from a nice chap at a large bullion dealer in Birmingham) the scanny/ checky thing is basically bollocks. 

    His advice, mirroring Mr Chards, was to buy secondary market bars unsealed from a reputable source.

    There are vending machines in Arab lands that vend small packaged gold bars just like the ones that vend snacks here. I would reckon a Mars bar at the motorway services is not fake, but wouldn't trust a middle eastern vending machine as far as I could chuck it.

    Literally millions of fake little packaged gold bars all over the Internet. Unless you have the fancy analysis kits that bullion dealers use you would likely not have a clue as to whether it's gold or plate gold. Heck, you'd have to take it out the packaging which defeats the object of buying a packaged bar.  Do the environment and your wealth a favour and avoid this particular form of sh![£×÷@&*+

  14. The opportunistic money making git in me led to me tapping a South African of my acquaintance to see if getting sticky mits on some was do-able. He was ahead of me and had arrived at the conclusion that trying to take one out of Zim could jeopardise the number of his body parts remaining attached to his body.

    How releasing a coin worth $1,800 dollars on so in a country where $1,800 dollars is probably more than the inhabitants of a small town possess between them is somehow meant to help them/ the economy leaves me scratching my head.

    It makes Covid lockdowns, invading t'Ukraine or electing Biden seem vaguely sensible. Answers on a postcard please...

  15. Well the most numerous in my little war chest is the 1oz Queens Beast Completer coin. I love the design and it happened to be available from RM when I turned a knackered house into cash. 

    Bit impulsive to be honest, but it was intended as a long term storage of some wealth. At a £25 premium per coin at the time over a Britannia I thought possible collectibility justified it.

    Sticking a rational head on (lives in cupboard,  rarely comes out) Sovs. Buy Sovs. Easy to buy. Easy to sell. Easy to hide away in a safe place too!

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