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Silver went up, are you selling?


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Silver and gold went up substantially in last 2 months. About 14% and holding (very important). I am sure that there are people who bought low, at 14 dollar levels. They are ready for payday but are you selling? I think not but people are different.

Somebody may be selling, somebody waiting to see is increase in value for real or just blimp and there must be people who don't need more proofs but are buying. What do you think? Here is article about it: https://medium.com/p/gold-and-silver-went-up-are-you-selling-1c24cef98ad6?source=email-ef2a930d1fe--writer.postDistributed&sk=f4f3bf9286c93a609b6d1f540cd3ef85

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The GBP will be worth 1/50th of an oz of silver and 1/3000th of an oz of gold by the end of the next decade, perhaps even by mid-decade if things really get interesting. Right now I can't think of any good reasons why I would sell.

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The article says regarding gold and silver: “Here you really want to hold onto it and even buy more...Do not sell, hold and hoard more!” That’s exactly what I’m doing! In fact, I’m upping my stakes and planning to purchase a 2oz gold coin along with the 1/4oz Queen’s Beast that comes out next month.

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12 minutes ago, Pete said:

It will be a long wait until silver gets anywhere near it's peak so I may never live long enough to see it sold.

Never say never Pete, 😉good things come to those who wait 

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Nope. Why would I trade real money for worthless paper garbage. I pay myself in silver every week.... When the day comes I can trade a 100oz. Bar for a new Z71 then I will consider a barter...

Cash is trash and silver is king...

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It wouldnt be wise to sell now, when we are at the beginning of a new recession. Gold/silver will probably go up in the comming years depending on when the next financial crisis will set in. Its in the long run you make the big returns, and not when you sell just because you can get a 10-15% profit.

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4 hours ago, STONE said:

Cash is trash and silver is king...

I'm a stacker too, but in some situations cash will be king. And other items will be equally important. I think it's only after some time after a radical economic change that PMs would be king. 

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19 hours ago, blindguy said:

I am not selling. The silver ride is just starting so hang on and enjoy the ride!!!  Jim

I agree, this is the early days of hopefully substantial price increases. Just hold and forget you've got it.

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On 01/08/2019 at 18:15, Pete said:

It will be a long wait until silver gets anywhere near it's peak so I may never live long enough to see it sold.

I'm the same way, I am just going to keep slowly stacking and hope the price stays low for the next few years so I can give my kids a bigger stack when they get older.

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i heard on the latest Sirius Report podcast that Brazil sold her first supertanker of oil to China in RMB. i hear the tanker had military escort..... i wonder why. Nothing in the controlled media. If London Paul on the Sirius Report says this happened it will have happened.

Venezuela and Bolivia selling in RMB. Saudi has been selling in RMB for the best part of a year. The world is de-dollarising like the clappers. i see the US lawmakers are working to pass legislation to devalue the USD. This is getting desperate. There is 10% inflation in the US and Europe. Negative real rates everywhere. 

This is absolutely the time to ramp up holdings in precious metal not to be selling any off at these pitiful prices.


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17 hours ago, mdp2505 said:

@sixgun I assume you are talking about the US removal of the Debt Ceiling until 2021? Or are there other major legislative moves too?


The Competitive Dollar for Jobs and Prosperity Act - not law..... yet

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