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31 minutes ago, DrDave said:

Ah, Another Doctor!

Welcome to the surgery 😷

Thank you! But think of me as more a Dr Evil type as opposed to a Dr with a degree or any kind of medical knowledge 😂



3 hours ago, DrPoo said:

Afternoon all,

Found this forum after watching BYB videos on youtube, been a lurker on this forum for awhile now :ph34r: used it to buy a couple of bits from members, but thought I would just drop in and introduce myself, tell you a bit about my journey so far...

Been thinking about collecting silver/gold on and off for a few years. I FINALLY bit the bullet in Feb thinking I would just buy a couple of oz's each payday... got the bug bad and have far surpassed my initial intentions! 

Got the 'collector gene' from my grandad who had many collections including coins, some precious metals and bullion but mostly old and rare historic coins. 

Focusing mainly on collecting silver, I enjoy the semi numismatic stuff with cool and interesting designs, don't know enough about proof coins and proper collector coins. Also recently just startied buying fractional gold and platinum I guess as kind of a pension pot for the future but silver is my hobby and what I enjoy.

Looking forward to my time here and I hope to try and get involved where I can, it has been an absolute wealth of knowledge so far! 

"Also recently just startied buying fractional gold and platinum I guess as kind of a pension pot for the future but silver is my hobby and what I enjoy." worries me a little because:

fractional gold premiums are higher than one ounce gold or sovereigns...

platinum is VATable, and so is silver, so by all means collect it, but for investment, gold is best.

This might be worth reading:


And your grandad "who had many collections including coins, some precious metals and bullion but mostly old and rare historic coins", was on the right track.



On 25/10/2022 at 14:29, DrPoo said:

[ . . . ]

Focusing mainly on collecting silver, I enjoy the semi numismatic stuff with cool and interesting designs, don't know enough about proof coins and proper collector coins. Also recently just startied buying fractional gold and platinum I guess as kind of a pension pot for the future but silver is my hobby and what I enjoy.

Sovs are your friend if you want to dip your toe a little further into gold.  

The Sovereign is the quintessentially British coin.  It has a German queen on the front, an Italian waiter on the back, and half of them were made in Australia.



Welcome! Lots to absorb here but also lots of room for the stories and advice of new additions.

As Lawrence has said above for your savings pot be wary of added taxes and premiums. As for collecting, that's a subjective thing, so knock yourself out and share your predilections here if you like; the membership will appreciate it.

  • 4 weeks later...
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