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I recently bought these two 1/10oz Gold brits from 1987 from a forum member, they came in a flip.

One looks like it is potentially an ex-proof, because of it's reflectivity and shine, while the second looks like bullion.

Can anyone help confirm? I know it's impossible to know if 1 is proof or if both are bullion without having the box or certificate proving its a proof coin, but I am not as experienced and would like to know :)







Always shipping with re-used or biodegradable packaging.

34 minutes ago, Solachesis said:

Are you allergic to the coins? Get closer man! 😆

33 minutes ago, Solachesis said:

Left one looks prooflike to me 

I am lacking in photography skills lol! My camera is terrible for up close pictures but I will post it later :)

Always shipping with re-used or biodegradable packaging.

7 minutes ago, Petra said:

I wouldn’t worry, as long as you didn’t pay proof price… 🤔

I paid bullion price, but I was looking if there was a bargain :)

Always shipping with re-used or biodegradable packaging.

1 minute ago, Britannia47 said:

Best I could do this time of the night!  My 1/10th proof. Even bullion Britannias can be proof-like, so it’s too difficult to tell from your pics….Hope this helps.




It looks like QE is frosted and the backround has a proof reflection. Would you say that's right?

I'll take some better closeup pictures later. Thank you.

Always shipping with re-used or biodegradable packaging.


I think Petra is right, even if one is an ex-proof, ‘bullion’ was the right price. Only way to tell is to conserve & grade your best one - looks they have been handled though. Perhaps GoldDiggerDave could advise you.

Posted (edited)

Maybe, take the photos again and this time swap the coins around. If the one one left now still looks the sparkle once switched, then you have your answer. 

The left hand coin looks like the proof coin. If there are scratches, then you can't conserve.

Edited by Spyder

Never Chase and Never Regret 


Buy yourself an empty 1/10 proof box and put the best one in it. Will look better, and be cheaper than doing anything else!🤔🧐

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