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Gold Town TV Series, starts tonight (12th July 2021) at 7:00pm on BBC Two


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My daughter noticed the title on the Sky box TV guide and wondered what it was about. Having been working in the back garden this afternoon, I stirred out of my armchair slumber when I heard her say the word “Gold”. 

Enjoyed it and the Green Welly stop brought back memories of hillwalking in that area. Apart from the Green Welly it was difficult to recognise the place at all. Then it started lashing down with rain and it all came back to me!   

Own it and Love it.

(With thanks to 9x883 for the suggestion)

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On 13/07/2021 at 10:49, VelociteeSteel said:

It's the BBC, full of lies, manipulation and propaganda...

Nothing too much to worry about here, it's only a documentary about the social impact of a small mine in the local community.

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I watched this and it was utter tripe.  Nothing to do with mining, geology or metallurgy. 

Just more BBC force feeding anti-company, “workers are good, bosses are bad” junk.

Vile, but I expected nothing less.  

I don’t often express opinions here but we should remember that when Jimmy Savile and other “stars” were abusing children, the BBC management ignored the behaviour.  This was at BBC TV centre.

Today single mums are sent to prison for failing to pay the licence fee.  I have personally had bullying BBC licence fee collectors at my door tying to intimidate me for failing to pay a licence fee that I had already paid.

The BBC is morally bankrupt and cannot create a programme without perverting the content to match its own woke view of the world.




Not my circus, not my monkeys

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What BBC does or does not do should not be any body's business, however it is because of the licence fee.

They've been targeting low income earners and over 75, like there's no tomorrow, and certainly as if there wasn't a pandemic going on. Paying for licence fees should be made a criminal offence, because it further perpetuates the now well publiscized activities at the BBC - none of which relate to providing good quality TV programming.

Having said that, its still useful to see some of the real life impacts of a gold mine, as opposed to reading balance sheets and attending investor presentations.

Edited by Spark268
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After watching them first 2 episodes I won't be watching the 3rd one tonight. The theme is more about the social aspect rather than having any precious metal interest.

I found forum members reactions to the BBC much more interesting though, there's obviously some strong feelings about the company.

It'll not stop me enjoying the Antiques Roadshow, Britain's Biggest Dig and some of the quality history programs on BBC 4 though.

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