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I don't know what to buy!


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I want to spent around 1000€ in gold but I don't know how!



a) 1oz coin

B) 1oz bar

c) 2x 1/2 oz coin

d) 4x 1/4 oz coin

e) 5x 20FF

f) 25 maples 1gr + 1x1/10 oz coin

g) combinations of the above


My head is going to explode! I need help!!


1/4's are like getting x4 little christmas presents at once, but you will pay a fair bit high % than buying a 1oz coin


better having x4 little pieces of excitement rather than one larger 1oz coin


saying that i would be just as happy getting x4 1oz gold coins to !


it has just come to me replying to RBG, now i've a few years on the stacking clock.  


I have no problem finding & paying £200(give or take) for a sovereign or 1/4 fractional coin.  


But when i save that little bit longer and have enough money for a 1oz gold coin i find it hard to pay for single x1oz gold coin purchase


I see four figures in the bank, and my mind goes straight back into silver mode and says just look how many oz of silver i could get for £1,000....arrrgghhhhh !!!


The human mind.....very, very weird 


suggesting 1/4 lunars in one thing, but you would be x5 steps closer to you x100 20FF goal.

5% further forward in one move is a great one 


hitting mental targets/goal psychologically is very enjoyable


I'm more of a semi numi chap, if you were buying 3% above spot a few years ago you would now have a sov worth 3% above spot now. If you bought a lunar or panda, I will be worth more than the sovereign now


Wait a few weeks and get the 2015 gold pandas.


You may be able to get the 1/20, 1/10, 1/4 and 1/2 oz for that budget so just the 1oz to get in the future to complete the set,


2015 Pandas are the first year not to have the coin weight stamped on them (they are moving to expressing the coin weight in g rather than troy oz). 


May hold an extra premium in the future.


Spend 900 euros on drink, drugs, casino, lap dances & ladys of the night

Waste the other 100 euros you have left over  :P


I don't get why do you want so much variety, my collector soul has enough with my silver ounces, so every time I buy as stacker I choose just between two easy options:

a ) a hundred silver semi-numi with low premium (my next target: 100x UK lunar goat)

b ) two gold coins of 1 oz, Kruger or maple (my gold coins are just they at 50%)

Think that having many invoices from different years but same coin, is very useful to optimize your gain taxes when you sell.

Gold is the money of kings; silver is the money of gentlemen; barter is the money of peasants; but debt is the money of slaves.


Your choice RBG, but i had the same dilemma 2 days ago - bought a UK lunar 2013 gold 1 oz horse, kept the change (only £759). That would pretty much take your €1000. Got it from Goldline. Its a solid 1oz, but a design that is unique to that year, so may appeeciate for collectors. So a compromise between stack and collection. Like you I want the ozs, but i will get bored looking at maples or krugs, although i have both. Let us know the decision!


If you don't know don't buy. You might see something soon which you wish you'd kept the cash for.




cant argue with that at all.  nothing worse than seeing something you want and you have no cash to buy it.  good deal always on offer, keep a 1k float for such times ;)


Having this target of 100 french francs seems a bit of a chore to me. There might not be much joy in it.

So go for something different. If you haven't got any sovereigns then get some. One of each monarch.

I doubt you would regret it. So I say a young head Victorian sovereign, a George V sov, and one or two fractional gold lunars.

Just to add, no collection is complete if it aint got a sov or two.


All this talk of sovereigns on here has got me thinking I need some myself, I currently only have two. On my must buy list are a 1oz panda and kangaroo.


You opened up the ultimate discussion here RBG! Tell you what I really want - but not sure how to get one under your €1000 limit. A 1 oz gold Libertad. On the €1000 cutoff i also like the early Aussie nuggets, 1 oz.


Hahaha at least I'm not the only one that is always rethinking!


What do you think about this Isle Man Angel 1oz?




Anyone here you one of these and can share thoughts?


I have one and quite like it.



Haven't got one but the noble is a nice coin also


Do you have a noble?  They're really rare in gold and I'd love to get one.  I did email goldline about it once to see if they had any but they never replied.  I never bothered to follow up by phone since they couldn't be bothered to answer my email.


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