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Hi all, my name's Matt and I'm new here. Previously bought some silver on eBay like a pleb, but hey ho, gotta grow up some day! Excited to buy some gold and silver on here as prices here look decent. Want to accumulate enough precious metal overtime so that I can masquerade as a nuanced investor to my family, when I'm secretly only doing it for the aesthetically-pleasing shiny stack that I hope to create over time like a deranged magpie-pirate

With all due seriousness though, if anyone is selling 10g, 20g, 50g, or half an ounce of gold (or a 1 kg of silver) at basically spot price, then please gimme a shout - I'm happy to drive over to you if not too far, or discuss how best to deliver if not (I'm based in Poole, Dorset)

Look forward to speaking to you all

All the best




welcome aboard matey

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.

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Hello and welcome to The Silver Forum @MattyBoo :) 

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On 30/07/2021 at 02:49, MattyBoo said:

Hi all, my name's Matt and I'm new here. Previously bought some silver on eBay like a pleb, but hey ho, gotta grow up some day! Excited to buy some gold and silver on here as prices here look decent. Want to accumulate enough precious metal overtime so that I can masquerade as a nuanced investor to my family, when I'm secretly only doing it for the aesthetically-pleasing shiny stack that I hope to create over time like a deranged magpie-pirate

With all due seriousness though, if anyone is selling 10g, 20g, 50g, or half an ounce of gold (or a 1 kg of silver) at basically spot price, then please gimme a shout - I'm happy to drive over to you if not too far, or discuss how best to deliver if not (I'm based in Poole, Dorset)

Look forward to speaking to you all

All the best



Hi Matt, welcome to the forum! 


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