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Newish member saying hi 👋

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Hi all, 

Been lurking for a few weeks thought I’d pop up and say hi, been very interesting & helpful scanning the forum in my first months of stacking.

Despite the Vat & premiums I’m stuck on silver, more nice shiny things to have for now, maybe more serious or even gold later on. 


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Welcome. I don't think that love of silver will ever go away. It's a glint that's forever in your eye.

But I'd wager you probably wiill end up with some gold in your stack. It's nigh on impossible to resist once you're stacking in earnest.

Oh... and this is a great place to pick up some non-VAT silver, so don't think you have to accept it if you'd rather avoid it.



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Welcome. I'm newish myself. Great site. Lots of helpful people.  The place is addictive, esp' the photos of shiny shiny.

Ps those sovs are going to keep increasing in value imo. Grab one while you can before you're kicking yourself at next years price of £400 plus quid :D Then again the price might plummet, what do I know? :D Gold and silver, oh so pretty so who cares either way:D 

Edited by GoldDabbler
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To the newish members I will say Hi-ish and welcome-ish

to best-ish place to learn about PMs

welcome to le forum 

Mange tout mange tout!!!

Toot Toot!

Best bully

Central bankers are politicians disguised as economists or bankers. They’re either incompetent or liars. So, either way, you’re never going to get a valid answer.” - Peter Schiff

Sound money is not a guarantee of a free society, but a free society is impossible without sound money. We are currently a society enslaved by debt. My favourite chat up line - J'adorerais te mettre dans la pipe.
If you are a new member and want to know why we stack PMs look at this link https://www.thesilverforum.com/topic/56131-videos-of-significance/#comment-381454
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10 minutes ago, SilverOxide said:

@GoldDabbler my hindsight is far more accurate than my foretelling 🤷🏼‍♂️ free advice etc 😂

they seem so small next to 1oz silver, plus ‘rose gold’…🤮


True, recent sovereigns do look more like a copper penny than the esteemed gold sovereign I imagined myself owning as a kid :D ... but once you get over the copper colour, the tiny size, the fact that this years design isn't even St George slaying a dragon but some other design entirely, once you get over all of that and accept the current bunch of sovereigns don't look much like sovereigns at all, then all is good :D 

Roll on next year, I can't wait to meet St George :D 

Edited by GoldDabbler
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